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Chapter 6

A few weeks later, I was at Brent's house while he was at the airport, picking Nick up. I would have gone instead, but I was afraid that the caller would be at the airport waiting for me. Dressed in a pair of faded cut offs and a baby blue baby doll tee, I was nervously pacing the kitchen, with Willie and Mikey watching my every move. I stopped pacing when I heard Brent's car pull up in the driveway. I picked Willie up and held him in my arms. I absolutely adored him. Just then, Nick entered the kitchen and kissed me, or at least he tried to. Willie started growling at him.

"Oh Willie, stop it." I said, firmly

Willie looked up at me and whimpered. Nick looked at me, amused that I had that kind of affect on a dog. He leaned forward and kissed me tenderly. "Come on, let's go home." He said.

"Alright. My things are in the car already."

"So are mine."

We said goodbye to Brent then left. We got into my car then drove home. On the way home, Mikey crawled out of Nick's lap and into mine. I smiled then stroked his back. Nick looked at me and placed his hand over mine. Twenty minutes later, we arrived home. I opened the door and ordered Willie and Mikey out. I then got out and helped Nick carry the luggage inside the house. Once we had all the clothes in the laundry room, Nick took my hand and led me up to our room. "I have something for you."

"You do?"

"Yes." Nick let go of my hand then handed me a small gray box. I took it and opened it carefully. Inside, there was a diamond ring.


"April Rae Parker, will you take this ring and become my wife?"

I gasped. "Yes." I whispered. Nick took the ring out of the box and slipped it on to my finger then kissed me deeply. We pulled away slowly then looked at each other.

"I love you." He said. I bent my head then kissed Nick softly. "What are you thinking about?"

Nick chuckled at me. "You, in the shower, with me behind you, your beautiful body pressed against mine."

I looked at Nick then took off his shirt. "I do believe it's bath time."

"Do you?"

"Uh huh." Nick picked me up and carried me into the bathroom. The things we did in there, I'll leave it up to your imagination

Chapter 7
Chapter 5
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