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Bathtub Paradise - Part 1
Authored By: Sapphire

It has been a long day. Mrs. Richardson was impossible to please, rejected each and every one of your designs, and yet could not give you a hint on what direction she did want to go. Turning the corner to your gated community you cannot wait to reach your own condomium, kick back and relax with a glass of wine.

Pulling into your drive you notice Nick’s Durango parked there. This instantly brings a smile to your face. “Oh, he’s home” you say out loud to no one. “My day may have a happy ending after all,” you say to yourself.

You gather your purse, portfolio containing sketches, and color samples out of your mustang convertible. Taking the steps to your front door two at a time you notice the happiness in your heart and the excited pace of your stride. It’s been four long weeks since you’ve seen Nick, constant schedule conflicts made it impossible for either of you to get away for even a couple of days.

Getting one foot inside the doorway you are greeted by puppy yips and two of the sweetest pugs.

“Willy, Mikey, hi fella’s.” You drop your things to the floor and kneel down to pet Nick’s dogs, only they bring you flat to the floor with their kisses and excitement in seeing you. After a short love fest you push your things aside, close the door and pick up your keys. Bringing yourself to your feet you straighten your skirt and hair, heading toward the sofa table to drop your keys.

“Okay fella’s, where’s our man?” you ask the dogs. Willy and Mikey follow closely at your heels still begging for your attention.

Reaching the table you notice an incredible bouquet of Hibiscus and Wisteria. You can’t help but smile when you notice the card. “Mr. Carter, what are you up to?” Opening the card you read: “Welcome Home baby. I’m waiting for you upstairs. Will you join me?”

Your eyes close, and a soft moan escapes your lips as you clutch the card to your heart. You release the breath you now realize you have been holding and feel the sexual stirring within you. Leaving the card on the table you head for the stairway, dogs in tow. As you kick your shoes at the bottom of the stairs you notice the dimly lit path upward covered in a light blanket of Hibiscus petals.

Catching your breath on the landing you take in more tropical scents. Coconut and mango, and fresh sea breeze. You notice the French doors in your bedroom are open providing the gentle night breeze and a crackling fire burning in the fireplace gives you a hint of the romance to follow. Shadows of candle light dance along the walls and ceiling, inviting you in. You hear the soft sultry sounds of Sade, the tropical beat of *Paradise, your song. “Feels like, you’re mine, Feels right, so fine, I’m yours, you’re mine, like paradise.”

Your feet, under their own, power lead you in the Caribbean haven that awaits you. The dogs finally lose interest in you and hop onto your bed for a nap. You continue your journey into your bathroom, entranced by the heady sensual scents and sounds.

Standing in the middle of the room you are truly mesmerized. Candle light swirling through the room from every angle, your enormous oval tub filled to the top, soft inviting bubbles close to spilling over. On one ledge of the tub, the ice bucket containing the familiar bottle of Fetzer Gewürztraminersand two wine glasses. Your vanity table top to the left, barely visible under trays filled with cheeses, crackers, assorted “passion fruits”, whipped cream and chocolates.

You sense his presence, you turn, and you gasp. There he is, at your eye level, the massive chest, your eyes move upward to the strong chin line, the sensual lips parted into the slightest smile. The freckled nose, the eyes, matched in color only by the coastal waters, sparkling with the brilliance of precious gems. Your gaze travels almost to the heavens, you are sure of it, because there is the head of golden hair tosseled to perfection.

As your gaze travels downward, you realize Nick is dressed only in his fluffy green terry cloth robe. It’s a known fact that he prefers comfy softness to the cool slippery feel of satin.

“Hello beautiful” he whispers as he approaches you. Before you can speak Nick feeds you a succulent piece of mango. His lips are quick to capture the glistening juice from yours in a kiss. It is from him that the moan now escapes and you feel the heat from his body as the kiss depends and his arms pull you in closer.

“God, I’ve missed you.” He says as he runs his fingers through your long red curls, bringing his palms to rest on either side of your face. You close your eyes, press you cheek against his hand, and then wince in pain as the tension in your neck makes itself known.

Nick pulls away slightly to look you in the eyes; “Baby? What’s wrong?” he asks as you bring your hand up to rub your neck. “Rough day?” You nod yes. “Here, let me do that for you baby.”

He begins gently massaging the side of your neck and then with his thumb increases the pressure working out the knot.

“Hmm, I have an idea” he says as he plants sweet kisses from your lips down your neck to the hollow of your throat.

“Yes,” you whisper in question.

His fingers trail down the exposed skin to the zipper on your jacket. Slowly he begins to move the zipper down which begins at the crest of your breasts. That complete, he removes the aqua colored jacket and lays it on the back of the chair. He stands back for a moment admiring the view: the rise and fall of your breasts, your nipples awakening as the cool night breeze touches them through the thin aqua silk chemise.

“So beautiful” is Nick’s raspy response before he leaves another kiss on your lips. His hands reach under the chemise find soft, sensitive flesh. You feel as though you are melting from his touch.

He removes the chemise kissing your arm all the way up over your head. The aqua silk is added to the jacket on the chair. Nick picks up the bottle of coconut massage oil and squeezes some into his hands. Rubbing his hands together he warms the oil. His hands are large and strong, and yet, you have never felt a more gentle touch as you feel him begin to work the lotion into your shoulders. The tension seeps away as Nick continues massaging through your shoulders and upper back. Kisses follow the hands like sprinkles on an ice cream sundae.

Reaching your lower back he uses his thumbs circling and penetrating the knots. He lightly rubs his hands back up to your shoulders, making sure you are totally relaxed.

“Mmm,” you sigh, completely lost under his spell.

Nick grabs a towel and wipes the oil from his hands.

“Just a minute baby” he says and then you feel the rough cool texture of pineapple on your lips.

You open your mouth, sucking in the piece of fruit and the sour juices, pulling Nick’s fingers right along into your mouth. A whimper is heard from Nick as you open your eyes, smile and release his fingers.

“How about a warm bath? He asks.

“Sounds wonderful” you reply. “You are joining me, yes?”

“I…I planned to. Is that all right? He begins to look a little worried.

“Of course, absolutely. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

You reach for the zipper on your skirt.

“No, baby, let me. You’ve had a rough day, let me take care of you tonight.”

Nick glides his fingers along your ribcage to your waist sending shivers running through you. He quickly releases the zipper and drops the skirt to your ankles. You step out of it and he adds it to the growing pile of clothing on the chair leaving you clothed only in aqua silk tap pants and thigh high stockings.

Sensing you are getting cold Nick tries to hurry but does not want to rush. He hooks his thumbs under the waistband of the tap pant and starts to push them down. He smiles when his pal Kaos is revealed. Kaos, the bluish green dolphin tattoos dancing just below the waistline on your back. As he lowers the pant he gently caresses the inside of your thighs causing your knees to buckle. He brings one hand to your waist to steady you as the other completely removes the pants from your body, adding it to the chair.

Nick gently turns you to face him.

“Baby, here sit down while I get your stockings off and massage your legs and feet.”

Without a word you back down into the chair as Nick kneels before you. Parting your legs with his hands he moves in between them and reaches his mouth to yours for another kiss. He then moves back and slowly begins to remove the stocking. Following the descent of the stocking are Nick’s lips with kisses from thigh to toe. Same tortuous pleasure on the other leg.

There you sit, totally naked with candlelight dancing on you skin and Nick Carter on his knees in front of you. Doesn’t matter what his name is or who he is, he is your lover and this is your intimate private paradise together.

Nick then reaches for your thigh and begins to massage it. As he inches closer he can’t help but breathe in your musky female scent of pure desire. He also notices magic sparkles as the light glistens on the love juices flowing from the entrance of your beautiful love canal.

Massage complete Nick begins to stand and you reach to quickly release the tie on his robe. Your arms reach inside as you stand falling into his chest.

“Hold me, Nick, please. I have missed you so much. I need to feel you.”

Feeling your small breasts against his chest Nick’s heart swells with pride. In his arms, his girl, his beautiful girl, willing to give him all in the name of love.

“Come on baby.” He plants a soft kiss on your nose, drops his robe, takes your hand in his and leads you to the tub.

*The Best of Sade Paradise

Copyrighted by Sapphire - 2001

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