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Part IV

Removing yourself from Nick’s embrace you get up and walk towards the sliding glass door. Nick turns slightly resting his chin in his arms on the ledge of the Jacuzzi. He just watches, entranced by your sensual strides towards the city lights.

Once again Nick is in awe of your beauty. Not only the beauty of your well toned body, but also the beauty of your confident, yet childlike personality. You have no idea the power you have over this man. Simple acts of combing your fingers through your hair, making eye contact across a crowded room, picking up pizza and a bag full of TWIX’s on your way home. The way you challenge him to a video game, fully believing you are going to win! You could ask for the moon and Nick Carter would find a way to get it for you. Yet, it would never occur to you to ask.

Hours, days on end Nick handles the media, performs before millions of fans, recording sessions, contracts and tour schedules with confidence and ease. The minute he sees you walk into a room, his heart skips a beat, and all train of thought is lost.

If asked to choose, what would it be about you that Nick loves most; the fact that his celebrity seems to not affect you. The way you sometimes refer to him as Tampa Bay Nick Carter clarifying that is who you are in love with not Backstreet Boy Nick Carter.

And so he watches…

Standing in front of the glass doors you feel the chilling air coming across your naked body. You pull your long red hair up off your neck, combing your fingers through it. For the first time you hear the sensual R&B sounds of JOE coming from the stereo. Letting your hair go you shake it free causing your breasts and those sweet ass cheeks to follow the motion. You wrap your arms around yourself, move with the rhythm of the music and softly hum along.

And so Nick watches…watches the candlelight catch the highlights of your hair, beads of water that cover your nakedness glisten from the city lights below. The silhouette of your perfect breasts as they rise and fall with each breath you take. Your nipples hardening from the harsh cold air, goose bumps forming on your body. He watches your ass cheeks, God; those sweet cheeks sway left, right, round and round with the music.

Realizing he is no longer comfortable sitting where he is, Nick can watch no longer. Without a sound he is out of the Jacuzzi, standing directly behind you and locking your elbows within his strong grasp, pulling you back against his hard chest and even harder manhood.

Lost in the music you gasp in surprise but recover quickly. Stretching your head back your lips are met with Nick’s urgent kiss. His tongue is demanding entrance into you mouth, no problem now as hi has you mesmerized by his touch. Fueled by his fevered kiss flames of passion spread through your bodies.

Needing air, you break the possessive hold Nick has on your mouth. Gasping you try to control your breathing, it’s no use. Addicted to the feel of your skin, Nick’s lips are all over your neck, your shoulder blades, your back. His hands with the same need grab onto your breasts squeezing and demanding response from your sensitive nipples. Blinded by desire, nothing matters more than reaching the pleasure zone he wants for you.

Your hands lift and pull at your hair again, filling Nick’s nostrils full with the sweet scent of Halo. His hands continue to demand obedience from your nipples and you are aiming for the sky, trying to give him more. Now on your tiptoes straining, your hips rise to meet Nick’s. This causes his stiffened manhood to slide down in between your cheeks like a guided missal headed for home.

“Oooh yes!” you scream, digging your nails into Nick’s arms as you feel his incredible hardness between your legs. You wiggle around, trying to get that cock inside your body. Your hands reach down, pulling up on his penis, desperately wanting it.

The moan from Nick is ear piercing but he still knows what he wants. He steps back, you sigh with disappoint. Grabbing your hips he turns you around to face him. The fire in your eyes could ignite the building. Crushing his mouth to yours he pushes you up against the glass. You scream as the heated flesh of your back meets with the razor sharp cold of the window. Or, was the scream caused by Nick’s scalding hand claiming the juicy secret between your legs? Squeezing your mound two of his fingers roughly enter the canal of desire. Nick feels the gates close around those fingers and the first orgasm jolts through your body.

Nick’s kisses become a little gentler as he encourages you to relax again. His fingers easily slide out of their hiding place as they are covered with the musky velvety cream you have given him. He places the cream from his fingers on your nipples, swirling round and round causing your knees to go weak. His hands reach for your hips to steady you and his mouth laps up the cream from your breasts.

“Hmmm baby,” Nick hoarsely whispers, “I canNEVER GET ENOUGH OF YOU.” He begins licking and kissing your breastbone, your tummy, your belly button. All the while his hands work your hips in a circling motion, ass against the cold glass.

His tongue finds the bud of your clit, circles it and then leads a wet trail upward to your belly button. “Oooh Nick….” You grab a hand full of blonde hair begging for more.

Your pelvis is thrusting at Nick, inviting his tongue back into the depth of carnal love. Accepting the invitation Nick’s tongue dives into your cunt, flicking your clit from the under side. His tongue reaches deeper and deeper, his thumb now pleasuring your button. Wild with desire your nails delve into Nick’s scalp while the other hand roughly squeezes your breast and pulls on your swollen nipple. Somehow you have managed to balance on one foot, the other maneuvering your big toe across Nick’s shaft and heavy balls, sending him over the edge.

Nick rises to his feet, takes your lips again, giving you a taste of your own raw desire. Hands on your hips he forces you around, pushing your aroused nipples against the frosty glass. Biting the back of your neck and sucking hard, Nick’s hands smack your ass and from behind his fingers assault your cunt again.

Lost on the edge of ecstasy, you hear the growl deep within Nick as he removes his fingers using them to open your folds as he enters you from behind. One forceful push and Nick’s massive meat is where it belongs. It doesn’t matter how many times, how often; you are always stretched to the limit by his size. When he feels you are read, Nick begins a slow and steady pace; up and down, up and down, at the same time your nipples are sliding up and down against the glass of the window.

Your naked body is pressed hard against the glass giving the people outside full view of hot, carnal, animalistic sex between a man and a woman.

Nick’s pace has increased along with the pressure against the glass. This causes your clit to rub against the bitter cold sending shock waves from your head to your toes. Up and down Nick wildly pumps causing his exposed penis and balls to hit against the glass. Never before has Nick known the pleasure/pain of hot and cold. The heat buried inside your vagina, the ice cold from the window.

With no control left, Nick feels his member tighten, the sacs below threatening to burst. He silently prays that you are ready; there is no stopping now. His thrusts are now savage and you push your cheeks against his stomach giving him access to every last inch of your heat. Rising on your toes again, your walls tighten around Nick’s rod, pushing him over. Your body begins to quake, your breathing stops, and you scream. Your scream matched by Nick’s as you feel his body convulse with such power that he could bury you alive.

Unable to control the spasms you must have had 3 or 4 mind-blowing orgasms as Nick continues to pour his love within you.

The earth finally stops moving, the fireworks have quieted and you believe you are breathing. Nick, his head on your shoulder is still crushing you into the glass. Your bodies cling together, covered with sweat and erotic juices. You try to wiggle free but Nick won’t have it. He does loosen himself off of you slightly to allow you off the glass.

He reaches behind him for a couple of blankest. Throwing one on the floor and wrapping the other around the two of you. He lowers himself to the floor, still holding on to you. You turn around to face and weakly kiss him as you follow him down.

Lying on top of him, you move for comfort and his half limp penis enters you again by pure reflex. Somehow another orgasm rushes through you and you whimper into Nick’s chest. Nick is only able to kiss the top of your head and lovingly stroke your back. Within seconds, the orgasm subsides and the stroking seizes. Both of you, content beyond belief have fallen into a blissful slumber.