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Nick looked up at the sky and continued walking through the park; he made a frown at the fact that he couldn't walk through the park during the day. He looked at his watch and saw that it was almost 1:00 a.m., his girlfriend would be worried. He didn't have a tugging in his gut to return to her. He sat down on the bench and looked back up at the sky. He heard voices far off in the distance…he didn't pay much attention to them though. As he heard the voices get closer to him, he began to pray that they weren't voices of teenage girls. He closed his eyes and put his head in his hands…he felt depressed but he didn't know why. "Hey you…yeah you, you looking to cop." A teen-aged girl asked. "Cop what?" Nick asked slightly amused that this girl barely 16 or 17 was trying to sell him drugs. "Well…. What do you want?" She asked beckoning her two friends with her hand. As the other two stepped in the light he saw that all three were young beautiful girls. "I don't know what I want yet…what do you have," Nick said playing along. He took a good look at the girls. "What are your name's by the way?" Nick asked. "Who wants to know" the little midget one asked…she was barely five feet tall. "I do…I'm not a cop if you think that's what I am" Nick said throwing his hands up above his head in a non-threatening way. "Who said you were?" the last one said then stepped back slowly…she must have been the scary one. "I'm Amber," the first one said. "And you?" Nick asked pointing at the small girl. "I'm Julie," she said shaking his hand. Nick tried to ignore the erotic thoughts that he was having about these three girls. "And you…" he said looking at the last one. "Dawn" she said looking at the floor. "Where do you girls live?" Nick questioned. "Well…I guess we will be leaving now," Amber said grabbing each friend by the arm. "Wait…" Nick called after them. Amber turned around "We live everywhere" she said then tried to catch up to her friends. "Wait…just wait a minute will you?" Nick said running after them. The three girls stopped with impatient looks on their face. "So, where are you going to sleep?" Nick asked trying to override the "great" idea he was having. "We'll find a place," Julie said giving him an annoyed glare. "I can put you up for the night" Nick said, immediately regretting the offer. "Why would you do that?" Dawn asked stepping behind Amber. "I just feel like it, let me please" Nick pleaded. "Fine" Amber said, "But this seems fishy to me"...

After everyone was loaded into Nicks SUV, Amber filled Nick in on their hectic life as teen-age runaways. "How do you get money?" Nick said swerving around a car that was going to slow. "We get by" Dawn said staring out the window. "Well, I know you sell drugs, what else…" Nick trailed off noticing Julie stiffened up. "Nevermind" he said turning into a reasonably decent hotel. After Nick instructed them to stay in the car. He came back after about 15 minutes with a set of keys. "This room is good for about two weeks…" Nick said running his hands though his hair. The girls stared at him blankly, trying to figure out what he was talking about. "So which one of us do you want" Julie said stepping outside the car. "What?" Nick said…it was his turn to stare blankly. "What do you mean "What" Amber said staring at him oddly. "You think I want to have sex with you?" Nick asked…thinking they weren't too far off. "Well, what else would you want" Dawn stated more than asked. "Well…" Nick said suddenly at a loss for words. "Come on…"Amber said dragging him by the arm into the hotel. After the elevator ride, which seemed to take forever, Amber tossed Julie the keys to the room and she opened the door. After they sat down and quit gawking at the posh interior they finally got down to the business at hand. "So do you want one, two or all of us" Amber said rubbing lightly over Nick's arm. Nick willed himself to get up and walk out the door. His mind told him that would be the right thing to do…fuck it, he was sick of doing the "right" thing. "I want…all of you" Nick said, his words catching in his throat. It seemed that was the "magic word" because before he could get another solid sentence together he felt 3 pairs of hands undressing him. He closed his eyes and moaned softly when he felt someone release his aching cock from the confines of his pants and boxers. After the three girls had him completely naked and hard as a rock, he had to endure a painful strip tease that he felt was highly unfair. Finally after what seemed like two eternity's the three girls were completely naked and standing before him in their adolescent "glory". Nick wasn't sure which one to go after first…

Nick stared in awe as he watched what seemed like the three girls kissing at the same time. He wanted to screw all three at once if that was at all possible. Dawn made her move first, straddling his lap. Nick sighed as her wetness soaked his left thigh. Dawn leaned down and sucked Nick's lower lips into her mouth. After Dawn released his lip from the bittersweet torture, she kissed a trial down his jawbone, nipping lightly, causing Nick to let out puppy like whimpers. Dawn rubbed her thumbs lightly over his male nipples and Nick did the same enveloping one in his mouth. Dawn let out a hiss as his warm mouth covered her erect nipple. Nick knew it was now his turn to take over, he gently lay Dawn on her back and trailed his mouth down her navel. He dipped his tongue into her belly button, causing her to suck in her stomach. Nick glanced over at Amber and Julie and smiled…they seemed to be content…entertaining each other. Nick turned his head back to Dawn, who was staring at him wide-eyed. He resumed his kisses making his way down toward the sweet center of her center. Dawn sucked in her breath as Nick licked along her slits. She whimpered slightly when he lightly painted his tongue over her aroused clit, flicking in a back and forth motion. Nick was distracted by a moan, he glance over at the girls and noticed that they moved their activity to a chair in the corner of the room. Amber's head was thrown back in evident ecstasy as Julie's head was planted in-between her legs. Nick returned his attention once again to Dawn who was squirming in anticipation. Nick leaned down and kissed her again. She opened her legs a little wider hoping that he would get a hint that she was ready. Nick took the hint; he felt his cock couldn't get any harder. He removed himself from in-between her legs and dug into his pocket for his wallet. He checked his condom supply, he had three. He smiled thinking he had just enough, and he could always get more. He unwrapped the first one and rolled it down onto rigid cock, it was so sensitive he made himself jump with the contact. After he was sure he had it on correctly, he planted himself in-between Dawn legs once again. He was again, momentarily distracted by the cries of pleasure coming from across the room. He leaned down and kissed her again, positioning his cock in front of her dripping opening. Nick questioned her with his eyes and when she nodded he pushed into her swiftly and roughly. Dawn clenched her legs around his back, and called his name softly. As Nick slammed into her with an almost unnatural force, his pleasure was intensified by the sexy cries of Amber and Julie while they fingered each other. They couldn't hold his attention too long though; Dawn raised her hips off the bed to catch his thrusts and pushed her palms into his ass, a futile attempt to make him slam deeper inside her. Nick pulled his throbbing dick out of Dawn and ignored the "death" stare she shot at him. He silently flipped her over so that she was on all fours. He returned his cock into her aching cunt in a different position. He tried to ignore the vocal lovemaking that was transpiring across the room. Nick established a steady rhythm inside her and reached under her body and rolled her nipple in-between his thumb and index finger. "Oh, God…Nick, I'm so close" Dawn moaned as Nick picked up the speed a bit. Dawn grabbed onto the headboard as Nick fucked her with his heart and soul. Nick felt himself slipping over the edge, but was determined to satisfy Dawn. He pumped into her at a furious pace until he felt her walls close down on his cock, then her warm juices flowing around it sent him tumbling over the cliff of pure ecstasy. He withdrew from Dawn and was almost startled to see Amber and Julie standing above him and Dawn. He turned his body away from Dawn and removed his sheath. After throwing it in the wastebasket beside the bed, he could barely get right side up before he felt Julie's lips claim his…

The End...Maybe...

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