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Mel hoisted Janis over the gate and lifted herself over as well. They made their way to the road looking back at their strict catholic school briefly.

"Do you think we are going to get in big trouble for this" Janis asked. She was the more reserved of the pair. Always worrying about what kind of trouble she would be getting into.

"Probably...but nothing, and I mean nothing is going to keep me from this concert!" Mel said nonchalantly, taking out a pack of cigarettes and offering Janis one. Mel was completely the opposite of Janis. Daring, adventurous and living up to her bad girl image.

"Thanks" Janis said after taking the light Mel offered, "let's do a check list.”

"Okay.... Concert tickets?" Mel said.




"VIP passes...stolen from the radio station?"

"Check...I hope they never find out you took them...we could get into serious trouble."

" Outfits?"


"Well, I guess we are all set then" Mel said squashing her smoke with her foot.

"How are we getting there?" Janis asked still puffing away.

"We are going to hitch." Mel said eyeing a bush that would be perfect for changing behind. "Over hear." Mel said pointing towards the tall shrub.

Mel and Janis ran for the shrub, trying not to be seen.


They changed quickly trying their hardest to compose themselves in the mass of dirt and leaves. Mel changed into a small hunter green dress that fit like a second skin. She topped off her outfit with a pair of black sandals. Janis, who chose a more reserved look slipped into a pair of cargo pants and a yellow 3/4-length tee shirt. As soon as the girls were finished dressing, they made a quick run for the road.

"It shouldn't be long now until somebody picks us up." Mel said trying to reassure Janis.


Janis plopped down on the side of the road and Mel's arm was now drooping down. The girls had been standing there for an hour, and so far there was no luck. There was only two hours until the concert started and Mel would be damned if she didn't get to see Nick...or put those backstage passes to good use. She promised herself that if somebody didn't come along in the next fifteen minutes she would strap Janis on her back and carry them there herself. Just as they were about to give up all hope, a car slowed down that was coming toward them.


The black Honda Civic slowed to a stop. Mel and Janis looked on and prayed that whoever was driving would let them ride. They were almost sure of a ride when they saw the sign on the dashboard. It read: Backstreet Boys or Bust. Mel and Janis smiled as wide as the possibly could. The window rolled down.

"You going where we are going?" The driver asked. She was a woman of about 30; she was also stunningly beautiful. Her red hair was pulled away from her face in a tight bun. She wore a leather jacket and halter along with leather pants that fit like a second skin. Her make-up was not too wild, although this woman obviously didn't need any at all. The passenger another woman in her early thirty's was dressed in a blue number that hugged her in all the right places. Her brown hair was curled perfectly.

"I am going where you are going...if you're going to the Backstreet Boys concert,” Mel stated. Janis was already climbing into the back seat. "Hop in" the passenger said. Mel didn't even have the door closed before they were speeding off down the highway.


The time had finally arrived. The girls arrived at the Staple Center. They had picked up another hitchhiker about a mile away from the stadium. After formal introductions, the group which consisted of, two catholic schoolgirls, Mel and Janis. Angela and Shelly who were working women by day and Backstreet Boy hunters by night. Then there was Beth, her parents forbid her to go to the concert, which she found ludicrous, seeing as how she was two months shy of being 18...and free. The girls had all managed to get backstage passes one way or another and promised to meet up after the show, backstage.


The show was as much fun and exciting as it promised to be. All the ladies had a great time. They met backstage as promised. They stayed towards the back of the room as all of the other girls screamed their heads off. Mel had to cover Janis's mouth a few times to keep her from calling AJ over to her. The girl's plan was to act normal. It seemed to be working, little did they know, each guy was eyeing each girl. The girls munched on the stale cookies and drank the punch that was provided for the fans. The little fan party lasted for nearly two hours. Janis and Mel were now seated on a couch discussing their possible punishments. Beth sat with them and sympathized. She was probably going to get it too.

Angela and Shelly sat on the couch opposite them. This was nothing new to them. They had their little escapades with the boys in the past. It had just been awhile. Angela, who had been with Kevin before, tried to lay off after his marriage. She didn't have very strong will power.... Here she was. Shelly had been with Brian more than Angela had been with Kevin. They had actually dated secretly. That didn't last. Shelly wasn't the right woman for him. She guessed she came tonight for old time's sake.

Soon the bodyguards began to clear out all of the girls. Mel, Janis and Beth were hoping that didn't mean them too. Angela and Shelly saved them. The five girls were led to a van. Mel and Janis couldn't hide their excitement. They were chatting a mile a minute.

Beth was still in utter shock. "Where are we going?" She asked Angela and Shelly.

"You have been picked sweetheart," Angela said winking.

" happy." Shelly added. Beth was now as excited as Mel and Janis. She joined in on their girly chatter. Soon enough, the van pulled in front of a posh hotel, The Los Angeles Sheraton. Mel, Janis, and Beth were now excited beyond belief. Shelly was a bit nervous. Angela was deciding whether she should feel remorseful or elated. She chose elated. The girls were split up into different elevators. Beth waved goodbye to Angela and Janis as she and Mel were put into a separate elevator. Shelly was led up a staircase.


The bodyguard turned to Mel and said, "Room 143" before retreating to wherever he was going. Mel took shaky steps down the dimly lit corridor. "This is it!" she thought to herself. She was finally about to fulfill her dream. Nick Carter wanted her. Even if it was only for this one night, Mel intended to make the most of this. She found herself staring at the numbers on the door. She raised her hand and knocked. She could hear footsteps. She steadied her breath as she heard the door being unlocked. "Be sexy, be sexy,” she was saying inside her head. The door opened…

There he was, in all his glory. Nick Carter, one of the most gorgeous men to ever grace this planet. "Hi." He said nonchalantly, as if he invited her to play Nintendo. "Hey." Mel said flashing her best smirk. Nick smirked right back at her and moved out her way. Mel walked in timidly. Nick's room was a horrid mess. She sat down on the bed. She had no choice. The chairs were piled high with clothes. Nick flipped off the TV with the remote he had in his hand. He placed it on the nightstand by the bed and sat down next to Mel. They sat there in silence. Mel waited with bated breath. She was already wet with anticipation. She crossed and uncrossed her legs trying to control the heat that was radiating from her center. Her little mini dress rode dangerously high. Nick glanced at her perfectly tanned and toned legs and found his hand caressing her thigh. Nick reached over and turned out the bedside lamp that gave the room a soft glow. He pulled Mel down to the next to him on the bed. He leaned in close. She could feel his breath on her face. He flicked his tongue out and ran it along her lips. Mel opened her mouth inviting him in. Nick probed into her mouth further, letting his hands travel along her body. Mel absently spread her legs wanting Nick to touch her in the worst way. As the kiss deepened, Mel couldn't seem to hold still. She was squirming against Nick. Nick’s roaming hands finally found Mel's aching cunt. He rubbed her lightly along the outside of her panties, which were soaked. That sensation was enough to make Mel call his name softly. She entangled her hands in his hair, which was currently spiked. Their kissing had reached a frenzied pitch and Mel could barely take anymore. Her dress had been pushed up around her waist and Nick was now probing inside her, going around her panties.

She moved her body against his fingers, trying to relieve the pressure that was building. Nick stopped his torture on her with his hand and pulled Mel's dress over her head. He tossed it over to a chair. He captured a nipple in his mouth and rolled it around with his tongue. All Mel could do was grasp onto him, as she became dizzy with pleasure. Nick felt like his cock would burst through his pants if he didn't do something soon. He released Mel's breast from the confines of his mouth. He pulled his tee shirt and undershirt over his head and tossed it to the same chair Mel's dress ended up on. Mel ran her hands along his smooth chest, scraping her fingernails lightly over his male nipples. Nick rid himself of his pants and underwear. Mel lay down under him, ready for anything that he had to give. Nick pulled her soaking panties down and tossed them to the floor. He leaned over the bed until he felt his wallet. He pulled out a condom and covered his engorged cock. He lifted Mel's legs onto his shoulders. Mel was now as wet as she could have ever been and aching for Nick. He lined himself up with her and plunged inside. Mel squeezed her PC muscles around his cock, crying out his name over and over as he pounded into her. Nick worked his cock inside her, making her squirm beneath him as he brought her to orgasm. She held onto the sheets for dear life as her orgasm rocked through her body. Nick sped up his pace, causing her to orgasm again. Mel's moans were muffled by the sound of the headboard hitting the wall. Nick's breathing began to become erratic as he felt his balls tightening. He could feel Mel's cunt twitching around him again as she came for a final time. He grunted loudly as he exploded into the rubber sheath.


Janis raised her hand and knocked on the door that the bodyguard told her to. She was so excited she could hardly wipe the silly grin she had off her face. She and Mel would always talk about what they would do if given the chance to be alone with a Backstreet Boy. Now Janis would have her chance, and with her favorite nonetheless. The door opened and there stood AJ. He was so much sexier close up. "Oh my God." She whimpered. She promised herself she wouldn't freak, but she could already feel a little squeal forming in her throat. AJ pulled her into the room by her wrist and kissed her hard before she had a chance to take another breath. She moaned into his mouth at the very idea that she was kissing him. AJ rolled her nipples in his fingers through her shirt as he backed her into a wall. Janis felt a flood of wetness between her legs and tried to hide that fact that she had just come with AJ barely doing anything. She quickly recovered as she felt AJ lifting her shirt over her head. He ripped her bra from her body and caught her nipple in his mouth biting it roughly. Janis cried out, in heaven. AJ ran his hands down her firm stomach, raking his fingernails lightly. Janis unbuttoned his pants and smiled widely when they fell to the floor. AJ had on no underwear and his cock stood at full attention. AJ kicked off his pants helped Janis rid herself of her own. He pushed his fingers into her roughly as she clenched them with her cunt. AJ sucked and bit on her neck as she rubbed her stomach against his cock. The tip of his cock was purple with want as Janis captured it in her hand and pumped his shaft slowly. AJ growled, the sound vibrating against her neck. Janis began to stroke a little faster as AJ rubbed her clit. AJ took his hand away from her cunt and lifted her up. Janis instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist as AJ entered her. Her back scraped against the wall with every thrust, but she was oblivious to the pain. She raked her nails down his back, digging deeper every time he pushed himself into her. She was on the brink of another orgasm and AJ could feel it. He reached between them and rubbed her clit in time with his thrust. Janis screamed his name as he sent her to the point of no return. She shook against him as her orgasm consumed all her energy. Janis triggered AJ's orgasm, and he came. Pushing into her as deep as he could.


Angela walked swiftly to the room she was told. She didn't bother knocking. Kevin lay on the bed in the dark staring at the ceiling. "You waiting for me?" Angela asked huskily.

"You know it." Kevin answered.

Angela took off her jacket and laid it across a chair. "How's the wife?" she asked kicking her shoes off and flopping down next to him on the bed.

"She's just great but let's forget about her right now," he answered.

"Have it your way." Angela said straddling him. Kevin placed his hands on her hips, rubbing the smooth skin her halter exposed. Angela gave him a fleeting kiss on his lips before attacking his neck. She could feel his heart beating rapidly beneath her. Angela unbuttoned his jeans and Kevin lifted his hips as she slid them off. They repeated that motion for his boxers. Angela licked her lips and engulfed Kevin's cock in her mouth. Kevin bucked his hips from just the mere contact. Angela moved her hand along his shaft in time with her mouth. Kevin thrashed wildly, trying to control himself. "My wife doesn't do this for me," he rasped. Angela just smiled slightly. He entangled his hands in her hair that was now hanging down to her shoulders. Angela removed her mouth from him when she could feel the onset of his orgasm. She ground herself against him through her pants and the mere friction made her moan loudly. She untied the top part of her halter and Kevin untied the bottom. He held her breasts in his hand. Angela unzipped her pants and Kevin's hands were immediately inside. He moved his fingers around inside of her at a rapid rate almost bringing Angela to an earth shattering orgasm. He pulled her pants off of her body and threw them to the floor. Kevin moved behind her, rubbing her breast and stomach from behind. Angela knew what he wanted to do, and so did she.

She moved down on her hands and spread her legs wide. Kevin steadied himself by placing his hands on her back. He braced himself and entered her.

Angela cried out. She loved the feeling of Kevin slamming into her while his balls smacked against her ass. "Oh God Kevin." She cried out over and over as he reached beneath her and pinched her clit lightly. Angela pushed herself into him as he pushed himself into her making the bed rock. She buried her head in a pillow in an attempt to muffle her moans. Her orgasm snuck up on her and she came suddenly, screaming Kevin's name as loud as she could.


Beth was fighting urges not to whip out her cell phone and call all her friends to brag. She was also telling herself to act like she was her age. She desperately wanted to go to the top of the hotel and scream, "I AM ABOUT TO HAVE SEX WITH A BACKSTREET BOY". She knocked on the door and waited. She could hear the faint sound of music coming through the door. The door opened and Howie smiled at her. Beth smiled back and felt weak in the knees. He invited her in and showed her to where he was sitting on the patio. The night was warm and clear. They stargazed awhile, just looking out at the cityscape. Beth had now moved from the chair and into Howie's lap. His hair was down, just the way she loved it and she was running her fingers through it. It was beautiful outside and the warm air added to the somewhat erotic mood. Beth wanted nothing more than for Howie to take her right there. She had never made the first move with anyone. She wanted him to kiss her. Her experience with men was something to be desired. Her boyfriend was the only person she had ever been with and Howie would be her second. She smiled at just the mere thought. Howie smiled back, wondering what the hell she was smiling about in the first place. Then finally he kissed her. Slow and thorough, he moved his tongue in and out of her mouth almost teasing her. Beth grabbed the sides of his face and deepened the kiss. Her legs dangled on either side of Howie's lap and she felt herself moving against him. She reached down between them and moved her hands under his shirt. His chest was warm and his nipples hardened on contact. Beth was now grinding against him trying to stop the little tickle of want in her cunt. "Can we do it now?" she asked.

Howie laughed at her a little and kissed her again. "Anything you want." He said unzipping her dress. He rubbed his palms on her back. Howie unzipped his pants and pulled them down to his ankles. Beth removed her panties but left her dress on. She returned to her past position on Howie's lap. Howie held her up and positioned her over his cock. Beth slid down his shaft slowly relishing every inch of him. "Oh that feels so good." She moaned into his mouth as he captured her lips again. She moved up and down on his shaft as he rubbed her clit furiously. The night air moved around them, making Beth cold and hot at the same time.

"Oh, please make me cum," Howie begged as Beth continued a torturous slow pace. Beth rocked faster on Howie's cock, moaning into the night. The thought never occurred to her that somebody might be listening. "Oh fuck, make me come." Howie chanted over and over. Beth was now bouncing on him wildly as he nipped and sucked at her breasts. The chair rocked with their motions and at times almost tipped over. They kept control of the unsteady chair. Beth's breathing sped up as her abdomen began to pleasantly cramp. She would raise herself almost all the way off and then slam herself back down. Howie felt her juices flow around his cock and that sent him tumbling headfirst into his orgasm.


Shelly went where she was directed knowing exactly what was about to happen. She knocked on Brian's door and he said, "Come in". She opened the door and glanced at him quickly.

"I didn't expect to see you tonight", Brian said sitting up on the bed. Shelly sat next to him crossing her legs, feeling self-conscience. "Well, I am here." She said finally taking off her shoes.

"I'm glad." Brian said putting his arm around her shoulder.

"How's what's her name?" Shelly asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"She is just fine but forget about her right now." He answered massaging her breast through the thin material of her jersey dress. Shelly nodded dumbly, already hypnotized. Brian got down on his knees in front of her and edged her legs open. He peaked under the blue material and grinned when he discovered she wasn't wearing any panties. Shelly couldn't help but smile back. He pulled her off the bed a little and spread her legs wider. Shelly whimpered in anticipation. She knew what he was about to do and it was one of his hidden talents. Brian kissed his way up her inner thigh, making her wetter with every kiss. She lay down and waited for him to release her. He licked lightly along her slit, flicking his tongue in and out of his mouth. She tried to push herself into his mouth, which prompted him to hold her still with his hands. She licked his finger and searched out her clit. He rubbed it quickly, causing it to expose itself. She he then began to lap furiously at it, adding pressure with his finger. She couldn't contain herself anymore as she tweaked her own nipples, adding to her heightened pleasure. "Oh Shit." She moaned as Brian sent her falling over a cliff of passion. He wasn't finished though. Just as she began to shudder with orgasm, He entered her swiftly, moving in and out of her in long strokes. Shelly's cunt tightened around him adding fuel to the fire. He pumped into her fast and furiously, not able to make it last. He exploded into her as she came once again.


Mel and Janis hopped back over the fence of their Catholic School. After bidding farewell to Angela, Beth and Shelly they ran most of the way back to school. They were both exhausted and excited at the same time.

"We are dead meat." Janis said braiding her hair as she walked. The climbed into their bedroom window they shared and were met by the grim face of Mother Superior.

"Where have you been?" She asked.

5 years later:

Janis and Mel kneeled in the school chapel. They had been saying The Rosary for 5 years straight.

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