Obsessed .... Guilty as charged

Alright alright alright I'll admit it. I have done some weird, (might fall into the 'stupid' catergory) things for *NSYNC. I started like these babes early '98. Since then, I've publicly humiliated myself for them, done school projects involving them, tried to actually BOOK them, the list never ends. But this page, is dedicated to all my fish I've named after them. STOP laughing damnit lol. I decided in '98 I needed some fish-wies. So then came the first ever Lance and Chris Fish. Lance died. Chris died. Then came Lance II and Chris II. Chris died. Chris III came into the picture, then died. So I got this weird looking fish and named him Joey. He killed Lance then died himself.

So, I decided to go a different route and get some expensive fancy goldfish and name them FuMan and Skeeto. They've been living since last summer, it's tight. Yes, FuMan and Skeeto. Here they are...

FuMan and Skeeto

My beautiful little pride and joys. Ok in real life, Skeeto is about the size of my fist. He is HUGE man it's a little scary. But there you have it... my secret fish affair affliated with the members of *NSYNC