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Hi. My name is April Rae Parker and I'm 23 years old. Now, you're probably wondering why I'm writing this. Well, I'll tell you. But first, my boyfriend wants to say some things about me so here he is.

Hi, this is Nick Carter, the Backstreet Baby. I'm 22 years old as of right now and I wanna tell you, the reader, about the love of my life, April Rae Parker. I don't know how I ended up with a girl like her. She's so amazing in every way possible. She's 5'9", has more curves than the Pacific Coast, that's no lie. She's got a body of a model. She's also got killer legs that she loves to show off. What else? Oh, her lips. April has an almost pale pink and pouty set of lips. And her nose, oh her nose, in opinion, is her best feature. She says her legs are. She also has straight blond hair that goes past her shoulders and the deepest brown eyes that I've ever looked into. What else can I say about the world's most beautiful girl? Oh yeah, her personality. April has GOT to have the best personality. That's one of the things that drew me to her. She's very practical, affectionate, alluring, independent, understanding, optimistic, athletic, funny, intelligent, very friendly, quite the fashion expert, and very lenient at times. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have her in my life. She's my world and so much more. She knows when I'm upset, when I'm stressed, or just when I need time alone. She knows exactly what to do to calm my nerves. There's no else quite like her and I doubt there ever will be. She's quite unique and I'm glad she's my girlfriend. One of these days, I'm gonna get up the courage to ask her to marry me. Yep, one of these days. Well, I've said my piece, here's April again.

Hi, it's me again! Well, I don't really know if what Nick said about me is all true about my personality. He loves to show me off a lot. Now it's my turn to brag about him. Umm, what can I say about him? There's not a single negative word that describes him. He's so good to me. Always buying me gifts and calling me late at night when he can't sleep. He says I'm his teddy bear. If this is true, then he's my pillow. I just can't say enough about my true love. If I do, I'll never finish. So, I'll stop here. Bye!


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