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The Date
Authored By: Martha

Ok you say to yourself as you take a deep breath and look in the mirror. Not bad you think, just then there's a knock on the bedroom door and you hear him call out," are you ready?" " I'll be right there." You grab your purse and open the door. Nick turns around at the sound and just stops and stares at you. He looks you up and down and says. "Damn Baby you look good enough to eat", as he slowly crosses the room towards you, taking in your short tight black dress, your long legs, your upswept dark hair and your beautiful smile.

He stops about 6 inches from you and reaches out to touch you. He puts his hand very gently on your bare shoulder and runs it down your arm to your hand, linking his fingers with yours. He raises your hand to his lips and brushes a kiss across your knuckles. "I just had to touch you-make sure you're real, not just a dream or a fantasy" he says. You tug on his hand pulling him up against you. You put your hand on the back of his neck and bring his head down towards yours. When his lips are just touching yours you say," yes I'm real not a dream and I can make your fantasies come true."

He groans as he darts his tongue out to touch your lips demanding entrance to your mouth. You part your lips to let him in. Still holding tight to your hand, he puts his other hand on your ass and pulls you up tight against him. You moan as you feel Nick squeeze your ass.

The door to the hotel suite bursts open and Billy sticks his head in and says "ok you two knock it off its time to get going." Reluctantly you break the kiss, but not before Nick grins at you and says "later right?" "Oh yeah definitely" you reply.

You and Nick head downstairs to meet up with the rest of the guys and their dates. Tonight's your first public appearance as Nick's girlfriend and what an occasion it is. You're going to The Grammy's.

Once there, Nick helps you out of the limo his hand caressing your shoulder, he smiles at you, raises an eyebrow and says," you ready?" You smile back nervously and say, "I guess so." Nick wraps his arm protectively around your waist and whispers in your ear "Baby you'll be fine and just remember that I love you."

The next few hours go by in a blur. You remember sitting next to Nick and holding his hand then when they won the Grammy-well you don't remember much after that. The next thing you know you're at the after party.

As soon as you arrived Nick was whisked away from you by the band's management.. You mingle and chat with people you know and get yourself a few drinks. Pretty soon you're feeling very mellow and you find yourself talking to some record company rep., who is perhaps one of the most boring man you've ever met in your life. He is talking about himself and coming on to you like mad. He reaches up to put an arm around your shoulders when you feel someone staring at you. You look up and around. Across the room you spot Nick staring at you, his eyes narrowed in jealousy. Nick doesn't like anyone else touching you. You decide to have a little fun with Mr. Carter and punish him for leaving you. So you lean closer to the man and start flirting like mad. You bat your eyelashes and lick your lips. Nick frowns and starts moving towards you.

In a matter of seconds he's reached your side and stares angrily at the guys hand on your body. Clearing his throat the record company guy congratulates Nick and then skulks off. You smile at Nick and you also turn to leave. Nick stares after you in disbelief as you swing your hips as you walk away from him. That's when he notices that the back of your dress in practically non-existent. Hell he thinks there isn't a back at all.

He catches up to you, touches your arm and when you stop he pulls you around and up against him. He puts his hands on your waist and looks at you. "I don't think you've congratulated me properly yet,” he says. You look up at him and saying nothing you put your hands on his chest and lean up to kiss him very softly at one corner of his mouth. Then you kiss the other side. Nick slides his arms around you, and runs those huge hands up and down your bare back. He slides one hand inside your dress above your butt, running his fingers along the waistband of your thong. He smiles and says, "Too bad this is in the way." You run your tongue along the seam of his lips and start nibbling on his lower lip. He captures your lips in a kiss pulling you up tight against him. You feel a rumble from his chest as you deepen the kiss your tongue dueling with his while you run your hands inside his jacket and start to rub and squeeze his ass. Nick's arms tighten around you; you can feel his hardness against your stomach. You slowly start rotating your hips and feel Nick shudder.

"Hey you guys why don't you get a room" you hear someone say. Nick lifts his head and snarls at AJ, who's standing there grinning at you two like an idiot. "Come on man there's somebody else you gotta meet", he says grabbing Nick's arm pulling him away. Nick gives you his best puppy dog look as he's led away.

Pissed off but resigned to your fate, you decide to get another drink and then another and then another. As you make your way to the bathroom you have a rather wicked idea for a surprise for Nick. When you come back to the party, you spot Nick sitting at a table. He's looking at you with such longing that you take pity on him.

Never taking your eyes from his you sashay across the room. As you reach him he holds out his hand to you and pulls you down next to him. You lean over to kiss him and take this opportunity to give him his surprise. You place something in his hand. He looks down to see what it is and his eyes get wide and his mouth falls open. He's holding your thong, which you just took off in the bathroom. You smile at him and mouth the word commando.

Nick jumps up, pulls you with him and just about runs out of the party. Never saying a word he bundles you into the waiting limo. No sooner are you inside then his hands are all over you. He starts by cupping your face in his hands and giving you a sweet gentle kiss. But you grab his hair and open your mouth grabbing for his tongue. He growls and pushes you down so you're laying lengthwise on the soft leather seat. He cups your breasts in his hands and starts squeezing. He finds your nipples and starts pinching them. You moan at the pleasure/pain of it. He runs a hand down to your stomach and puts a finger in your belly button. You giggle because it tickles, but your giggle quickly becomes another moan as his hands have run down your legs. He looks up at you in pleasure when he realizes your legs are bare. He takes your left leg in his hands and slowly runs his tongue from your ankle to your knee stopping here and there along the way to kiss and nibble. He does the same on the other leg, only this time he doesn't stop at the knee. He goes all the way up your thigh. You can feel his hot breath on your clit as he snakes out his tongue to lick you. He pushes your dress up out of the way to give him better access. With his hands holding your legs open he once again lowers his head. You feel his tongue just barely touch you as he slowly flicks it up and down. You're writhing on the seat, running your hands up and down your body. He moves his head and starts biting your inner thighs then licking and sucking to soothe where he bit.

He moves back up your body and grabs your dress with both hands and pulls it off over your head. He then takes both of your hands in one of his and pulls them up over your head, pining them there. He trails a finger down your body starting at your neck running it over your breasts circling the nipple on each until they are hard peaks. He admires his handiwork and leans down to lick one. He continues running his hand down your body as he divides his attention between your nipples. His hand comes to a rest on your mound. He slowly inserts one finger, you gasp and buck your hips. He sucks harder on your nipple as he inserts another finger, none too gently this time. You're moaning and tossing your head from side to side as he moves his fingers in and out of you. He licks his way down your body, stopping to tickle your belly button again. All the while he's plunging his fingers into you. He reaches your clit with his tongue and starts licking and sucking. You're begging and pleading with him to release your hands because you want to touch him. Nick stops licking long enough to grin evilly up at you and says " no." He goes back to your clit and this time he scrapes it with his teeth. This is almost enough to push you over the edge. But suddenly he stops. "Oh god Nick....what....why did you stop?" you manage to get out. He lets go of your hands and says "I stopped because I want to be inside you when you cum."

You feel him move over you and hear him unzip his pants. All you can think about is skin. His skin and how you want to touch it. You dart your hands inside his jacket and pull up his shirt. You run your hands up his back and sigh as you touch him. Nick is poised between your legs, fully dressed while you're laying there naked. He takes a moment to appreciate the site then pushes into you. You both groan at the feeling as he slowly slides inside you inch by glorious inch. Nick starts moving slowly at first, but after the first couple of thrusts you dig your nails in his back and scream his name as the first orgasm grips you. He tries to slow the pace but there's no turning back as he feels your walls grabbing at his cock and he feels his release start. He reaches a hand between you and starts to rub your clit as he cums. You feel another orgasm start and you wrap your legs around his waist and hold on as Nick says your name over and over.

He collapses on top of you burying his head in your shoulder, trying to catch his breath. He hears you murmur his name and he turns his head to look in your eyes. The look is one of pure male satisfaction; he smiles that devastating smile of his and says "was it good for you too?" You smack him on the shoulder and give him a dirty look. He tries to roll over and gather you in his arms, only he runs out of seat and the two of you end up on the floor of the limo. That's when you realize 1.) you are completely naked, except for your shoes and 2.) that the vehicle has stopped moving. You hear the front door slam as the chauffeur gets out and walks around to the back doors.

Nick quickly grabs for the lock on the door and gets it locked seconds before someone is pulling on it trying to open it. You scramble around trying to find your dress and then trying to get it right side out. Nick is absolutely no help as he lounges on the seat watching you, enjoying the show. Finally you get your dress back on and your hair twisted back up. You ask Nick if you look ok and he says, "you look like you just got fucked." You stare back at him and say, "well you ain't seen nothing yet", unlock the door and go sailing out of the limo.

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