. Ode To *NSYNC
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NSYNC Concert-Set Three

Leather jackets and an attitude...they are F-I-N-E!

Whoo hoo CHRIS!

Yay! It's Chris again, giving us a lesson on the meaning of a capella (LOL)!

Ya know he's going to point to the audience next...lmfao!

Aaahhh, it's Chris again! Just because I have three pictures of Chris in a row doesn't mean he's my fave (LOL).

Okay, my friend really, really, really hates his hair...she says he looks like Screech from "Saved by the Bell" now (LOL).

Man that boy gots lotsa passion

Look Joey does have muscles (LOL). Hmmm, I wonder what Juju's looking at?

Hey guys you're pointing the wrong way...I'm over here in the center (LOL).

Oooh it's Lance, he's dreamy (LOL)!

The guys: "Now now girls, behave!" (LOL)

I love watching them perform Bye, Bye Bye...aaahhh!!!

Chris looks so funny trying to be all ghetto li' dat (LOL).

Sailing & Finale

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