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Chapter 14

It had been a month since the baby was born. Linda and Howie were so careful with the baby. They were scared they might break her or something. Everyone was grouchy...lack of sleep made people really mean. Howie and Linda stuck together so closely, none of the guys tried anything with her...yet. Howie decided to finally tell his mother what had been going on the last year+. He was going to see her today, and he was bringing the baby. Linda was so tired he decided she should stay home and get some rest. After he got the baby ready to go out, he kissed Linda on the cheek and left; she was too tired to object. After she slept for another hour or so, she went into the kitchen to get something to eat. Alex, Nick, Kevin, and Brian were all in there.

"Good Morning Linda" Alex said to her sweetly. Something was wrong.

"Morning," she replied, and pulled out a box of Oreo'sÒ (healthy breakfast). Kevin was eyeing her. She didn't like that either. Him and his girlfriend were on hiatus, bad sign. She wasn't taking any chances, she left them in the kitchen taking her Oreo'sÒ with her. She went into her room and cleaned up a little bit, she had a very bad feeling. She pushed it out her mind, the guys hadn't touched her in months. She laid back down and fell asleep. She woke up to someone planting a kiss on her lips.

"Hi Howie." Linda mumbled her eyes still closed.

The kiss deepened and got more intense, more rough. And rough was not Howie's style, at all. Linda opened her eyes and was staring dead in the face of............"ALEX" she screamed.

Kevin, Nick, and Brian were all in her room. She immediately began to fight. Kevin went to hold her down while Alex and Brian undressed her. Nick locked the door.

"We have been waiting Linda, for nine months we have been waiting, that is too long." Alex said while the boys nodded their heads in agreement. There was no stopping them; they raped her…again. All Linda could do was lay there until it was over.

Linda took what she has been taking from the guys for the last year. When they were finished with her, she got out of bed and packed. She packed her clothes, baby clothes and Howie's Clothes. She didn't take much but she took enough to get by until they could go shopping. She called a cab and snuck out the backdoor. She knew they were all on drugs it smelled like a pot factory in the house. They were too stoned to stop her. She gave the cab driver the address to Howie's mother's house. She looked at the house one more time and bid it goodbye she would never come back there ever; or so she thought.

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