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I Hate Nick Carter

I hate Nick Carter...which is why what I am about to tell you might sound a little...well I guess weird would be the appropriate word. Now, when I say I hated Nick Carter I really did, he happened to be my friend Brian's best friend...since Brian and I were roommates, I saw a lot of Nick...maybe too much. Nick use to bring his girlfriend over a lot, but they broke up, something about a television...see I don't really pay attention to that kind of stuff. Well Nick seemed to be terribly devastated about breaking up with whats her name...(I really can't remember) Well Nick came over all puffy-eyed from crying and Brian was away with his girlfriend...Nick asked for Brian and I couldn't let him stand there with tears in his eyes...even though the thought crossed my mind. So after I got him to calm down and actually tell me what happened, I actually felt sorry for him, you have to feel sorry for anyone that pussy whipped. So we sat and talked awhile. Well, he asked if I was hungry...we ended up going out to eat. Then we ended up going to an arcade...then we ended up back at his place...but just for a movie.

Nick had a dope ass home entertainment center so I wasn't going to watch TV all night when I could watch a good movie at his place. Anyway after devouring 5 bags off popcorn and watching 3 movies we took a walk, Nicks backyard turns into a you may think I am spending too much time with someone I hate...I don't really hate him, he's just obnoxious...sometimes. Nick was sharing a lot of secrets with me, which was unusual since he usually just plays jokes on me instead. I thought we might go the whole night joke free...then he ruined that by throwing me into the ocean. I didn't get as mad as I usually would have, I guess it was kind of fun. Nick bent over to help me up but dropped me back in as soon as I would grab on...I was starting to get angry. He bent down again this time I pulled him in. I didn't mean to pull him on top of me, but once he was on top, he didn't move...the sad part, I didn't want him to. He leaned his lips dangerously close to mine and I flicked my tongue across them...temporary insanity. Nick wasted no time in finally kissing me...I told myself I would stop before it went to far. Nick peeled my wet shirt off and warmed my erect nipples with his I wanna clear something nipples were not erect because of was because the water was cold. I let him continue with the foreplay...I would stop him before he got to my pants.

Nick unfastened my shorts and slid them off my body; I let him...I would stop him before he went too far. He kissed down my body with his silky tongue and... I let him. It felt too good to let him stop just yet. Nick kissed all over my body and I let out an extremely involuntary moan. Nick looked at me with that smirk that I thought was stupid...tonight it sent shivers down my spine...this time it wasn't the water. His head went lower and lower until he was lapping at my clit and making me squirm in the wet sand. I let him...and by now I was having strong doubts about being able to stop. Nick continued to lap at my clit but spicing it up this time by inserting two of his long fingers inside me. He soon had me close to the edge...I wanted to come...but Nick stopped, promptly pissing me the fuck off. I decided two could play at that game...I put him in my position...laying on the sand...I took his massive cock into his mouth and thought with anticipation where he was going to stick that not too far from now. He was squirming but he wasn't getting away from me. His cock began to twitch in my mouth...he was going to come. I let his cock slide out of my mouth and blew on the tip. He moaned sexily and if you think the moaning he does in songs is sexy, you should hear the moaning he does pre-orgasm. I positioned myself above his rock hard manhood and slid down slowly...almost teasing him. He thrust his hips pushing him into me harder and faster...he finally got tired of that too and flipped me over and pounded into me hard and fast...I came quickly and so did he. We had to dress quickly and run to his house when we noticed the neighbor staring at the sexy show. That doesn't mean we didn't have a slower repeat performance the next morning...

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