Our Favorite JC Pics

Hey all you fanatics! This is the page dedicated to the three pics of JC we love best! If you have any comments, e-mail them at nsyncfanaticpage1@angelfire.com! We took time out of our hectic schedule in the laboratory to find three of the hottest pics of JC we could find! Hope you enjoy! Keep drooling!~Portia These pics will probably change periodically, after all new Hot pics of JC come out every day! Enjoy! ~*Christina*~

Pic #1

Ouch! This is how we like JC..........wet and fiesty! I think this is his zodiac sign taking over!!! This just might be some of the insperation for 'Digital Getdown' ~Portia (If you didn't know, he co-wrote it)~ I love the fact that the wife beater was becoming see through if i do say so myself! ~*Christina*~

Pic #2

This is a pretty good pic considering it's B&W, but any pic with JC is good enough for me! ~LOL~Portia~ The Muscles are very nice! Keep the tank-tops commin'! *Christina*

Pic #2

"Take my hand." I think he's trying to say. I like this one. His hair looks good then and now.~Portia