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Chapter 3

A month later, I found myself in tears while standing in the airport.

"Baby, please don't cry. I hate seeing the one I love crying." Nick whispered. That only made me cry harder. Nick was going back to Europe again. "A, please stop crying. I don't wanna leave you either."

"Kiss me, Nick." Nick pressed his lips against mine and kissed me deeply.

"Nick, we have to go." AJ said.

I pushed Nick away slightly. "Go." I said, through my tears

"I'll call you as soon as I get to the hotel. I love you, baby."

"I love you, too, Nick. You better call me. Now get going before the plane takes off without you."

Nick gave me one last kiss before walking away from me. I went over to the window and watched as Nick's plane took off. Once his plane was out of my sight, I turned around and walked out of the airport.

Chapter 4
Chapter 2
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