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Part V

Several hours later you awaken with the sensation of being wrapped in a cocoon, it’s no wonder when you take notice of your surroundings.

It is warm, oh so warm, lying against Nick’s chest, wrapped in his arms and listening to his heartbeat. A smile is on your lips as your fingers begin to toy with the soft tangles of blonde hair covering his chest. As your nail “accidentally” runs across his nipple, you feel his body twitch. With this reaction you notice that you and Nick are still joined together as you feel his penis awakening from inside of you.

You can feel the blush rising on your face as the memories of last night come flooding back to you. Oh what this man does to you! The secrets that you share. Nick has the ability to get you to open up in ways you never knew possible. The mere fact that he wants you with him speaks volumes. And then there is the love making! The night before was proof of that. Never before you have ever been so wanton or aggressive. It was fun and erotic, Nick always gives you the confidence to be yourself, and open up. Tampa Bay Nick Carter has never been judgmental.

Your fingers continue to comb through the hair on Nick’s chest as you lean up to look at his beautiful sleeping face. This man who sends you flowers, wild flowers or daisies, just because he is thinking of you. This man who leaves you loving messages on your answering machine, your email, and in your lingerie drawer. He is never shy or embarrassed about letting you know how he feels about you. This man who loves to laugh, sends a clown-o-gram to you for your birthday party with an armload of video games with the simple message of “Practice Up”. Yet when you return home, your apartment is filled with roses, a basket chocolates, bubble bath, and sappy movies. Also there are several new romantic cd’s, some from other artist, but your favorites are the ones Nick made for you himself. One with Nick’s personal love messages just for you, the other filled with Nick’s voice singing heart felt love songs to you. As you finish looking through the baskets your phone rings. After picking up the receiver you hear Nick’s voice, singing “Happy Birthday” to you. Only he cannot hold back the tears and get through the song. Nick is so distraught that he cannot be there with you to celebrate. You can almost hear his heart breaking as he whimpers out his apologies.

You begin to plant soft kisses on his chest and make your way to his lips. You notice those famous Carter lips begin to smile. You see one eye open, and then the other and you begin to smile.

“Morning booger breath” he says to you.

“Booger breath, huh?” You ask totally disgusted, and he laughs.

“Hey, just a minute.” You say; “I know there are some mints up here somewhere.” As you scoot up along his body reaching for the table. This puts your breasts right at Nick’s mouth, his eyes widen, his mouth opens, and he brings his lips closer….

“GOT ‘EM!” You exclaim and fall back onto his chest.

You open the tin of peppermint Altoids and suddenly Nick is afraid, very afraid.

“Oh NO, no, keep those away from me!! Baby, it’s too soon, it’s too early, I’m too weak, baby, I’m too young to die!” Nick is in a total panic trying to get the tin away from you but you do manage to pop one in your mouth before he succeeds.

You can’t help but giggle at his reaction, “Okay Nick, I guess we can save this hummer for later.”

“Oh thank you Lord!”