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Total Control

By:  Amber

Part Two

"Ambie," called Nick. "Where are you, Baby?"

"Here I am lover boy." Amber said softly. "Did you miss me?"

"Yes, I did." Said Nick.

Amber sat on the bed next to her sexy husband. She put 2 jars on the nightstand. She leaned over and kissed Nick romantically. She caressed his manly chest with her hand while she continued kissing him. She trailed her fingers down his body, teasing him by avoiding Little Nicky. Suddenly, she got up and started to walk away.

"Amb?" Asked Nick.

"I'll be back, handsome." Amber teased. "I forgot something."

"Baby girl, you don't need anything else." Said Nick. "Please touch me some more."

"I won't be long." She answered him. "Now, don't go anywhere." She left the room and went downstairs.

"Stud muffin, I'm back." Announced Amber, coming back into the room.

"What took so long, precious?" Asked Nick.

"I got hungry." Teased Amber. "I brought dinner with me."

"Dinner?" Asked Nick. "You want dinner now?"

"Yes, I do." she answered. She sat on the bed and then straddled Nick's hips. She drizzled warm chocolate syrup across Nick's lips. "Ooops!" Said Amber. "I made a mess."

"You better clean it up." Said Nick. Amber leaned over and licked his lips slowly, removing the chocolate. She continued kissing Nick deeper and deeper.

She sat up and pretended that she knocked over the rest of the syrup all over Nick's body… "Oh, Nicky," said Amber. "I am so sorry. Now I really made a mess. I really need to clean you up."

"You better bad girl." Sighed Nick. Amber licked and gently nibbled down Nick's entire body. When she reached Nick's bulge, she only used the tip of her tongue. Nick thought he would go out of his mind. When all of the chocolate was gone, Amber got up again and stood next to the bed.

"I'll be right back, stud," said Amber, "save my place."

"Amb, please you can't leave me like this." Begged Nick. "I need you right now."

"I won't be long," promised Amber.

Amber went into their bathroom. She ran cold water over her face. "Oh, boy!" She said to her reflection. "He is so HOT!" She fanned herself and went back to her HOT hubby. She sat on the bed and touched his lips with her finger. She slowly traced them.

"Amb, please take off this dang blindfold and untie me." Said Nick. He sounded angry.

"Are you mad at me, sweetie?" asked Amber.

"Yes, I am!" Said Nick. "You are torturing me."

She lifted the blindfold off of one eye. "Then you don't want me to continue?" Asked Amber. "I was going to use this next?" She showed him the jar of ice.

Nick closed his eyes. "Don't let me stop you, baby." Sighed Nick. Amber pulled the blindfold back over his eyes. She poured ice over his nipples. Instantly they became cold. Amber sat on Nick's hips again and put her hot mouth over his right nipple. The cold sensation from the ice and the warmth of Amber's mouth on his nipple was almost too much for him to bear. Nick moaned her name. Amber continued teasing his nipple with her tongue, mouth, and teeth. She kissed her way across his chest and tortured his other nipple. Nick began moving his hips, pressing Little Nicky against her.

Amber jumped off of him and ran to the bathroom. She leaned against the wall and fanned herself. She put a cold washcloth on her forehead and took a long drink of cold water.

"Laynie," called Nick. (*Author’s note: Amber's middle name is Layne)

"Here I am, blondie." Said Amber softly. "Have you had enough?"

"Yes, peanut," said Nick. "I can't take much more."

"Are you sure?" Teased Amber. "I have one more surprise left." She leaned over Little Nicky and kissed him slowly. She trailed kisses up and down Nick's entire bulge. Nick was squirming and sighing her name. Amber took Little Nicky into her mouth and twirled her tongue around and around him. She felt Nick was ready to pop, so she stopped. She sat up.

"You are mean Amber Layne Carter," said Nick. "Just downright mean!"

"Hey! You asked for it buster," said Amber. "And now you are going to get it!" She opened the jar of Fire and massaged it very slowly all over Little Nicky.

"Oh my God!" Moaned Nick. "You are making me so hot, devil girl."

"I know angel boy!” Joked Amber. "And now you are going to make me melt."

Amber quickly straddled Nick's hips and lowered herself onto Little Nicky. She tried to move her hips slowly up and down, but she couldn't control her own need any longer.

"Faster Ambie," Sighed Nick.

"Faster Nicky." Sighed Amber.

Soon their world was spinning out of control as Nick exploded like a rocket on the 4th of July. Amber exploded with him. They called out each other's names over and over again. When Amber was able to move again, she kissed Nick's lips lovingly.

"I love you, my handsome husband." Said Amber.

"I love you more, my beautiful wife." Answered Nick.

She got out of bed and turned off the soft music and the lights. She pulled the sheet over them after she laid down on her side of the bed next to Nick. She kissed Nick again and whispered, “Goodnight Nick. I love you."

"Umm, Amb," said Nick. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"I don't think so," teased Amber. "The stereo and lights are turned off, the doors are locked and the alarm is set, my pillow is fluffed and the sheet is pulled up, and my sexy husband is lying in bed right next to me."

"Uh, Ambie," said Nick. "Your sexy husband can't move and he can't see."

"Then you can't get into any trouble now, can you?" Teased Amber.

"And I also won't be able to hug and hold you in my arms," teased Nick.

"That will never do." Said Amber. She sat up and untied Nick's wrists.

Nick tore the blindfold off of his eyes and pulled Amber into his arms. He kissed her hungrily. "Goodnight my beautiful, sexy, wonderful wife. I love you." Nick whispered.

"So, you had fun?" Teased Amber.

"Oh, yeah!" Agreed Nick. They fell asleep happy and content.

The next morning Amber woke up in a panic. She couldn't see and she couldn't move. "Nick!" Amber called. "I can't see or move."

"I know." Nick whispered into her ear. "Now, it's your turn to be tortured."

"Oh yeah!" Sighed Amber.

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