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Chapter 1

Now how did this happen Linda thought to herself as a man named Alex drove the car and eyed her exposed thigh. 17-year-old Linda felt like disappearing as she felt this man undressing her with his eyes. She felt sleep coming swiftly as a tear ran down her cheek.

"Alex where did you find her?" A voice boomed from somewhere in Linda's dream. She awoke abruptly and began to wonder where she was.

"How do you know she won't be traced back to you or the rest of us?" Another slightly paranoid voice asked. She heard yet another voice yell something about Mortal Kombat.

"Don't worry guys everything is taken care of." The voice she recognized as Alex said.

"Have you lost your mind? Did the hair dye seep through your skull and damage your fucking brain?? You cannot kidnap a homeless teenager and use her as a fucking sex slave!!" The fuming man said.

"Yes I can and I fucking will D and if you don't like that you can move and go fuck yourself, " Alex practically yelled.

"I'm not leaving. I just want to make sure you don't fucking kill her." D yelled right back at him.

Linda tried to remember why she was here but decided that the first thing she should do is try to get out this place, wherever she was. She got up and tried not to make a sound. She slowly opened the door to the room she was sleeping in to make sure it didn't make any noise. Only she found herself standing on a balcony directly overlooking 5 guys who she immediately recognized as none other than the Backstreet Boys.

“Going somewhere sweetheart?" Alex asked then grinned widely.

Linda decided to play it rough and maybe this guy would realize that he picked the wrong girl to be his "sex slave."

"No I'm not going anywhere. I was just wondering if you could possibly tell me what the fuck is going on?" Linda was pleased with her reply and added a sweet smile to her obviously sarcastic tone of voice.