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The Date ~ Part II
Authored By: Martha

Watching you spring out of the limo and stalk to the doors of the hotel, Nick felt all kinds of stupid. He shouldn't have said that to you. You deserved special words not just ordinary crude ones. Shaking his head in disgust he climbs out after you, calling your name. You don't slow down, just push open the doors and walk into the hotel.

Nick hurries after you and gets inside in time to see you headed for the elevators. He starts after you only to get waylaid by the fans who have been staking out the lobby hoping for a chance to meet him. Instinctively he switches to his public persona. And watches helplessly as you get on the elevator. Feeling a terrible dread inside he nonetheless smiles for the fans. As he glances your way again, he sees you turn your back to him as you step on the elevator alone. Just before the doors close you look at him over your shoulder, smile, crook your finger at him and lift your skirt, showing him the sexy curve of your naked butt.

Forgetting himself for a moment Nick mutters "Damn" and swallows visibly. His attention is reclaimed by the fans who are begging for just one more autograph or one more picture.

On the ride up to your floor, you smile at Nick's reaction. Nothing wrong with keeping a man guessing. The ding of the elevator brings you back to your mission. You hope you have enough time to get everything ready before Nick comes up. As you step out of the car, the concierge hurries over. "I think we have everything set for you." he tells you. You thank him and ask him for one more favor. You let yourself into the suite and grin. Yes Nick should like this. Now to get yourself ready for him.

"Finally", Nick thinks as he makes it to the elevators punching the up button. Billy materializes at his side when the doors open. He manages to keep the fans out as he and Nick get on. "Come on. Come on" Nick mutters as the elevator makes its way up.. "You okay?" Billy asks him. "I don't know. I think I might have done something stupid." Billy grins at him and says "You? Imagine that?" Nick gives him a nasty look as the doors pop open and says "Kiss my ass" "Nah, I'll let your girlfriend do that." He says as he heads down the hall laughing.

As Nick approaches the suite, he hears someone call out "Mr. Carter?" He sighs, stops and turns around. It's the concierge. He starts asking him questions about his evening and if everything is all right with the room. Every few seconds he keeps glancing at his watch. Nick answers automatically and was really starting to wonder if the guy was nuts, when the concierge looked at his watch a final time, nodded, bid Nick good night and walked away. Nick shakes his head and continues on towards your suite. Standing at the door, he takes a deep breath and when he opens the door, what he sees causes him to let that breath out in a rush.

There are no lights on. Just lots of candles, all of them lit bathing the room in the their soft glow. And flowers, everywhere, on the tables, on the television, just about every flat surface in the room. The scent of your perfume lingers in the air causing Nick to close his eyes, breathe in the scent of you and sigh. He slowly enters and very carefully closes and locks the door, giving him precious seconds to try to gather his thoughts. He turns around and spots you through the open doors of the balcony, standing in the moonlight.

He feels his heart stutter as you turn around and smile at him. Everything falls away and he sees you, only you, as he makes his way across the room. As he steps out to join you on the balcony, he notices a table set for two, with champagne chilling in a bucket. "God you're beautiful." he says as his eyes roam your face. Then his eyes travel downward and he grins slowly as he takes in your attire. "Do you like?" you ask as you twirl around in your lavender silk negligee. "Yes, I do." Unable to resist any longer he reaches out to touch you, skimming a hand down your arm.

He steps closer and rests his hands on your waist, looking into your eyes he sees that all is forgiven. You're not mad about what he said in the limo. You lean into him and wrap your arms around his neck. Kissing him softly on the lips, you say "Congratulations." Nick cocks his head looking puzzled. "On winning the Grammy." "Oh, see what you do to me? When I'm with you I forget everything else." Now he leans in to kiss you. Sighing you run your hand up his neck and tangle your fingers in his hair. Nick tightens his grip on your waist and deepens the kiss, seducing you with his mouth. He runs his tongue along your teeth and groans as you moan low in your throat. Impatiently he runs his hands up your side cupping your breasts in his hands. You break the kiss gasping for air. "Not yet." you say and take his hands in yours. You lead him to the table saying "You need to eat. You have to keep your strength up."

As the sultry night wraps around the two of you, Nick takes off his jacket and unbuttons the top two buttons of his shirt. He holds out your chair for you as you sit. He puts his hands on your shoulders and plants a kiss on the top of your head. He leans over you, and starts taking the covers off the various dishes and both of you laugh as his stomach growls. You spend a pleasant interlude laughing, talking and feeding each other. All the while the tension is building, you know where this is headed. Suddenly Nick pushes back his chair and pulls you over onto his lap. You cuddle up to him as he runs his hands over your body, just softly stroking, feeling the silk of your negligee and comparing it to the silk of your skin. "I can't decide which is softer" he whispers in your ear as he traces it with his tongue sending a shiver down you spine. You unbutton his shirt and push it off his shoulders. You touch your tongue to his sun tattoo, just lightly tracing the outline. Nick runs his hand down your body and back up under your nightie feeling the smoothness of you. You wriggle around, trying to get more comfortable. " careful Baby." Nick says. You giggle and say "Oh sorry. I don't want to hurt you."

You put your arms around his neck and press your lips to his neck. His head falls back exposing that neck. You slowly kiss your way to his lips. You trace the outline of them with your tongue. He cups your face in his hands and says "Not here. I want to make love to you alone, without anyone else watching." He turns your head and you see people on the next balcony watching the two of you with interest. You scramble off his lap and stand there fuming when you notice the cameras. Nick steps in front of you and says "Let's give them something to see.", as he scoops you up in his arms and carries you inside, kicking the door closed behind him. He murmurs appreciatively when he notices the trail of flowers leading to the bedroom and heads in that direction.

to be continued

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