No Pants Attached

Updated: April 4, 2003

You may have noticed and you may not have noticed... or maybe nobody ever comes here anymore. But either way, I've combined all my humor sites into one and moved them over to their own domain, which I like to call Bed-Head. Check it out if ya like.


This is a humor site!! Your precious Justin can and will be mocked. You may notice some "stars" receiving more of a thrashing than others. But, I'll let those sections speak for themselves. Don't take my words so seriously. I'm joking kids... Why? Because I love. I do not - I repeat - DO NOT - hate the Backstreet Boys. So stop accusing. I love them. They make me smile. They make me giggle. And sometimes... they make me have a special feeling in my pants. If these terms are unexeptable to you, please go here. Otherwise, be cool, be real, and BEHAVE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!... and continue.