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Bathtub Paradise - Part 3
Authored By: Sapphire

“Here, let me do it” says Nick as he grabs them out of your hands.

“Oh, Nick, I don’t know” you say with a little worry in your voice.

“Come on, baby. Please? I promise I’ll be careful, I’ll go slow. I love your legs, I would never hurt them or you for anything.” This is Nick’s plea with the bluest puppy dog eyes and he leans in for another sweet kiss.

“Okay, okay, but one little nick,” and you giggle at your own play on words. “Just one. And you’re fired!”

You give him a quick lesson on the proper technique and then lean back against the tub.

“I mean it Carter, gentle, no bull in a china shop, or you WILL be resigning somewhere else.”

“Aw baby, aren’t I always gentle and don’t I always take care of you?” He asks thoughtfully as he gently raises one leg, placing your foot on the edge of the tub.

“Mmm Nick, yes, you do.” His massaging has you drifting away.

Before you know it, he is done with both legs, no pain, no blood, no surprises.

“Wow, Nick, you did great!” Surprised as you run your hands up and down your calves.

“Yeah?” he asks, “let me see” and his hands take over the inspection.

“Aw baby, yes, you did good. And I think you deserve a reward.” You tell him as you move in between his legs, placing your cleanly shaven legs on top of his and around his sides. As you scoot in closer you force Nick’s enormous cock straight up against your stomach.

“Didn’t you mention earlier something about making love? Cumming deep inside of me?” With a mind of it’s own, Nick’s member twitches and tightens at your mere words.

“Oh, yes, baby I did” he whispers in your ear as he gently nips at your lob. The he leads the trail from your ear to your cheek, to your lips with sweet gentle kisses.

He places your face in his hands again looking deeply, lovingly into your eyes.

“Yes, baby, I want to make love to you right here, right now, and forever more.” His hot breath and throaty whisper throw you over the edge.

“Aahh, yes Nick, please, now?” You plead. That all the encouragement he needs. His lips devour your moth and his hands drop to your breasts. His thumbs kneading your nipples, demanding their attention. Your hands clutch desperately at Nick’s hair, you lovingly bit at his lower lip.

His hands squeeze your breasts causing you to squeal in delight. Your hands grasping at his shoulders, but you can’t hold on, they are just too large. He now places both hands on your back stroking your skin. The hands drop below the water, caressing your soft yet firm ass. The fingers on his right hand glide along the separation of your ass cheeks. Deeper, almost all the way around to your warm pussy causing you to shiver once again.

“Oh Nick’ you whisper, your hands playfully pinching his nipples. Nick moans again and brings his hands up on either side of your breasts.

“Come here, baby. Closer.” He says as he lifts you onto his thighs.

You give him a puzzled look.

“It’s okay.” He assures you. “Scoot in a little closer.”

As you move forward his hand takes hold of his cock and guides it towards your sweet source of love. The tip of his cock reaches your clit with a silent jolt of electricity.

“Oh!” You exclaim as the first orgasmic wave moves through your body. You clutch at Nick’s chest, trying to hold on. He has one strong arm wrapped around you to keep you safe.

As you calm for a moment, Nick gently pushes his penis through the wanting lips of your pussy. You let out a heavy sigh. One more thrust and Nick is complete, within you. The two of you are joined as one.

“Aahh,’ you hear Nick moan. “Oh, this is paradise.” He proclaims softly.

“Mmm.” You agree. Instinctively the walls within your vagina begin to tighten protectively around Nick’s member.

“Oh baby. Take me with you girl. Slow and gentle.”

You release your hold on him only to squeeze him tightly again. Slowly you begin to tilt your pelvis forward and back around his cock. Nick gently thrusts deeper, taking you higher and higher.

Steam begins to rise from the tub, or so it seems, as your eyes begin to cloud over with lust. Nick’s chest is heaving heavily as his breathing is labored. He kisses you, wet and feverishly as the sensual mating dance between you intensifies.

Deep within the core of your sex you feel Nick’s manhood begin to tighten and you clench yourself around him. His hand reaches down between your bodies and begins caressing your clit around and around. Your teeth nip at his shoulder as you try to keep your balance. Slowly, ever so slowly, you continue to rock back and forth on his cock buried deep inside of you.

Suddenly you feel it, Nick’s penis making one last deep, yet gentle thrust, his head falls back, the pressure from his thumb on your clit increases and the growl of complete satisfaction begins deep with his chest.

At the same moment, the walls enclosing Nick’s penis tighten one last time, your head falls onto his chest. Your body begins to shudder as Nick fills you completely with his love and you cry out softly in acceptance of his gift to you.

Clutching at each other you lie together as one until your breathing becomes normal again and your head stops spinning.

Nick begins to caress your back with his hands and warm water. You snuggle close into his chest as you hear him whisper:

“Welcome home, baby."

Copyrighted by Sapphire - 2001

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