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Rocky, Sex and Lips

By: Mel

Hold on, Nick, I am almost ready." Mel's voice came through the bathroom door. Nick impatiently ran a hand through his spiky blond hair; still slightly damp from the shower he had just taken.

"Mel, Baby, we are going to miss the beginning of Rocky if you don’t hurry up" he said again, getting agitated. Mel had planned this night, and Nick was nervous. He had never been to Rocky, but he had heard the stories.

Mel opened the bathroom door and stepped out. Nick gasped at he sight of her. She had dressed for the occasion in black from head to foot. Her long legs were shown off by the black miniskirt she wore and her breasts spilled out over the black leather tank she wore, her navel ring in full view.

Nick's mouth got dry as he drank her in. "Like what you see?" Mel teased and Nick nodded. " Your not so bad yourself, the guys would be impressed."

Nick was dressed in tight black leather pants and a tight black tee shirt, emphasizing his strong arms and showing off his new tattoo. Mel felt herself growing wet as she noticed the bulge in his pants getting noticeably bigger as he stared at her.

She smiled silkily and motioned for him to come closer. "I see you really like what you see" she teased and outlined the bulge of his cock with one finger. Nick bit back a moan at her slight touch.

"Patience, Baby, we need to get to the theatre." And with that she swiftly moved away, grabbing her black leather jacket. Nick recovered fast and grabbed his car keys. ' He would get her back' He thought to himself, with his trademark smirk and they quickly left the apartment.

It was a big crowd that night, so Mel and Nick waited until almost everyone was inside, so he wouldn’t be recognized. 'Not that people would care much,' Nick thought. ' They look more like Marilyn Manson fans than BSB fans'.

Mel looked at him sideways and knew immediately what he was thinking. She laughed softly and whispered in his ear. "Don’t worry, by the time this movie is over, your mind wont even be on whether or not people will recognize you" and she cupped him through his pants, to make her point.

Nick rocked his hips slightly at her touch and bit back a moan. He was harder than a rock. Suddenly the lights went down, and the lips came on the screen. The movie had started. Through the first half of it, Mel let him watch, but when it came to the "Rocky" scene, Mel made her move.

Nick had been watching Susan Sarandon start to seduce Rocky, when he felt the zipper of his pants start to come down." Wha..." he started but Mel put one soft finger to his lips. "Just feel, Nicky,” she whispered and suddenly his cock was surrounded by the hot, wet warmth of her mouth. " OOh God!" he groaned softly as Mel began to lick and suckle every inch of his rapidly swelling member.

Nick tangled his hands in her hair as he tried not to cry out as she suckled deep. "Please Mel, I..Need.. to.." and Mel deep throated him. Nick could hold back no longer, and he thrust once as he exploded in her mouth.

Mel took in every drop and stood up. " You like that, Baby?" she teased and Nick's blue eyes glinted dangerously. "C'mere" he growled and Mel's eyes darkened with lust. It always turned her on when he did that.

Nick grabbed her by the waist and pulled her on to his lap, his cock recovering quickly. It was his turn to make her moan. Nick roughly pulled up her skirt and thrust inside her hot, wet cunt. Mel had worn no underwear as usual and Nick took advantage of that fact.

Mel gripped the arms of the chair as Nick thrust into her, teasing one nipple through her shirt with knowing fingers. Mel let out a soft moan, desperation lacing her voice. "Nick.. Oh.. shit..." Nick smiled dangerously and his other hand found her throbbing clit.

They had both lost interest in the movie a long time ago, lost in mutual pleasure. Nick flicked her clit over and over, in time to his thrusts and it was not long until Mel exploded. "Nick..I..OOOOOOOOOOOH!" She cried out softly and her walls spas med around his tortured cock.

That was all it took, and Nick exploded in ecstasy. "Mel...UUUGGG!" he whimpered and the chair shook for one long moment, due to their mutual release.

They sat like that for a while, Nick still deep inside her. "Let's get out of here, Babygirl, I want to go home and continue this" Mel smiled as she slowly got off him and straightened her skirt.

"Sure, Baby as long as we come back next week." Nick smirked at her. "You can bet on that... next time I will have some surprises of my own..."


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