This would be the 'Frequently Asked Questions' part. This just covers a few things, and you might learn a little.. you never know.

"How can you say you're an *NSYNC fan if you diss them and make fun of them."

What is the criteria for being an *NSYNC fan? That's right- nada. I have liked these guys for over 2 years. I love them, damnit. This is just fun. It may not be clean fun... but it's fun.

"You have too much time on your hands."

Actually, once you learn HTML, it goes REAL fast so even if I don't have a lot of time to go online I can do lotsa neat stuff.

"You are a loser."

And your mom is a street bitch and your dad is a m.p who butt f*cks bums and sidecorner santas. I won't jump on your back if you don't jump on mine. Please see the first question on WHY I do this site maybe? And psssst! I post hatemail! LOL. Who'd be loser??

"That is inappropriate. I want you to take it down."


"Why not."

Because this is my site. If you don't like it, leave. I gave you the PG-13 warning in the DISCLAIMER and asked you nicely to read it. Too bad.

"Can I take this for my site?"

It depends on what it is. If it's pictures or sound- go ahead. Material? No. It's mine. Get your own.

"Can you help me with this?"

I am a nice person... so if you DO have any questions on HTML I wiould be glad to help. I know I would have wanted someone to do it for me. ; )

"Your links/pictures/sounds don't work."

Ummm ok. It might just be your computer. Soooo, press refresh, or try clicking 'show picture'. Otherwise, I don't really want to hear about it.
