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Chapter 2

It was now 10:35 at night and Nick and I were home. We were in the kitchen talking to each other. I noticed that Nick had become less talkative and more thoughtful. "Nick, are you alright?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Well, you seem different. Like you've become someone else. You don't act all sentimental and affectionate now. Have you been seeing someone else?" I asked out of curiousity


"Have you been seeing someone else?" I repeated.


"Nick, please don't yell." I asked, quietly.

"Baby, what made you ask that question?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry I asked that."

"No baby, you're obviously worried about something. What is it?"

"I noticed that you have become different. Is something wrong between you and Brian?"

"No." He said, flatly.

Obviously, something had gone wrong between Nick and Brian. I quickly dropped the subject, not wanting to upset Nick more.

"Come, let's go to bed. You look so tired." I said, softly.

Nick looked into my eyes and moved closer to me. His lips brushed against mine in a tender kiss. "Baby, I'm sorry I yelled. And no, nothing is going on with me and Brian. It's just that I've been really stressed out lately. That's all."

I slipped my arm around Nick's waist and gently rubbed his back. "It's alright, baby."

"I love you, April."

"I love you, too, Nick." Nick took my hand and led me up to our bedroom. We had been living together for over 3 months, or, 5 days, it seemed to me. Not that I mind. Whenever Nick is home, we take advantage of that time together. I can still remember the night before Nick left to tour Europe. He took me out to dinner, then afterwards we went for a walk on the beach. After that, we went home then spent the rest of the night in intimacy. Nick is so gentle when we make love. We entered our room and got ready for bed. We crawled into bed then just laid together and kissed each other for a while before falling asleep.

Chapter 3
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