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~*~ 2 Years Later ~*~

Alas, the Backstreet Boys broke up, but had equally successful solo careers. Brian ended up living with Linda, Howie and their daughter. Amber called him Uncle Brian. Brian would always regret missing out on being a good daddy to Amber and for how he treated Linda.

Brian was taking Amber to a Magic's game so Linda and Howie could be alone. That was good; Linda needed this time alone with him. After they were gone Linda and Howie cuddled on the couch; talking about nothing in particular.

Howie had something he wanted to ask her, "Linda, I was thinking.............I’m..."

“Say it already!" Linda coaxed

"Would you have another baby in the future with me?" He asked her and turned his head in fear of her reaction.

"Well we don't have to wait until the future." Linda said.

"You wanna try now?" Howie asked excitedly.

"We don't have to try at all." Linda said.

"What?!?" Howie asked somewhat confused.

"I mean we don’t have to try because I'm already pregnant.............”


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