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The Plane
Authored By: Martha

You close the lid of your suitcase and look around to make sure you have everything you'll need. Let's see you mentally run down your checklist: clothes, shoes, toiletries, book, cd's. Yes you have everything. Well almost, you only need Nick now to make this trip complete.

The doorbell rings and you grab your suitcase and wheel it out to the living room and run for the door. You open it and find Billy on your doorstep. You hide your look of surprise fairly well, but he still chuckles and says, "Not who you were expecting huh?" "Not exactly, even though it's always nice to see you", you reply. He holds out a flower, a daisy to be exact in one hand and in the other he holds out an envelope. You take both as he moves past you to grab your suitcase. He goes out to the car as you lock up your house. You sniff the daisy and smile as you glance at the envelope and recognize Nick's scrawl.

Billy helps you into the car and says "all ready?" "Yep" you answer. He concentrates on driving saying nothing, allowing you space to read the note. As you open the envelope and take out the note, something falls in your lap but you ignore it to read.

You laugh at his drawing of a sad face and look to see what fell in your lap. Tears fill your eyes as you pick up a charm bracelet. Each little charm has been picked for you especially by Nick: There's the little boy and girl charm with their arms around each other, there's the little dogs, a little lion (because you're a Leo), a little shark and a little heart. You smile through your tears as you ask Billy to help you put it on.

Once it's on you hold it up to admire it and feel a hitch in your breathing as it hits you, really hits you how much in love you are with this man. God you've missed him while he's been on tour. Sure you talk to him every day-but it's just not the same as being with him. You vow to reward him for all of his thoughtfulness.

Not realizing the tears are streaming down your face you look blankly at Billy when he asks you if you're ok. You laugh shakily and say, "I’m fine". As he pulls the vehicle to a stop you notice that you're at the airport. You get yourself together and wipe away your tears as you flip down the visor and check for damage in the mirror. You look yourself over critically and decide on some more lipstick, then get out of the vehicle.

As Billy walks you to the private jet you see someone appear in the doorway. It's Nick! You stop for a second-you didn't expect to see him until you landed. You drop everything you're carrying and take off at a run. Nick's reached the bottom of the stairs, and when he sees you coming at full speed he stops and opens his arms. You run straight into them. He wraps his arms around you and gives you a bone-crushing hug as he twirls you around.

He sets you down and pulls back so you're at arms length. He looks in your eyes and says, "You've been crying. Why? What’s wrong? I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up. I got done with the press sooner than I thought." You shake your head as your eyes fill with tears again. You're so happy to see him you can't speak. Nick cups your face in his hands and kisses you softly on your forehead, then he gently kisses each closed eye and says, "Baby please don't cry. I hate it when you cry." You look up at him with such passion he inhales sharply and leans towards you and kisses you, sliding his fingers in your hair. He coaxes your mouth open with his tongue. You wrap your arms around his waist and touch your tongue to his. You press your body up against him and rub your breasts on his chest.

You hear Nick moan as he moves his head and starts to nibble on your earlobe. He whispers in your ear "Come on let's get on-board, the sooner we leave....." He takes your hand and gestures for you to proceed him up the stairs. He stands at the bottom and admires the way you move. He loves the way you swing your hips when you know he's watching. You reach the top, turn around smile at him and crook your finger at him. Nick grins back and charges up after you.

He tackles you and the two of you go sprawling on the floor. Nick starts tickling you. As you squirm under him trying to get away you feel his hardness pressing on your pelvic bone. You arch your hips up a little and notice his hands are now caressing you instead of tickling. As he moves over you to kiss you, you both notice a pair of shoes on the floor next to your heads. Attached to the shoes are a pair of legs and those belong to the pilot. You both look up into his laughing face as he says "I think you kids should get into your seats, we'll be taking off soon"

Nick reluctantly gets off you and helps you up. The two of you make your way giggling to two of the six seats. You buckle your seatbelts as the co-pilot closes the door. He turns around and tells you to enjoy the flight, you should reach your destination in 3 hours. You look speculatively at Nick and ask him if you two are the only passengers. "Yeah why?" "Oh no reason, just curious" As you think to yourself, hmmm three hours should be enough time.

For the first hour after the plane takes off you just enjoy each others company, talking, laughing, just being together. All the while Nick is constantly touching you, holding your hand, stroking your hair running his fingers up and down your arm. He's making you so hot you can hardly stand it. You look at him and ask him if he wants something to drink. "Sure" he says. "Okay, I'll go find us something" you tell him. You make your way to the galley. You look back at him staring out the window, smiling to himself and you decide you'll reward him right now. You spot an apron hanging on a hook and decide exactly what that reward will be.

You grab a bottle of champagne and two glasses on the way back to your seats. You stop in the aisle and wait for him to notice you. He looks at you and does a double take as he sees you standing there with nothing on under the apron but your lace bra and panties. You smile seductively and say "Coffee, tea or me?" He's speechless, he just stares at you with his mouth hanging open. Then he slowly stands up and moves towards you.

He takes the bottle from your hand, pops the cork and sets it on the table behind you. He then reaches out to touch your hair. He gathers your hair in his fist and pulls your head back exposing your neck. He attacks it with his lips and teeth, taking tiny bites. The glasses fall from your hand and you start rubbing your hands up and down his chest. You run your hands down to the waistband of his pants, and fumble with his belt. You're having trouble concentrating on anything but Nick's lips and he starts sucking on your collarbone. You finally get his pants undone, and push them down then go to work on getting his shirt off. You grab the hem and tug upwards. Nick lift his head and pulls his shirt off.

He unties the apron and lets it fall to the floor. His hot eyes roam over your body taking in every curve. He reaches behind you and picks up the bottle of champagne, takes a swig and offers you some. He holds the bottle to your lips, and as he pours it into your mouth some dribbles down your chin and lands on your breasts. "I'll get that" he says. He lowers his head to your breast, never breaking eye contact with you. He reaches out with his tongue and licks the top of your breast. He then licks the other one and smiles when you moan. You reach a hand out to his chest and trail a finger down his body until you reach his boxers. You reach inside and close your hand around him and slowly start to stroke. He moans against your nipple which sends a shiver down your spine. He pulls your bra off your shoulder, and takes the champagne and pours some of the chilled liquid directly on your breast.

He encloses your cold hard nipple with his hot lips and flicks it up and down with his tongue. His hands are all over you, stroking, rubbing, touching. When he starts to suck on your nipple you throw back your head and groan. He moves to your other nipple and starts to lick it. You stop stroking him and grab his head holding it against your breast. Both of you are breathing heavily by now. You push his head away and say "my turn I want some champagne too."

You grab the bottle and take a drink. You kneel down in front of Nick holding the bottle and pull his boxers down to his ankles. He kicks then off as you lean forward and kiss the head of his cock. Nick groans as his hands fist at his sides. You take another drink from the bottle and leaving some of the champagne in your mouth, you take the head in your mouth. Nick stumbles back at the sensation of your cold mouth on his hot cock.. "Oh god...Oh my god" he says. You lift your head and ask him if he wants you to stop. "No.... please.... no don't stop".

You smile and push him back another step. His knees hit the back of the couch and he sits down. You grab the bottle and scoot forward so you're between his sprawled legs. You offer him the bottle for a drink then take it back. You pour a little on his stomach, and lick it off. As you're licking you cup him in your hand running it down the length of him. You lick your way down to his pulsating cock. Then you pour more champagne on it and slowly lick it off. Nick grabs the back of the couch as you work your way down to the base of his shaft. You suck gently as you work your way back to the head. As you suck on the end you gently massage his balls. "Oh Yeah.. that's it..I'm gonna cum... oh god' Nick moans out. You then proceed to lick him, and when you have him good and wet you replace your mouth and tongue with your hands.

You smile up at him as you slowly stand up. You nudge his knees together as you straddle him. Nick sits up and attacks your lips with his. Driving his tongue into your mouth he moves it in and out. He roughly rips off your panties, puts his hands on your waist and lifts you up until his tip is at your slick opening. You grab him and guide him into you, as you sink down on him you moan at the feeling of him inside you. Nick lets you set the pace at first, as you start to move tentatively. But when you wrap your arms around his neck and start nipping at him he has to go faster. You grab wildly at him as you feel your orgasm start, and you ride him harder when you feel him cum. You scream out his name as you go over the edge. Nick is holding your hips tight as he pumps in and out of you calling your name over and over.

You collapse on him, the two of you breathing heavily. When he can move again, Nick starts to stroke your back; he lifts you off of him and lays you down on the couch. He grabs a blanket and lays down next to you gathering you in his arms. You rest your head on his chest and say, "thank you for my bracelet, I really love it" you don't hear his response as you drift off to sleep. The two of you doze for awhile until Nick notices the plane descending. He says "sweetie we have to get dressed, we're gonna land soon." He helps you find your clothes, picks up the glasses and the empty bottle and returns them to the galley. Then you return to your seats. As you settle back Nick puts his arm around you and says, "I'm glad you like the bracelet, I got it because I want you to remember how much I love you every time you wear it."

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