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Chapter 5

Later that day, I was talking to Nick on the phone about the phone calls "Well, ya know, I did ask you if you wanted to come with me but no."

"Nick, don't you dare pull this on me. Not now. Besides, I didn't know this was gonna happen!!" I hung up the phone then pulled a pillow close to me. Nick could be so stubborn sometimes, but then he can be a total sweetheart afterwards. Before I knew it, my thoughts drifted back to the phone calls. The voice sounded so familiar yet I could not figure out who it belonged to. I tried and tried to think but I could not. And it bothered me immensely. My cell phone rang again and I answered it. It was Nick again.

"Baby, I'm sorry."

I softened at Nick's words. "It's OK."

Nick always knows what to say to make me happy. I love that about him. We spent the rest of the evening talking on the phone. We talked about what we would do if the caller started up again and when he would be home. And that made me forget about the calls.

Chapter 6
Chapter 4
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