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Bathtub Paradise - Part 2
Authored By: Sapphire

Nick drops your hand and steps into the warm tub. Soft snowy bubbles swirl around his strong calves with the motion of the water. He reaches for your hand once again to help you over the edge and you carefully step in as Nick draws you in closer.

“Wine?” He asks.

“Mmm, yes” you whisper as Nick reaches for the bottle. As he pours you notice plates on the edge of the vanity and begin to fill one with cheese, crackers and fruit for you and Nick to feast on.

The plate and the glasses of wine are set on the ledge of the tub and Nick lowers himself to sit, leaning back against the wall. He holds out his arms for you, inviting you into his embrace. You snuggle up against his strong chest letting the warmth of the water and the glow of candle light carry you away. Nick’s arms come around you from behind, one handing you the glass of wine. Holding his glass you feel his breath in your ear;

“It’s good to be home, baby” and he raises his glass to you in a toast.

The two of you settle in catching up with news of the tour and your clients, feeding each other nibbles of food here and there. You marvel at the ease in which you and Nick can talk and the comfort you feel from his voice, his eyes and his embrace.

Nick lifts his hands to your shoulders warming them with the water and his touch. He finds your bath sponge and pours mango scented bath wash on it. With a soft small circular motion he begins to wash your shoulder, moving down your back. The air is again filled with the sweet scent taking your thoughts far away from the workday, somewhere tropical, peaceful, and private; just you and Nick.

Filling the sponge full of warm water again he begins to rinse away the suds from your body leaving the beautiful tan skin glistening in the candlelight.

You lean back into his chest, trying to get your entire body as close to his as you can. Nick begins to shower your breasts and stomach with warm water. His hands follow the streams of water cascading over your breasts. His huge rough hands totally cover each one and the sensation of his fingers on your nipples causes you to shiver. With the lightest movement the buds of your breasts begin to blossom and harden. You feel the stirring of Nick’s desire against your soft backside.

“Uh, baby?” a throaty whisper from Nick. “I would really LOVE to wash the front side of you. And it seems to be getting a little crowded back here.”

You smile and bite your lower lip to keep from laughing. “Well, then”, you say, “how about if I turn around?”

“That would be perfect.”

With some tricky maneuvering you get it done, you are sitting on your knees facing Nick’s incredibly broad chest.

He reaches for the sponge but you grab it first. “Uh huh. My turn, Backstreet boy needs a good scrubbing.” Nick’s eyes widen, his jaw drops a little and he is totally confused by your statement. As you reach behind him for the body wash you plant tender kisses on his forehead, nose, and lips.

“Don’t worry big boy, I won’t hurt you and I promise not to touch the hair.” Now you can’t help but giggle, when he looks relieved. “Oh, I promise not to touch the hair on your head!” you clarify.

Nick closes his eyes and breathes deeply as you caress his shoulders and chest with tropical essences. You move down to his tight stomach, and as you reach his left thigh you feel him shift his weight slightly. You move down his calf gently massaging the tight muscle as you go. You reach his foot and can hardly hold it up in your small hand. Working more lather onto the sponge you massage the foot running your thumb firmly along the underside up and down, up and down and you hear Nick moan. Dropping the foot gently back into the water to rinse it off and then you bring it back to the surface. You begin to massage his toes one by one, again using your thumb on the underside of his big toe. Careful not to overextend Nick’s leg you lower your mouth to his foot and capture that impressive huge toe. Nick gasps in surprise and pleasure as you begin to suck and gently scrape your teeth against his secret erogenous spot. Excitement begins to course through his body as you feel him shudder. Not wanting to lose your hold over him, you begin to work on the other leg and foot in the same manner.

You rinse the soap out of the sponge and begin to rinse Nick’s body free of suds. Loving the feel of his skin you also follow the waterfalls over his chest and stomach with kisses.

Coming to the lower part of Nick’s body again you lay the sponge back on the ledge and pour the succulent mango wash in your hands. You sense that Nick is lost in the same daydream you were, he hasn’t spoken or moved in several minutes.

You reach below the water, without a sound and wrap both warm slick hands around Nick’s manhood. You hear the growl of carnal pleasure coming form deep within him; “Mmmm…baby” the only words audible. He leans forward, takes your face into his hands and devours your moth in a searing kiss. His tongue taking over inside of yours, searching deeper and deeper as if trying to reach your soul.

Your hands glide up and down in a slight circular motion over his massive member. The heat of passion racing from the engorged sacs below to the tight soft skin and the tip.

With a heavy sigh Nick releases the hold he has on your lips. “Oh baby, mmm, no baby.” He reaches for your hands and raises them to his lips. The scent of mango sends his senses reeling and the warmth of your skin, does it come from the temperature of the water or from his own passion, he wonders.

“No baby, I want to make love to you. I want to cum deep inside of you, the two of us, together.”

“Mmm, Nick” you say as you lean forward to kiss him. He pulls you closer, lifts your bottom up and sits you down between his legs.

Coming to your senses; “No Nick, wait” you exclaim, “You’re freezing.”

You rise up to your knees again and reach over his head for a towel. “Here, let me dry you off first.” As you are reaching over him, your beautiful pert breasts are perfectly in line, one on either side of Nick’s mouth.

Licking his hips; “Mmm, no baby, I think you’ve got that wrong. I’m on fire down here.” No other words spoken his lips surround the nipple there before him and firmly flicks his tongue around and around.

“Oh, Nick!” you gasp as you lose your balance, falling heavily into his chest. Sending water splashing over the edge onto the tile floor and the towel into the sink. You slide down his slick body until his strong hands grip your ass and steady you.

As you rest momentarily against his chest Nick begins to rub his incredible hands up and down your legs. “Ouch, Nick, that hurts!” you cry out.

“Huh? What?” he questions.

“Damn, I need to shave my legs again. You’re not touching my legs until I do.” Final words as you reach over to the ledge for your razor and shaving gel, coconut of course.


Copyrighted by Sapphire - 2001

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