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Chapter 1

Angela propped her ankle up on the mahogany coffee table and removed the gun that was strapped securely around her waist. Her day was long and disappointing. A case her and her partner were working on didn't wrap up quite like she wanted it to. Her best friend, partner and roommate, Nena plopped down on the lazy boy and let out a sigh.

"Okay…what are you thinking?" Angela asked glancing Nena's way.

"Nothing…except that I can't figure out how after all of the hard work we put into being detectives we get stuck babysitting." Nena whined removing one of the three guns that Angela knew she carried.

"We are not babysitting." Angela said trying to convince herself.

"Well…what else is the witness protection program?" Nena spat pulling yet another gun from a strap around her ankle.

"Hey…maybe we will get to protect someone famous." Angela said finally bending over to take off her shoes.

"Whatever!" Nena said removing the last gun from her bra strap…


Nick, AJ, Howie, Brian and Kevin walked down the dark damp alley occasionally swearing the name of one of their best buddies.

"Nick…you said we would be able to get back to the hotel faster this way…are we lost?" Kevin said looking over his shoulder.

"NO! We are not lost…for the last time…we are not lost." Nick whined knowing full and well they were as lost as they could be.

"I don't believe you Frack." Brian said kicking a rock down the darkened alleyway.

"Well…don't then," Nick said hanging his head.

"I see some people down there...we can ask for directions." Howie whispered as he zipped up his coat.

"You think that’s smart?" AJ said trying to catch a glimpse of the people ahead of them.

"How should I know?" Howie snapped at him.

"Somebody is PMS-ing." AJ taunted. Howie simply gave him the finger and moved in-between Kevin and Brian.

The alley seemed to stretch on forever. There were several ways it seemed to split and the guys decided to take a left at what seemed like a fork, a fork in the road so to speak. They all stopped dead on their tracks when they heard the sounds of a woman in distress. The guys peeked their heads around the corner just in time to see the man pull the trigger on a gun that was pressed tightly into the skull of a woman who appeared to be around 35. They all felt like their hearts stopped as they watched the man realize they were present. "What did you see?" He demanded, pointing the gun at AJ's mid section.

"We…we…nothing man….we didn't see nothing." Kevin stammered, his big brotherly instincts taking over as he stepped in front of AJ.

"I am giving you five minutes to get out of this alley…I know who you guys are…if I ever hear you assholes talked to the police…I WILL bury you. I got friends in high places." He said jumping into the black Lexus parked in the alley and sped off.

Howie managed to see the license plate and copied it down before he forgot it. "We have to find a phone now…" Brian said shakily, there were tears running down his cheeks. Nick pulled out his cell phone. Everyone was so scared they forgot they carried cell phones. Nick dialed in 911 and waited until someone answered. "911…what is your emergency?" a calm voiced operator spoke. "Um…I need help…someone was just murdered…We…we saw it…" Nick cried into the phone…