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Chapter 8

I was standing in the backyard of my house talking with my good friends, Wendy Smock, Amanda McGrath, and Linda Jacobsen when I noticed that Nick was acting aloof. "Would you excuse me?" I asked.

"Sure." They replied. I departed from them and went over to Nick.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, slipping my arm around Nick's waist.

"Nothing." He said flatly.

"What is it, Nick? I know something's wrong."

"It's nothing, baby." Nick leaned forward and kissed me. I just resisted. Nick sighed then took my hands in his. "Baby, I'll tell you later. I promise."

"You mean it?"


"Good. Now let's dance." I took Nick's hand and pulled him over to the dance floor. He put his arms around my waist and looked at me. "Tonight, we celebrate in our own special way."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yes. I smiled at Nick then kissed him. We danced for a while then talked with the guests.

Chapter 9
Chapter 6
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