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Chapter 4

“ So are you guys in?” Alex asked, very pleased that his plan was going well.

"Well I am in. I have hormones to take care of." Nick said looking at Linda with a smirk. She would thought that smirk was sexy if she hadn't wanted to rip his balls off and feed them to that stupid dog that Brian was holding like a baby. (Author’s note: I do not think tyke is stupid, I LOVE TYKE).

"Well I am in too. I’ve always wanted to snuggle with someone on tour." Kevin said.

Linda replied, "Oh how cozy! Will you cuddle before or after you rape me? Because that is the only way you perverts will get anything from me!!"

"Don’t worry guys she will come around sooner or later." Alex said staring coolly at Linda.

"The fuck I will." Linda said back so angry she swore she could see red.

"I think I am in. But if we ever get caught I swear to God I won't know anything." Brian said as the little dog raised his leg and pissed on Alex's shoe.

"Oh shit! Brian get your dog dammit and put the little fucker outside." Alex fumed.

Linda burst into hysterical laughter and called the dog over to her. She picked him up and whispered loud enough for the guys to hear, “At least you know he is an asshole too".

Howie had decided that he was going to try to change everyone’s mind one more time. "Hey guys! Don't you think it would be easier if we had someone who actually wanted to go along with this? Don’t you guys have morals anymore? C’mon Alex what would you mother think? Nick what if Linda was your sister? Brian aren't you scared you’re going to burn in hell for this? Kevin this girl is 17. You’re too old for her. Hell can you even get it up still? You guys all I am trying to say is that there are girls that will do this willingly. Wouldn’t it be better that way?" Howie sounded like he was begging now and he didn't like it. What did he care if his friends had their way with a homeless juvenile delinquent? But he did care; he cared so much it hurt.

Linda saw the pleading look on his face and decided she better shut him up or the other guys would kick him out. He acted as if she would need him around. Even though things were going shitty, she was happy that at least one of them seemed to care about her. She came back to Earth hearing Howie say, "So guys are you going to let her go?"

In unison they replied, "No!"

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