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Chapter 11

An hour later, Nick and I were at the TV studio. Nick was with Kevin, Howie, AJ, and Brian while I was talking with Leighanne, Kristin, and Amanda. Suddenly, Nick came up to me and kissed me. "Hey guys, mind if I steal April from you?"

"No. Go ahead."

Nick grabbed my hand and led me to a secluded place.

"OK. What's up?"

"Nothing. Can't I be with my wife?" I smiled at Nick and wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled back at me then kissed me. We made out until Brian smacked Nick up side the head. Nick pulled away then rubbed his head. "Yo man, that hurt."

"Sorry, but you weren't listening to me. Wipe the lipstick off your mouth please." I giggled as Nick quickly got rid of the lipstick on his lips. "Time to go." Brian said, walking away.

Nick kissed me once more then left me. I joined Kristin, Amanda, and Leighanne and talked to them until the interview was over. Once done, I smiled as Nick made his way over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and began kissing me deeply.

"Knock it off you too or else get a room." Kevin said.

"We were going anyway." Nick grabbed my hand and quickly led me out of the studio. We walked to Nick's car and got in. We made out for a while before going home

Chapter 12
Chapter 10
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