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Part I

Nick entrusted you to your girlfriends only long enough for him to relieve himself and order another round of drinks. Leaving the bar he is quickly surrounded by adorning female fans begging for an autograph and hopefully a quick photo opp.

From across the crowded dance floor you see Nick’s shoulders slump and his head drop. Within a fraction of a second his head snapped up with one of those famous Nick Carter grins plastered on his face. No one else noticed the slight indication of disappointment that Nick felt at that moment, only the one who knows him so well.

Nick chats with his fans and quickly signs autographs. All the while he feels a pair of blue eyes searing thru to his soul. Blue eyes that are as dark as the midnight sky. He finally meets your gaze, you hold his eyes there, knowing that now, you are in control. You slowly moisten your lips, close your eyes, and throw your head back in one swift seductive move.

When you open your eyes again and fix them on your tall blonde target you see Nick shaking his head as if clearing his vision.

You then bring your hand to your lips, one finger disappearing into your mouth in one sudden sucking motion. Nick blinks and his mouth drops open. Your finger continues to swirl ever so slowly in between the deep pushing and pulling motion going on. Suddenly, seeing your teeth gently scraping the length of your finger Nick loses his balance and takes a step back.

A wicked grin now crosses your lips and your finger now traces the outline of those lips. Nick closes his eyes, takes in a deep gulp of air as he reaches aimlessly for yet another piece of paper to sign. When he finally opens his eyes again, you regain control and hold his gaze. The read painted nail on your finger is now making it’s way down your neck and stops at your collarbone.

Making sure Nick is still entranced your finger quickly trails thru the valley between your breasts and onto the hem of your short satin top. Grabbing onto the hem and knotting it around your finger you lift it ever so slightly revealing the gold belly chain encircling your body.

The lights catch the glitter covering your body confirming the electricity Nick feels flowing thru his. You notice him adjust his stance as if to make himself more comfortable. Dropping the hem of your top your fingers are now tracing the waistband of your satin skirt when suddenly one is lost within the forbidden territory. As Nick hands the autograph back to a fan you see he is intensely biting his lower lip. He tries to take a step forward but fans have made it nearly impossible. Another deep heavy sigh escapes his lips.

As your fingers slide around in and out of the waistband Nick also notices that your hips are swaying round and round in a seductive rhythm. You notice the phrase “Oh God” mouthed thru Nick’s beautiful pouting lips. Just then your slender finger has pulled the waistband down far enough to reveal the dolphin shaped tattoo on your swaying hipbone. The lights once again catch on the belly chain and body glitter making Nick believe his is truly seeing stars.

You continue your seductive assault on Nick crooking the finger on your other hand beckoning him closer. Your lips part as your tongue begins to moisten those lips again in a very inviting manor. You notice once again Nick wrestle with the attention of his fans and his jaw drop as he struggles to breathe. Assured that you have his attention both of your hands race up to the base of your neck pulling mounds of autumn red hair up, revealing your bare shoulders. Nick’s entire body shudders at the sight as a seductive smile forms with your lips.

Loosing Nick’s gaze momentarily to an overzealous fan, you turn around, continue moving to the music with your hands running thru your hair. Finally as Nick lifts his eyes to where you were standing he is confronted with yet another erotic site. Cascades of red hair rising and falling on and off your bare shoulders, “twinkling stars” blanketing your exposed back, hips swaying in a circular motion, and aqua satin stretched tight across the firmest pair of asscheeks he has every seen.

Fans forgotten, heart pounding in his chest, Nick has made it to the dance floor completely focused on the woman, HIS woman, luring him into her erotic web.

Without warning, from behind, you feel two strong arms wrap around your waist. Your hands drop from your hair, grabbing tightly onto those arms and a startled gasp escapes your lips. As your head drops back onto a solid chest you feel two hands, ten fingers ascending upward under your satin top and you find your hands racing down the arms. No way can your hands remotely cover the enormous hands yet your fingers grasp and entwine with ten fingers that squeeze with a possessive strength. The dominating hands carry yours upwards to the underside of your bare breasts. As the larger thumbs gently brush across your skin, you gasp for air and your nails dig into his flesh.

A moan from deep within Nick escapes as he feels your tender bare skin beneath his thumbs. His massive manhood grinding between your ass cheeks as he tries to pull you in even closer.

His hips have joined in with your seductive rhythm and you feel your skirt, caught in the motion, begin to ride up with his manhood revealing your bare ass.

Eyes rolling back in your head you feel warm wet kisses cover your neck, tongue tracing the path to your earlobe. Ever so gently nibbling on your earlobe you then feel Nick’s heated breath sending the first wave of tremors thru your body.

“God baby, do you have any idea…..” suddenly Nick notices your bare ass peeking from under your skirt which is no longer covering it.

“Holy mother” is all he can get out as he takes his thigh and aggressively opens your legs from behind. He then raises his thigh between your legs as you cry out, “Oh God” and grind yourself down hard on his thigh.

Lowering his though and his hands Nick spins you around to face him. His lips immediately capture yours in a rough and possessive kiss. His tongue demands your mouth and you have no choice but to surrender. His large hands have now taken possession of your breasts and a savage cry escapes you only to be captured by Nicks ravage kiss. His fingers twist and knead your nipples as Nick never loosens the kiss. Suddenly Nick feels your legs give way and his hands drop to your waist to hold you up in his embrace. His lips finally release yours as they move back to your ear. You nuzzle up to him as his husky voice says: “Don’t worry baby, I’ve got you.” A reassured sigh escapes you as Nick tightens his embrace and plants soft kisses on the top of your head.

The music has slowed, and the two of you dance as one. Nick traces gentle circles across your back as your fingers begin to tug at his sweater. Raising your head you look into his glazed over blue eyes. He looks down at you with that smile and you rise up to your tiptoes and begin to cover his bottom lip with soft kisses and gentle nibbles.

His lips suddenly capture your in yet another possessive kiss and his hand is rubbing fiercely up and down your thigh. As he reaches the top again, you shift your weight causing his hand to slide to the inside of your thigh, under your skirt. Nick breaks the kiss, tightens his embrace around you, and looks down at your as if to say; “Are you sure?”

Biting your lower lip, smiling up at Nick you lower down from your tiptoes putting Nick’s hand right at the source of your heat. With that one fluid movement you also bite down on his nipple thru his sweater leaving Nick to wonder if it was the bite or the heat, which caused him to moan out loud.

You look up at him again as he lowers his lips to retrieve your swollen ones. As his thumb finds your bud Nick inhales your whimper.

Now his thumb is circling your clit with enough pressure to cause your body to tremble. He gives you one more kiss then whispers in your ear, “Hold on baby.” You drop your arms to his waist and tighten your hold on him. Nick rests his chin on top of your head and his thumb increases the pressure on your clit.

Still dancing to the music you feel someone bump into you from behind. This causes you to push somehow closer into Nick causing his massive hardness to increase the pressure even more on your clit. Not daring to open your eyes you feel Nick’s fingers on your thigh, swimming in the flow of juices that have escaped you.

Disappointment rings thru your sigh as Nick removes his hand from between your legs. With his hand on his lips Nick sucks his fingers into his mouth tasting your sweetness. “Mmm baby, is there more where this came from?”

No more than a whisper you let out “yeesss” as Nick whirls you around the dance floor once more. Your clouded eyes are met with the Nickay seductive grin and an “Oh yeah!”

His mouth devours your lips again and his hand reaches under your skirt. Bumped from behind again you tighten your grip around Nick and his thumb is once again home on your clit. He begins applying pressure and slips one finger up inside you. A moan leaves your lips as Nick tightens his embrace and you feel the growl deep within his chest.

His fingers move inside you as you try to lower yourself for more. Just then Nick clamps down on your clit and places another finger up inside your wet canal.

“Please Nick, Pleeeaasse”….you beg. “Yeah baby? You want me?” “Yeeesss Nick, I want you. Take me please…take me.”

That’s all the encouragement Nick needs. From the outside his thumb is aggressively circling your clit. A third finger enters you while the first love soaked finger begins to flick your clit from the inside. The rhythm of the dance music begins to increase as does the intensity of Nick’s finger fucking assault.

“Oh God, Oh God”. You bury your face into Nick’s chest biting into his sweater. You raise your hips slightly to meet his finger thrusts. Suddenly Nick can feel you begin to tighten around his fingers. Your juices continue to flow down your thighs and glisten in the light. He feels the rest of your body begin to tense as well. “That’s it baby. Give it to me. Give me your love”. With that, Nick tugs at your ear with his teeth, his thumbnail scrapes against your clit, and his fingers thrust one last time deep inside your cunt.

“Oh God, Oh Nick….God, Nick” you scream into Nick’s chest and your whole body is visibly trembling. He twists his fingers slightly which causes another wave of convulsions thru you. Nick nudges your head upwards and his mouth covers your cries of pleasure.

Slowly the tremors begin to subside and Nick releases your mouth which drops heavily onto his chest. Your arms have become spaghetti around his waist. With one strong hand still holding you up, Nick slowly, gently begins to remove his other hand from inside your womanhood. Your body begins to convulse again and a whimper escapes. “Sssshhh baby” Nick whispers as he gently begins to rock you back and forth.

Finally retrieving his love soaked fist Nick brings his fingers to his mouth and licks your sweet juices. With your mouth so close and inhaling your own musky sweet scent you capture the last wet finger in your own mouth.

An animalistic growl comes from deep within Nick as the two of you lick and suck his fingers dry. As your teeth scrape along the length of his finger you feel the roar from his chest and your knees give way again.

Quickly Nick pulls his finger from your mouth and both hands grip your waist. Another slow song plays and the two of you dance together until you feel your heartbeat return to normal.

Noticing this Nick pulls you away just enough to look into your eyes.

“I don’t know about you baby, but I’ve had enough of this party scene” he says with that grin plastered on his lips.

You nod your head in agreement with your own devilish grin. Nick takes your hand and leads you from the crowded dance floor towards the private hotel elevators……