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As he unlocks the door, Nick thinks about how good it feels to be home. He dumps his stuff in the front hall, looks at his watch and decides he has enough time for a shower. Melinda should be home from work soon. He heads upstairs and makes his way to the master-suite. He notices the door is closed, thinking it odd, but not really worried he shrugs and opens the door.

He walks in the room and stops short when he sees you standing there wearing nothing but a robe. You smile and say "Welcome home Nick", as you walk towards him. As you're walking you slowly loosen the tie on your robe. Your movement causes the robe to fall open revealing your ice blue lace bra and panties. You reach Nick, who's standing frozen with a huge grin on his face. You grab the front of his shirt and pull him towards you.

He wraps his arms around your waist and eagerly reaches for your lips. You lose yourself in the kiss, running your hands up his chest to his shoulders. Nick moves his lips to your ear, nibbling on it, he whispers, "I missed you so much." He slips his hands inside the robe and starts running them up and down your back. He trails his lips down your neck and you actually start purring, it feels so good. When his whiskers scratch against your breasts you tug on his hair. He lifts his head "What's the matter Mel?" You lift a hand to his face and feeling his cheek you say "I think you need a shave." Taking his hand in yours you pull him along with you, heading for the bathroom. You say "Come with me Nick. Let me take care of you."

Nick follows you in the bathroom, "Whoa" he says as he looks around. The room is filled with lit candles, the counter is covered with exotic looking oils and lotions and the stereo is softly playing. You push him down on a chair and tell him not to move. You start the water in the bathtub and add some Mr. Bubble. You turn back to Nick and notice him staring at you. "What?" "Come here." he says beckoning to you. Forgetting yourself for a moment you walk to him. He looks up at you as he encirlces your waist with his arms. "What're you doing Mel?" he asks as you reach down and start unbuttoning his shirt. "I'm filling the tub for you." Nick's hands are slowly running up and down your outer thighs and his lips are mere inches from your breasts. Again you tug on his hair. "Nick are you listening to me?" "Huh?" he says as he slowly raises his eyes to your face. You cup his face in your hands "Sweetie, this is about you, let me take care of you for a change." You lean down and kiss him tenderly on the lips. "Just relax", you whisper against his mouth.

You sink to your knees and push his now unbuttoned shirt off his shoulders. Kneeling between his legs you untie his shoes and pull them off. Then you pull off his socks. Unable to help himself, Nick spears his fingers through your hair. "I'm sorry I just have to kiss you again" he says as he pulls you up to him. You wrap your arms around his waist and press your near naked body against his bare chest. Nick moans as you slowly rub your breasts against him. You break the kiss, "Okay that's all you get for now." Nick sighs and sticks out his lower lip in a pout. You just have to kiss him again, he looks so adorable.

You move your hands to the waistband of his pants. He shifts on the chair, trying to come in contact with your hands. You undo his pants and tell him to stand up. Nick obeys instantly, pushing his pants down at the same time. You pull them all the way off and get up, leaving Nick standing there in his underwear. And with a very uncomfortable and large bulge in that underwear.

You walk over to the counter and pick up a bottle of massage oil. As you return to Nick you look in his eyes. You can see the passion. Oh this man wants you.

You gently push him back down on the chair and pour some oil in your hands. You start at his neck slowly working the oil in. Then you move on to his shoulders. Nick's head falls forward and he groans at the feeling. He can feel the tension leaving his body as you gently massage him. As you feel him relax, you lean forward and whisper in his ear, "I'll be right back." Nick whimpers when you remove your hands. You get to the tub and get the water turned off, just in time. You return to Nick and pouring more oil in your hands, you resume the massage. Nick raises his head slowly, when you go to work on his lower back. Barely above a whisper you hear him say "Mel, it's been ages since you kissed me."

Wrapping your arms around his waist from behind, you lean into him and take his earlobe in your teeth. You run your hands down the front of Nick's body and start tracing circles on his inner thighs. His head falls back on your shoulder and a moan escapes from between his lips. "Are you ready to get in the tub Sweetie?" you whisper in his ear. Your breath sends a shiver down his spine. Nick obviously in ecstasy has a difficult time forming the words, so he just nods. "Okay come on" you say as you remove your arms and stand up. You walk around him and hold out your hands to him. He reaches out to you and you help him stand up.

Pouting again Nick says "you still haven't kissed me." When you reach the bathtub, you turn to him and say "I'll kiss you if you promise to be a good boy and get in the tub." He nods eagerly and reaches for you. As he gently touches his lips to yours, you bring your hands to his waist. As Nick parts your lips with his tongue you sneak your hands into his boxers. You run your hands around his waist and slide them down that luscious butt. Nick breaks the kiss gasping "Oh god Mel" as he tightens his arms around you. In one swift move you pull down those boxers and take a step back.

As your eyes take in his beautiful body, you sigh. Looking in his eyes you say "Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are?" You step back to him and putting your arms around his neck you continue, "I can't imagine living without you. I am so in love with you." With that you kiss him, pouring all of your love into the kiss. Nick tenderly cradles you in his arms, resting his chin on you shoulder. He just holds you. Eventually you look up at him and say "Now get in the tub before the water gets cold." Kissing the top of your head Nick complies.

As he steps in the warm water, Nick lets out a groan of pleasure. You sit on the edge and dip the sponge in the water. Holding it over his chest, you squeeze it and watch the water run down his body. Nick lays his head back and closes his eyes as you start to slowly wash him. You lean over him and run the sponge up and down his chest, his stomach, his shoulders, his arms. Nick's hands are twitching he wants to touch you so badly. To reward him you kiss him again. You slowly rub your lips against his as you continue the sweet torture of washing him.

When you feel the groan rumbling from his chest, you break the kiss and stand up. Nick's eyes flicker open and when you're sure he's watching you, you take off your robe. He's transfixed as he sees you standing before him in your bra and panties. You reach over to the counter and pick up a can of shaving cream and a razor. Holding one in each hand you say "Ready for your shave Mr. Carter?" Again Nick can't speak, he only nods. You step into the tub with him, still wearing your bra and panties. You straddle Nick and settle on his lap. You squirt the shaving cream in your hands and putting them on each side of his face, you lean in to kiss him as you smooth the shaving cream on his face.

Nick's hands have found the clasp of your your bra. He unhooks it and pulls the straps down your arms. He throws it over his shoulder and grins at you as he cups your breasts in his hands. He brushes his thumbs over your nipples which harden at his touch. You're having trouble concentrating on your task. You put a finger under his chin and tilt his head up. You take the razor in your hand and very gently stroke it up Nick's face. He drops his hands from your breasts and rests them on your thighs, squeezing lightly. You continue shaving him, until all the whiskers are gone. When you're done you wipe his face with a washcloth. Running a hand down his cheek you say, "Much better."

Nick slides his water slicked hands up your sides and onto your back. He pulls you up against his chest. "Thank you. Now can I touch you?" He says as he kisses you with all of the pent-up frustration and passion of the last hour. You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He trails his lips down your neck and starts nuzzling your breasts. He takes one of your nipples in his mouth. You grab the back of his head and moan as he flicks your nipple with his tongue. He lifts his head and looks at you with passion glazed eyes. He puts his hands on your hips and lifts you up. You pull your panties aside as Nick slips inside of you. "Oh god Mel you feel so good." Nick whispers in your ear. You moan as you start to rock your hips.

Nick again reaches for your breasts. He starts sucking on your neck as he gently pinches your nipples. You put your hands on the edge of the tub and start moving faster. As your orgasm races towards you, you grab Nick's shoulders and hold on as it overtakes you. "Yes...Nick....Yes...NIICCKKKKK." "Oh yeah baby." Nick's hoarse shout sounds in your ear as he follows you.

As you rest your head in the crook of his shoulder, you feel Nick's hands lightly running down your back. Kissing your cheek, he says "Hold on tight Mel." He stands up as you wrap your arms and legs around him. He steps out of the tub and grabs two towels. He hands one to you and takes one for himself. After the two of you are dry, he picks you up and as he's carrying you to bed he says "I am so in love with you."

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