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The Date ~ Part III
Authored By: Martha

He sets you down next to the bed sliding your body down the length of his. He looks around. Again every flat surface of the room holds flowers, even the bed is covered with petals. And the room is lit with the sensuous glow of candles. "Did you do this for me?" Nick asks. Held spellbound by the look of love in his eyes, you're unable to speak, so you only nod. He caresses your face with the palm of his hand. He says nothing; words would only get in the way.

He gives you the tenderest of kisses as he slides the strap of your negligee off one of your shoulders. His lips follow kissing their way down your arm. He reaches your hand, turns it over and kisses the palm, then he slides your index finger in his mouth. As you feel the wet warmth surround your finger you moan. Nick pushes your other strap down, and you feel the silk slither down your body to lay in a pool at your feet. He takes your finger out of his mouth and with his hands covering yours, runs them down your body. He starts at your breasts, down to your hips and back up to your breasts. Your hands fall helplessly to your sides as he takes your breasts in his and brushes his thumbs over your nipples. You throw your head back and groan at the sensation as he circles your nipples with his thumbs. When he bends his head to lick them you grab his shoulders for support as your legs are starting to shake. Nick wraps an arm around your waist to steady you. As he's kneading your breast with his long fingers you feel his teeth scrape your nipple. You cry out as you feel your body start to tremble.

Nick pulls away from you and smiles when you whimper in protest. He pushes you gently on the bed. As he starts to climb in with you, he realizes he still has his clothes on. You watch slightly amused and very turned on as he sets a speed record getting out of them. Once he's naked he joins you and captures your lips in a soul-searing kiss. You run your legs up and down his, feeling the contrast between your smooth ones and his rougher male ones. Nick groans as he stretches out next to you. "Baby I want you so much." Nick whispers in your ear as he starts a sensual assault on your body. His lips and hands are everywhere. Touching, stroking, licking, sucking, biting. He rubs his stubble-roughened face on your neck, stopping to suck on your pulse point. By now you're on fire, you can't get enough of him as you touch, rub and lick him as well. Your hands brush against him and start to slowly stroke him. He groans as you start to drive him as crazy as he's made you.

You roll over on top of him and run your tongue down his chest, pausing to bite his nipple. Nick growls and finds your heat with his fingers. He starts circling your clit, you cry out as the orgasm rushes towards you. Nick growls again and rolls you over on your back and in one swift movement, spreads your legs and enters you. You arch up trying to get more.....more.

Nick finds your lips with his again as he starts to move, going slowly. So very slow, you can feel every inch of him. "Oh god Nick....oh....please..." you gasp out. Nick picks up his head and says "Look at me. I want to watch you. I want to see what I do to you." You open your eyes and find yourself lost in the depths of his blue eyes, and feel yourself go over the edge. He moans out your name as you contract around him. He keeps going, driving you even higher. Until you can't think anymore only feel. Feel him, as he makes love to you, showing you what words cannot express. Still holding your gaze, he cries out his release.

You wrap yourself around him as he collapses on you. As your breathing returns to normal, Nick rolls over and gathers you in his arms. You pull the comforter around the two of you and snuggle up. As you're about to fall asleep you hear Nick say. "I'm sorry about what I said before. Uh I didn't..." You look up at him and placing your fingers on his lips say "Shh. It's ok I'm not mad, I never was." Nick smiles with relief, kisses your fingers and says. "I love you."

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