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Chapter 4

About two months later, I received a set of quite unusual phone calls. "Hello?"

"You better leave Nick while you can."

"Excuse me?" The person hung up.

"What a psycho." I said. The phone rang again. "Hello?"

"I'm no psycho, April. Leave Nick before it's too late."

"Who are you?" I demanded. The dial tone replied. I was a little scared now. What was that all about? Nick would never do anything to hurt me, would he? I was unsure now. Nick always said he would do anything for me...What does he mean by anything? I decided to call his cell phone. I picked up the phone and dialed Nick's cell phone.



"Yeah? What's up A?"

"I just got a phone call saying that I should leave you before it's too late." Just then, the phone went dead. What is going on? I wondered to myself. I was really getting panicky now. I wished Nick was here to protect me. I quickly decided to call up Brent and ask him if I could stay with him until Nick came home.


"Hey Brent, it's April."

"Hey April, what's up?"

"Not too much, you? Listen, can I stay with you until Nick gets back? I have a bad vibe that something's gonna happen to me if I stay here with no protection."


"OK, thanks. I'll be over in an hour or so. Bye!"


I hung up the phone then pulled the phone cord out of the wall. I didn't want any more phone calls. I then went up to my room and started packing my suitcase. Nick wasn't scheduled to be home for another couple weeks so I figured a suitcase would be better than a backpack. A half hour later, I was on my way to Brent's house.

Chapter 5
Chapter 3
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