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Part II

As you reach the private elevators you are again caught up in Nick’s embrace. The two of you manage to catch your breath and Nick places his key in the lock to summons the elevator.

The bell rings, the doors open and you place both hands firmly on Nick’s broad chest playfully pushing him into the car. Momentarily you leave him in the car alone. His eyes open wide and you smile as you rush into his arms. As the doors close Nick pushes the button for the penthouse floor.

The elevator begins moving, you look up at Nick and grin, he is looking a little confused. For reassurance you offer your lips in a kiss. Your hands begin to move up and down his chest causing the heat to rise, from the soft wool sweater, or a heat of passion. Feeling him catch his breath your hips press against his while your pelvic bone begins a sensual rhythm against his hardening manhood.

Nick’s head is now back against the wall breaking your kiss so you continue the assault on his neck. His mouth is hung open and his breathing is becoming labored. Feeling the sparks begin to fly you know you are back in control.

The wool of his sweater is soft against your touch, but soft is not what you are looking for. You begin pulling at the sweater hoping to free it from his pants. Frustration mounting your teeth are clawing at his sweater and your hands now rip the bottom from his waistband. After running a nervous hand thru his hair Nick removes his jacket. Lucky for you when you freed the sweater from the hold of Nick’s pants you also freed the wife beater underneath.

Your hands reach up underneath both and you release a sigh of relief as those hands are rewarded with hot firm flesh. The red nails begin to scrape their path and come to an abrupt halt at the waistband of Nick’s pants.

Suddenly you move away from Nick, his eyes pop open in disbelief and he swallows hard. You turn around to see what floor you are approaching. Hmm-23rd floor, penthouse on the 30th, only 7 more to go. You look back at Nick who is now totally confused, grinning, biting your lower lip you reach out a hand and push the bright red STOP button.

“Huh?” says Nick, then it seems to register and you hear the growl of “Oh God.” Your hands tear away at Nick’s belt, the button on his pants, a breeze, and then you drop to your knees and your teeth begin pulling down the zipper on his fly. Your chin is met with a very firm rod making the task a little difficult, so you just increase the pressure. With that done, both hands reach up to his hip. You look up but Nick’s eyes are closed and you hear soft whispers “Oh God, Oh God…” Your thumbs hook under his boxer briefs so you will be able to stretch them over his enormous cock. Swiftly his pants and boxers puddle around his ankles and now Nick reels in his breath and stands frozen.

Nuzzling into his belly button, your hands begin caressing the inside of his thighs and you gently encourage him to widen his stance. You begin the journey-planting feather like kisses down the trail from his belly button to his source of pride. Your nails tickle his thighs and you feel Nick’s body tremble. With warm breath you blow ever so lightly down the length of his shaft. Nick is still not breathing so you reach your hands up to his stomach, look up at him and say; “Breathe baby, stay with me”. Your hands return to his thighs as you feel his ragged breath return.

Nick’s hands move thru his hair, caress his chest; he is just not quite sure what to do with them. He then realizes the railing on the wall behind him and he grabs on. Your tongue has now begun a tender dance on his penis and your nails pinch and release the skin inside his thighs. Nick’s grip on the railing tightens as you suddenly devour his balls with your mouth. As you hear his scream you reach your hands to his hips to help steady him.

His massive cock is now throbbing with need and desire. You gently suck in a little more on his balls then release them allowing Nick a brief moment to check his breath. You look up at him and smile, his eyes are totally glazed over, his arms are shaking and he has almost drawn blood from his lower lip.

You focus back on the challenge at hand. A pool of pre-cum has formed on the pulsating head of Nick’s cock. Your tongue swirls thru it before you suck in only the very tip to claim your refreshment.

“Wow, baby, how yummy. Do you have more?” You ask. Nick nods his head yes not able to speak the words. “More sticky candy for me, huh Nick? Can I have some more?”

Nick’s arms fly from the railing and into your hair, pulling you in closer to his heat. “Yeesss baby, pleeaasse take it all, take it all”.

You wrap you warm lips around the head of his cock. He stumbles back slightly as he feels your wet warmth surround him. Slowly you slide further down to take more of him in. He arches into you trying to somehow go deeper. You reach down and gently squeeze his balls at the same time your lips reach the base of his shaft. Then slowly you work your way back up his length and release him. Nick cannot believe what you are doing to him. You reach for a hand, keeping your other hand firmly on his balls. You close his hand around his own shaft and give is a squeeze. A moan echoes thru the elevator as Nick feels the moisture you left on his cock. You continue to guide his hand, applying pressure and you reach down to gently kiss the sacs cradled in your other hand.

“Mmmmm Nick, so hard. Feel the strength in your cock. That’s it, do you feel the heat pulsating thru you?” You are having trouble keeping up the pace, with each moan Nick seems to pump faster.

“Oh baby, please can I finish?” Nick’s hand flies from his engorged member and grabs onto the back of your head pulling you forward. You let out a soft cry as both hands grab onto his hips for support, and Nick realizes his own aggression. He releases his grip, takes in a deep breath, exhales and gently caresses your cheeks. With nothing but pure love in his eyes he looks down at you.

“Oh God, baby, did I hurt you? I am so sorry. I never want to hurt you or force you”. You know he is terrified that he’s hurt you so you look into his eyes and smile. Then you begin to plant gentle kisses on his manhood. “You sure baby?” he asks as you again take the tip of his cock into your mouth. “Okay, I can’t hold back much longer.” You begin a slow and steady rhythm up and down on his cock. Nick tries desperately to slow the pace, giving you only what you can handle.

You are at the point where you can’t take much more. As you continue working Nick’s cock, your hand reaches down and lifts the hem of your skirt. Sure enough, your thighs are wet and the juices flow freely. Two slender fingers easily slide into your pussy and your thumb attends to your clit.

Nick senses your movements and your own pleasure and his body begins to tense. “Oh baby…..” You increase the pace and suddenly Nick grabs a handful of hair to steady you. Your hand is feverishly working your own release as Nick explodes into your mouth. As he cums the juice shoots straight down your throat and dribbles thru your lips. You swallow, still not able to contain all of him. On last push against your clit and your walls tighten around your fingers. At the same time your lips clamp down on Nick’s cock and the moan you let out vibrates against his flesh sending another wave of tremors thru his body.

Nick is stroking your hair as your body relaxes and his breathing returns to normal. Your hand is released from your inner grasp while you release Nick’s cock from your other grasp. You swallow and lick your lips, breathe a contented sigh and smile up at Nick.

He reaches up under your arms and pulls you up to him. He desperately reaches for your lips and captures them. Tasting his own sexual flavors from your mouth you feel another moan deep from within him. Releasing the kiss your head falls to rest on his chest. He gently takes your hand and brings it to his lips. At first it’s soft kisses and nibbles on your fingers and then they are totally lost in his mouth.

Suddenly, there is urgent pounding on the elevator doors, you and Nick both jump at the intrusion. “Hey, are you okay in there? What’s going on?”

You two begin to giggle as you bump heads while both trying to pull Nick’s pants up. You reach for the RUN button on the panel and the elevator lurches upward. The giggles continue as you try to straighten your skirt and your hair. In your haste Nick forget to buckle his belt and zip up his pants. Your lips are swollen and red. You hear the bell ring and the doors open on the 30th floor.

All giggles stop when a very stern looking Billy and Marcus meet you. Close behind are Kevin and Brian, also frowning. As the lectures are about to begin, Kevin and Brian notice Nick’s jacket on the floor. As he bends down to pick it up it becomes obvious that Nick’s fly is open. The older boys then look at your “bed hair” and swollen lips. Billy and Marcus shake their heads and walk away. Kevin and Brian both break out with huge grins.

As the two of you step off the elevator, Brian looks at his watch and starts to walk away.

“Alllll right Nick” you hear Brian snicker, “a new year, new record time”.