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Chapter 9

Later that evening, after all the guests had gone home, Nick and I were sitting on the bed, making out. I pulled away slowly and looked into his eyes. "Nick, I wanna know now why you were acting aloof today. You promised me."

"Baby, it's nothing."

"Don't say that. Please tell me." I took Nick's hand and squeezed it tightly. I could see in his eyes that he wanted to tell me something, I just couldn't figure out why he was hesitating. "Nick?" I pleaded.

"I can't tell you."

"Why, what's wrong? It's our wedding night. It's supposed to be the happiest day of our lives!" I cried. I got up and went to leave the room but Nick stopped me.

"Baby, come here." He murmured. I went over to Nick and stood in front of him. He looked up at me and pulled me down onto his lap. "Baby, it's nothing. I promise you."

I wasn't convinced but I decided to drop the subject. The chance to tell Nick that I was pregnant flew out the window. Right now, I was uneasy. "Baby, are you upset with me?" I asked.


"I feel like you are." I whispered.

"April, for the last time, I'm not mad at you and nothing's wrong. Now would you drop the subject?"

"I'm sorry, Nick." I turned and ran out of the room and out of the house with Nick calling after me.

"April, wait." He yelled.

It was too late. I had shut the door before he could reach me. I ran down the steps and away from the house. I thought that since Amanda lived closest to me, I would go to her house. So I ran the length there. Twenty minutes later, I found myself standing in front of her door. I knocked lightly then waited. Shortly after, the door opened and there stood Amanda.

"April, what's wrong?" She asked, concerned.

"Nick and I got into a fight and I'm afraid to go home."

"Come inside."

I went inside and closed the door behind me. I then followed Amanda up the stairs and into her room. She closed the door then sat beside me on the bed. "What's wrong?"

"Remember when I asked to be excused from the conversation earlier today?"


"Well, Nick had been acting aloof and I didn't know why. I went over to him and asked him what was wrong. I tried to drag it out of him but I couldn't. I'm afraid to even go near him now that I'm pregnant."

"How long have you known?"

"Two weeks. I'm scared to tell him."

Just then, there was a knock at the door. "April?"

Amanda got up from the bed and went over to the door. She let Nick in the left us alone. Nick came in then shut the door behind him. He came over to me and sat down next to me. I moved away from him a little. "Baby, don't be afraid of me. I heard everything."

"Everything?" I stuttered.

"Yes. Baby, why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared. I didn't want you hurting this baby."

"April, how long have you known me?"

"Four years."

"During that time, have I ever hurt you in any way?"


"Do you honestly think I would?"


"Then why didn't you tell me I'm gonna be a Daddy? It hurts me to know that I wasn't the first to know."

"I'm sorry, Nick." I leaned against Nick then buried my face in his chest.

"Baby, let's go home."

"OK." Nick took my hand then led me out of the bedroom. We said goodbye to Amanda then left. We got into Nick's car then went home, holding hands.

Chapter 10
Chapter 8
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