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Part III

Nick places a hand on your lower back to gently guide you out of the elevator. With a smile on your face and Nick still looking dazed and confused the two of you head down the hall to your suite.

With a nervous hand Nick finally gets the keycard through and is able to open the door.

“Nick, I’m going to freshen up a little. I’ll be right back.” Before heading off to the bathroom, you plant a soft sweet kiss on Nick’s lips. He wants more and pulls you in closer with serious force.

“Please baby”, he whispers. “Nick, 5 minutes, just give me 5.” This time with your tongue tracing his lips you capture him with a slightly deeper kiss. You’re victorious, he is distracted and his grip loosens, you are able to rush away.

A whimper leaves Nick’s mouth followed by the famous Carter pout. You turn back, blow him a sensual kiss; “It will be worth the wait” you say, “how about some wine?”

The sparkle returns to his eyes and a smile to his lips. You get the feeling you inspired him and wonder what he’s thought of.

After you close the door, Nick quickly looks around the room. “I’ve got it” he says and set off to work. You swiftly run a comb through your hair brush your teeth and reapply his favorite Victoria Secret scent, Halo.

Stepping out of the doorway you give your eyes time to adjust to the darkness of the room. The warm glow of candlelight fills the room, with the view of the city lights as a backdrop.

“Here baby, I’ve got something warm for you.” Nick’s husky whisper sends shivers down your spine. He hands you a glass of wine and again captures you in his strong arms.

“Hmmm, you smell so good darlin’.” You smile and nuzzle against his chest. He gently pushes you away and raises his glass to yours.

“To my beautiful lady, wishing for another wonderful year of happiness and warmth.” A tear wells up in your eye as you look up into his deep blue eyes. Nick kisses the tear away and whispers into your ear; “No tears tonight baby…only sweet love and warmth.”

Each of you sip the wine and reflect for a moment on the year gone by. “I’ve got the Jacuzzi warmed up, how about some warm bubbles?” asks Nick as he begins to play with the spaghetti straps on your top.

“Hmm, yes,” you answer trying to remove his jacket from his massive shoulders. He takes your glass from you and places them both on the edge of the Jacuzzi. Walking back towards you he quickly removes his jacket and kicks off his shoes. You stand motionless, mesmerized by the glow of the candlelight. When he finally reaches you, his hands immediately grab the hem of your top and lift it over your head, tossing it over your shoulder.

“Oohh” escapes your lips as the cool night air touches your bare breasts. Your eyes close, your head falls back as Nick’s hands shelter you from the coolness and his thumbs begin to apply gentle pressure to your nipples.

He releases the hold and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you in closer. Your hands race under his sweater and grab onto the rigid back muscles. Having your own ideas, you then raise Nick’s sweater over his head and toss it away. You nuzzle into his neck, pressing your breasts into his chest and slightly raise your knee between his legs.

Caught speechless again, Nick grabs onto your hips, swirls them once and then drops your skirt to your ankles. You step out of it, Nick’s eyes wide with desire at the sight; the tail of a dolphin tattoo peeking about the aqua thong panty and thigh high nylon stockings, all the way down.

With a smile you remove the rest of Nick’s outerwear leaving him standing in nothing else but black dress socks. “Uh, no way Carter,” you snicker, “they gotta go!” Momentarily confused Nick follows your gaze to his calves. “Oh God” exclaims an embarrassed Nick as he stumbles trying to remove the socks.

“It’s chilly in here” Nick remarks as he takes your hand and leads you to the sunken heart shaped Jacuzzi. He steps in leaving you standing on the edge.

He turns and looks up at you. “Nick, I still have too many clothes on.” He reaches for your leg, but you take a step back from his reach. He sighs as you turn your back to him and bend over slightly from the waist. You hook your thumbs under the waistband and pull up, stretching the thin material deeper between your ass cheeks.

“Woo”, you hear Nick gasp as your cheeks sway from side to side. You stop, backup towards him, cheeks level with his luscious lips. You bend over again slowly lowering the thong, Nick up close and personnel with the firmest pair of sweet ass cheeks he has ever known.

After you step out of the panties, you suddenly feel your cheeks captured by strong wet hand, pulling you back even more. You hear moans from behind and feel teeth gently nibbling on your exposed backside.

“Nick…would you pleeease let me finish?” “Oh, okay, but hurry up.” He whines as he releases you.

Just as the tenth toe is pulled free from the stocking wet arms grab you around the waist. Stocking flying, water raining down, you are pulled down against a firm chest, with your cheeks grazing the hot bubbling water.

“Oh baby, you’re cold,” says Nick. “Let me warm you up.” His hot wet lips devour on of your hardened nipple, sucking in gently. “Yeess” you whisper as Nick continues his warming technique on your other breast.

“That feels so much better.” You reach for your wine glass and settle in on the bench, cuddling close with Nick. The warm water swirls around the two of you as you talk, laugh and tease about anything and everything.

Nick begins to trace lines up and down your arm while nibbling gently on your neck. Reaching his arms around you he lifts you up and over, onto his lap, facing him. You smile as you straddle his strong legs, wrapping your silky ones around his waist. You lay your head against his chest. Nick holds you tight in a very warm and loving embrace. In this moment in time, all is right with the world, you feel loved and protected.

“Nicky,” you whisper, “all this warmth is making me way too sleepy.”