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Chapter 1

The time is 10:00 PM on a Saturday night and I'm standing in the airport waiting for Nick's plane to land. I am growing increasingly worried with each passing second. Nick told me that his plane was going to be flying in at 9:20. I look around, hoping to see him running towards me. No luck. Suddenly, I feel two arms encircle my waist. I recognized them immediately; they are Nick's arms.

"Nick, where did you come from?" I asked, happy that he was here.

"I was over there talking to a few friends." Nick replied, taking my hand in his.

"Come on, let's go home before you get mobbed." I said.


Nick got his luggage then led me out of the airport and into the parking lot. After a few minutes of searching for his Durango, we found it. We quickly got in and drove home, talking the whole way. As I looked Nick over, I found something different about him. Yet I couldn't place my finger on it. Nick had changed quite a bit in more ways than one. I guessed Nick sensed I was looking at him because he looked over at me.

"What?" He asked.

"You seem different...Is everything alright, hun?" I asked, concerned.

Nick placed his hand on my knee and caressed it gently. "We'll talk when we get home, alright, baby?"

"Alright, Nick."

I looked out the window for the rest of the ride home, silently crying to myself. The last thing I wanted now was to break up with Nick. I needed Nick more than anything. I guess that's what happens when you love someone so much. You see, before Nick and I got into a relationship, I was a totally independent person. I guess being with Nick for so long changed me a lot. I don't know I came to be this way...I just changed a lot since Nick walked into my life. I guess I've changed him a lot too. I mean, he's not the immature 20 year old I once knew. Not that that's a bad thing. He still has his immature moments. But I've noticed within the past year, he's definitely matured a lot around me. I guess we both grew up a lot. I don't really know..but I hope that we stay together forever. 'Cuz I can't picture my life without him in it. I really can't.

Chapter 2
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