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Chapter 7

"I'm not going anywhere." Linda said with a shaky voice.

"Well why did you get up?" Alex asked in that sexy raspy voice that most girls loved. Linda on the other hand hated it...with a passion.

" was...I was going to the bathroom. Yeah that’s it, I was going to the bathroom." Linda said and mentally kicked herself in the ass for being such a horrible liar.

"I don't believe you." Alex said.

"Surprise surprise." Linda mumbled to herself.

"What did you say?" Alex asked her.

"Nothing." Linda said and mentally kicked herself in the ass again."

Well get back in the bed." Alex said to her.

"No that’s ok." Linda said; she didn't like the look on his face. Alex on the other hand was sick of playing games with her he pulled her down into the bed faster than the speed of light. (Author’s note: I watch too much superman)

“Ok, what the fuck are you doing?" Linda asked.

"Linda, you just don't get it. I own you now, there is nothing you can do about it." (Author’s note: there is some forced sex coming up. If you can’t deal with that - hurry up and read something else because I don't want to offend ANYONE.)

"Nobody owns me." Linda said. For some reason the devil possessed her to spit in his face. The slap in her face she got after that had to be the devil too.

"Linda I'm really not playing with you anymore, there is plenty more where that came from."

Linda couldn't even come up with a smart remark. She was too stunned and she cried; she cried because she finally saw the severity of the situation. She saw that this idiot was actually set on having his way, one way or another. She didn’t notice that while she was crying Alex had undressed...fully.

"Ok now I know what’s going to happen. But there is no way in hell that's going to fit in me so, I guess you should give up now" Linda said.

Alex laughed at her. Not the reaction she wanted. "The faster you stop stalling the faster it’s over." Alex said while he tried to get her out of her shirt.

"Ok, if you want me you have to fight for it, I'm not going to just give it away." Linda said and with that she kicked him in the balls. She got up to run but he recovered quicker than she thought he would. She thought that would have given her at least 5 minutes to run like hell. But he grabbed her by her hair.

Linda was sobbing uncontrollably. "Please just let me go!" She screamed at AJ and tried to claw his eyes out. But he was much too strong for her barely 5'2, 100lbs. body.

"Come on Linda. I don’t want to fight you, really. Just give me what I want." Alex said as he finally got her shirt off. Linda was drained; she was too tired to fight anymore. She didn’t want to fight anymore; she could already feel the various bruises she would have in the morning. All she could do was cry.

Alex had her in an almost impossible situation to move, he took this as a chance to get what he wanted. So he got her out of the rest of her clothes… quickly. Before he took what wasn't his, he whispered in her ear, "This is really going to hurt." With that he entered her and Linda was powerless she just lay there and prayed that it would be over...soon.

~*~ Howie’s POV (point of view) ~*~

‘I want to help her.’ Howie thought to himself. ‘I can’t just let this happen.’

He shared a room with Kevin, Nick and Brian and he could not for the love of God understand why all the guys let this happen. “Sex is the strongest drug,” his sister, Caroline use to tell him and now he knew she was right. He heard another scream.

"Alex must be screwing her now." Kevin said as nonchalantly as "Alex is taking a shit right now."

Howie put the pillow over his head; the screams were as painful to his ears as they probably were to Linda right now. He wanted to run in there like superman (ok I promise no more superman for me) and save her, but it was probably too late. He didn’t hear any more cries for help. Something he should have given her, but the guys had sworn on a stack of bibles that nobody would help her if one of them were with her. And since they already had the impression that Howie made love to her he couldn't, even though he wanted to...

~*~ Back to Linda’s POV~*~

"Get out of the bed and clean yourself up. I don’t want blood on my zebra sheets." Alex said. "And be back in ten minutes or I WILL come after you." He lit up a cigarette. Linda took one too. "Did you ask?" Alex said like she was a child.

"Did you?" Linda said and limped out the room. Linda found her way to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She hadn't looked this way since she was 13 and had to endure her stepfather's beatings. She let out a plume of smoke. She heard someone coming down the hall and she got scared. Her 10 minutes couldn’t have passed already. Her chest tightened and she felt like she couldn't breath, the bathroom door opened slowly....

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