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Total Control

By:  Amber

Part One

Nick couldn’t wait until he got off the stupid plane and home to his beautiful wife. Nick couldn't believe that he was finally married to the girl of his dreams, Amber, or his angel, as he loved to call her. His angel of 1 1/2 Years but they had only been married for 2 months. They were the best 2 months of his life. All Nick was thinking about was his sex life with Amber. He knew he had a kinky little wife but Amber had never taken total control of what happened during their nights of hot sex. Nick thought it might be because Amber was scared; she was only 4'10 and Nick was 6'2. Nick didn't know why he was thinking about this but he knew he had to change it.

Nick walked into their house and quickly shut the door. He heard soft music upstairs and stared walking that way when he felt two soft hands cover his eyes. Amber called Nick but Amber didn't answer. Then Nick felt a silk scarf cover his eyes after the hands moved.

“Ambie please tell me that's you,” asked Nick.

“Yes Nicky! It's me,” said Amber as she led him upstairs.

Amber led Nick into the bedroom and softly pushed him onto the bed. Amber sat on Nick and kissed him so hotly that he never wanted to break the kiss.

“Ambie what are you doing?” Asked Nick.

“I'm giving you what you have wanted for the past 2 months,” said Amber. “I love you Nicky.”

“I love you too Ambie.”

“Now these pants of yours look a little tight right here.” Amber said as she touched his bulge with her fingers.

“Yes, baby.” Moaned Nick as Amber rubbed him more.

“Then these pants of yours need to come off.” She said pulling off his belt. Amber slowly started to pull off Nick's pants as Nick tried to find the strap of Amber's nightie. Nick's Fingers found her breast instead and he stared to rub her nipples. Amber finally pushed Nick's jeans and underwear off of him at the same time. Amber kissed up Nick's body as she went to lift his shirt off. Amber kept missing his favorite part. For Amber to kiss him just drove him crazy!

Nick kept asking Amber to kiss little Nicky, her special name for him. Amber kissed and licked her way up Nick’s body. She kissed his nipples for a long time after she threw his shirt across the room. Amber finally kissed and touched little Nicky but did not let Nick have the release he badly needed. Amber kissed Nick's neck and his lips while she grabbed his wrist and tied it to the Bed! Next she tied his other wrist.

“What are you doing baby?” Nick asked.

“I am going to show you the time of your life.” She responded and then kissed his hot lips hotly. She then walked out of the room into the bathroom to get ready for a night of fun.

Nick lay there and wondered what kind of night he was going to have!

Part Two
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