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Welcome Home

By Beth

Nena stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her dark hair. She dried herself off and wrapped a robe around her slender body. She padded downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Her stomach grumbled,” I’m going,” she said to herself.

She put a bagel in the toaster and poured herself a glass of orange juice. She stared out the window over looking the acreage that they owned in Kentucky. Nena looked over at the calendar,” Three days,” she said,” That’s too long. I miss you too much.”

She sighed and went about fixing her breakfast. She didn’t hear the front door open or feel the presence of someone else until he slid his arms around her waist and began kissing her neck.

She nearly had a heart attack,” Holy fuck! What the…”

“ Shhhh, honey it’s just me,” Kevin said.

She was shocked but then grinned kissing him hard on the lips. He thrusted his tongue into her mouth making her moan.

“ Baby what are you doing home?,” she asked pulling back from the kiss.

Kevin looked at her,” We got finished early. I don’t wanna talk. I just want you.”

He grabbed her and pulled her as close to him as possible and kissed her hard. Her body responded to him immediately and she felt the familiar wetness grow between her legs. Kevin untied her robe and pushed it off her shoulders. His cock hardened when he realized she was completely naked. Nena felt his hardness pressing into her thigh and sighed in satisfaction. She reached down and stroked him through his jeans making him swell even more. He strained against the fabric as he moaned,” Mmm, god baby don’t tease…”

She made quick work of his belt and jeans undoing them. Nena pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the floor and pulled down his jeans as Kevin kicked off his shoes. He pulled her back to him for a hot kiss. Her hand slipped into his boxers and began to stroke him.

“ Fuck,” he moaned pulling her down to the kitchen floor with him.

His mouth quickly found their way to her full breasts. He fondled one with his hand as he licked at her swollen nipples. She moaned as he ran his tongue over her nipple and tugged on it.

“ Oh god Kevin,” she gasped as he moved to the other one. He continued to kiss his way down her body to her dripping center.

Kevin ran his tongue along her wet slit brushing over her clit. She gasped and moaned.

“ Kevin don’t tease…,” she whimpered.

Kevin smirked and parted her wet lips. He ran his tongue around her swollen clit and she whimpered tangling her hands in his hair. Kevin flicked his tongue out over her clit a few times and felt her shudder.

“ Ohhh, fuck…,” she cried out.

He thrusted his tongue into her wet hole and she arched her back,” Faster…”

Kevin continued thrusting his tongue into her tasting her juices. He felt her walls begin to twitch and he stopped.

She whimpered,” Kevin…”

“ Yes baby?”

“ Fuck me,” she whispered,” God just fuck me…”

He chuckled and lowered his mouth back to her. He sucked her swollen bud into his mouth and bit down gently, making her gasp. He began sucking hard on her biting down and flicking his tongue out over her.

“ Oh god,” she panted,” Oh…shit…Kevin!,” she cried as she came her juices flowing.

Kevin lapped it all up and kissed her allowing her to taste herself.

“ I need to feel you,” she whimpered.

Kevin nodded and slammed into her making them both moan. She arched her back and closed her eyes in pleasure as Kevin plunged deeper into her every time. She felt her release quickly approaching.

“ Oh god Kevin…fuck…harder,” she moaned.

Kevin slammed hard into her causing pain and pleasure to tear through her body as he bit down hard on her nipple.

“ Ow…god shit,” she moaned arching her back,” Oh fuck…I’m gonna come…shit Kevin…”

He slammed harder and faster into her, his balls hitting her ass with every thrust.

“ You are so tight,” he groaned,” You feel so good. Oh fuck…”

Her smooth walls began to tighten around him,” Oh god…I…Ummmm, oh,” she moaned as her walls spasmed,” Oh damn! Oh god…damnit don’t stop,” she cried as her orgasmed consumed her.

Kevin came soon after her,” Oh god Nena!,” he cried as he spurted his hot load deep inside her.

Their breathing was noisy and heavy as he pulled out of her,” Oh…,” was all he could manage.

She suddenly straddled his legs and leaned down licking all her juices off of Kevin’s already hard again cock. He groaned as she turned and straddled his waist so that her back was to him. She rubbed her thumb over his tip making him moan. Nena lowered her head and ran her tongue around the tip making him moan and thrust his hips upward. She smirked and took him all in her warm mouth.

“ Holy fuck!,” Kevin cried as her mouth moved up and down on his hard member.

He grabbed her hips and pulled her toward his face. Kevin thrusted his tongue inside her. She was already wet and ready for him. She moaned as she continued to suck Kevin’s cock. Her mind was reeling as she felt her orgasm building again. Suddenly Kevin exploded into her mouth and his hot cum filled her mouth and ran down her throat. She swallowed every drop and licked him clean. Kevin was licking at her clit furiously.

“ Oh shit…,” she moaned,” I…I’m gonna cum. Don’t stop…Kevin!,” she cried as her walls spasmed. Kevin lapped up all her juices.

She moved so that she was facing him and straddling his waist. Nena leaned down and kissed him,” This was a nice surprise.”

“ I missed you,” he murmured kissing her.

She smiled,” Welcome home baby.”

Kevin smiled and pulled her down to him for another round.