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Part I

AJ danced in line with the rest of his band mates. Elaborate pyrotechnics exploded behind him. His head buzzed with every ear-shattering boom. His voice blended in with the others in perfect harmony. His voice made the girls swoon and sometimes faint. His thin chiseled body and perfectly shaped goatee were the reason why some people masturbated. He was perfect. In his mind he knew it, convincing other people was his problem. He had left a trail of lies and deceit all over the world and it was eating him up inside. He couldn't deal with the guilt. He couldn't deal with the concerned glares. Behind his dark glasses he scanned the audience. He was looking, looking for his next victim. There were the usual blondes. The usual girls, wearing clothes that would make their fathers cry. All of them just aching for five minutes alone with him or anyone of his friends. He saw a girl in the third row. She was young, maybe seventeen or eighteen. Her curly brown hair swayed with her hips as she danced along. AJ grinned. She was next. Right after they finished the first set, AJ sent his bodyguard to find her. He became giddy with sick excitement. The show couldn't be over fast enough.

AJ dashed to his dressing room directly after the show. He didn't bother to greet the fans. He showered and put on a pair of fresh clothes. After he was satisfied with his appearance he checked his messages. There was one from his manager Tom. Whenever AJ did something that wasn't "acceptable", he took care of it all. Many rumors over the Internet called him the "Backstreet Machine". He was just Tom.

"AJ we have problems. Janis, Amy, and Greta said that you haven't sent them the money. Do you want this to go public? Do you want to be ridiculed? I can only cover your ass to an extent. I mean it J. If this news leaked it would destroy you and The Backstreet Boys. Pay the fucking child support.

AJ erased the message and pulled out his checkbook. He made out three five thousand-dollar checks for the women. He was unfortunate enough to impregnate them all within the same month. He hadn't seen any of the kids and had no desire too. He couldn't even remember if they were boys or girls. He put his checkbook away and grabbed his bag. He found his bodyguards and friends in the game room.

"I'm ready to go." He said darkly.

Everyone promptly disagreed. There was that usual suggestion of strip clubs and party's. None of that interested him anymore. He had a new obsession. He had a dark obsession. He finally coaxed an extra security guard to drive him to the hotel.

AJ stopped by the bar and downed a shot of tequila. He began to pump himself up in the elevator. His bodyguard was right there when the doors swung open.

"She's in your room." He said.

"Thanks, I won't need you anymore tonight." AJ said heading to his suite.

He swiped his key card and was greeted by a cloud of cigarette smoke. The curly haired siren was channel surfing and chain smoking. When she noticed AJ she turned off the TV and stood up. She had pale flawless skin. The pink tank top with a zipper she wore showed off enough to keep him interested. Her jeans were form fitting and hugged her in all the right places. Her sandals were off and lined up by the bed. Her toenails were painted in the same shade of pink as her shirt.

"What's your name?" AJ asked, taking her in.

"Bridget. Do you think I could call home, my parents at least need me to check in. I'll tell them that there is traffic or something." She said lifting her perfectly arched eyebrow.

"Go ahead, I am just going to go to the bathroom." AJ said wobbling over to the restroom. He always got so excited that he became weak in the knees. He shut the door behind him.

'Parents? She's just a girl, a goddamn innocent girl. She doesn't look so innocent.' AJ grinned at the last though. She didn't look so innocent. In fact, she looked like she was begging for him. He dug through his travel bag and pulled out what he was looking for. The orange vile had three little white pills left. He would have to find a dealer somewhere. The pills where vital to his obsession, they wouldn't go to sleep without them. He let one fall to his hand and replaced the vile in his bag. After taking off his sunglasses and checking himself in the mirror one more time, he went to rejoin Bridget in the bedroom.

She was sitting on the side of the bed, tapping her bare foot in the plush carpet.

"My parents bought it. I have a few hours." She said smiling. She looked even younger when she smiled. AJ narrowed his eyes and almost considered backing out.

"How old are you Bridget?" AJ said, stalking over to the wet bar. Bridget's confident gaze wavered. She looked like she was thinking. "Don’t give me that 'how old do I look crap' okay doll?" AJ warned.

"I'm sixteen, is that a problem?" Bridget said unzipping the tank until AJ could just about see her breasts. AJ smirked. "Not a problem for me, is it a problem for you?" he asked. Bridget shook her head. "Do you drink?" AJ asked. "Sure, give me what you have." She answered lying back on the headboard of the bed. AJ smiled at that one. He poured himself a drink and downed it quickly, he could hardly do this sober anymore. He slipped the powerful little pill into hers and watched it dissolve.

"What's taking so long?" She called. "Nothing." AJ replied heading towards the bed. He gave her the drink and watched as she downed the whole thing in one gulp. It wouldn't be too long now.

Part II
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