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Chapter 17

Howie finally pulled into the driveway of where they would dwell. Linda called one more time to check on the baby, she couldn't help it she worried a lot. Linda still had one thing on her mind and that was Howie loving her until she screamed. She never had experienced an orgasm and she was sure Howie would deliver. Howie came around and open the door for her, she got out the car and pulled him to her. She kissed him long and hard, with a lot of power and Howie loved her aggressiveness.

"So are we gonna go inside or should we give the new neighbors a show?" Howie asked in between kisses.

"Hurry." Linda mumbled. She was giddy with anticipation.

They walked through a courtyard; Linda jumped on him from the front, nibbling on his ear while he tried to walk straight. Howie stopped in front of a door; he dug around in his pocket for the key with one hand, and held Linda up with the other. Linda was back to her naughty words in his ear and he could feel his penis stiffen with the all the things she was saying. Howie finally got the door unlocked. He pulled the latch and Linda already had her shirt off.

"Now how did she get that off already?" He thought as he kicked the door shut behind him. Linda had already ripped every single button off his shirt by the time he laid them down on a dusty old couch that was in what would be the living room. As soon as he laid her down it was time for him to take over. He looked up and down Linda's body; he could already see her nipples were completely erect through her bra. Those weren't the only things erect. (LOL, I can't help it) He decided that is where he would start. He removed her bra and began to attack one of the tight buds without mercy. He spent adequate time on each one. He put his hand down to her heat and was even more excited at how hot she was for him. He began to kiss down her ribcage, her navel until he reached where she needed him the most. He began to tease her outer lips until she grabbed his ponytail and made it so his head couldn't move. He stopped playing and began to lick her swollen clit. She cried out and he continued to torture her with his tongue.

"Oh…God...Howie...I think…Oh God I’m gonna cum!" She panted. It felt so good she wanted him to stop. She began to squirm and move her way up the couch as her orgasm approached. Howie wasn't going to let her off that easy; he began to thrust his tongue in and out of her and that sent her over the edge. Her orgasm tingled through her and was extremely intense. Howie even cried out too...because she was pulling his hair.

Howie kissed his way back up her body. He planted a short kiss on her lips before asking, "Are you ready?" Linda simply nodded; she had been ready. He entered her slowly. That caused an involuntary moan of pleasure from both parties. Howie kept up his painfully slow pace until Linda began whimpering for him to pick up the speed. Linda was going to cum again; she was losing it quickly. She let Howie know what to do and how good it felt in an array of "colorful” words.

Pretty soon, she exploded with pleasure in another orgasm much more intense than the last one. That was all it took for Howie to spill his seed inside her. He collapsed on top of her. Howie cuddled with his wife. His wife, he loved how that sounded. Linda was dosing off when Howie's cell phone rang.

"Hello?" He answered. His voice deep with desire for his naked wife he held in his arms. "Hi Mom!” Linda was awakened. "What?" Howie screamed into the phone.

"I'm sorry Howie. I laid her down tonight and when I went to check on her, she was gone. The police are on the way." Howie’s mother said.

"We’re coming back now." Howie said. Linda was already getting dressed; she knew something was wrong. She tossed him his clothes. He hung up his phone.

"What is it?" Linda asked with a shaky voice.

"Alex has our baby." Howie said, furious.

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