. Ode To *NSYNC
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"NSYNC: Out and about on the city streets"

Here are my NSYNC NCounters. Personally, I love reading about other NSYNC NCOUNTERS, so if you have an NCOUNTER you wanna share with my three faithful webviewers (:oP) please e-mail me. Thanks!

"They're out there! We just gotta find them!"

August 20, 1999
Okay. This was a really surreal day for me; one that I will never forget and perhaps never re-live. This was a day of firsts for me. I made plans with my cyberbuddy, Lisa, whom I'd never met before and only chatted with on-line. So this was the first time we were going to meet in person, and I was a little nervous. Anyways, we didn't have tickets to the show, which was at Irivine Meadows in Irvine, California. We decided we'd go to the venue early and try and get tickets that day. I woke up at 5:00 am. so that I could pick her up at about 5:30, then we drove down to the venue to stand in line for tickets, thinking the ticket office opened at 9:00 am. But upon arriving at the venue we found out the ticket office opened at noon. Our first meeting was a little weird since this was my first time ever meeting an on-line friend in person, but it was all in the name of NSYNC, so of course it was worth it! Let me just say from the beginning, she's awesome! SHOUT OUTS AND MUCH LUV GOES OUT TO HER! We listened to NSYNC songs (U Drive Me Crazy) on the way to the venue, minus the NSYNC mobile (personally, I didn't have any NSYNC posters at the time-I was a really new fan, and uhhh, being of an uhmmm, older generation, I had zero teeny magazines). Anyways, we arrived at the venue at around 7:30 am and there was already a line. We stood in line, and there was a rumor going around that the first 50 people in line would get to go backstage and meet the guys (which needless to say was a very cruel, cruel lie). Okay, so Lisa was standing in the line to get into the venue since we would have been one of the first 50 people if the rumor had been true. I was standing in the line for tickets. So to make a very long story short, we waited in the hot blaring sun for many, many hours with very little water and even less food. We only got lawn seats 'cuz that's all they were selling, but we were one of the first in line so we figured we'd get awesome lawn seats (that's an oxymoron if I ever heard one...lmao). Anyways, we got to chat with some other NSYNC fans who told us about their NSYNC NCOUNTERS and saw a bunch of teenies running to several tour buses that passed by.

This was the last two tourbuses that entered the venue, so it was probably them.

There were several rumors saying that the guys were actually coming by helicopter, and with each bus that passed, some girl swore she saw Joey wave to her. Jesse Camp the ex-MTV DJ came out to the front of the venue and signed some autographs and took some pictures.

Jesse Camp with all his adoring fans...oh wait a minute, that's all of NSYNC's adoring fans (hahaha). I wanna know if he really dresses like that when he's not playing "Jesse Camp: MTV DJ?"

At around 5:30 pm everyone started getting ready to go into the venue 'cuz the doors opened at 6:30 pm. I don't care what anyone says, I am the oldest NSYNC fan alive! I swear, I was the oldest, non-parent there and I spoke to a lot of NSYNC fans! So we finally went in, but we had to walk/run to the venue area, which felt like a mile but was probably more like 1/4 mile. Anyways, we got there only to find out we had to wait in another line to go into the actual venue, but at least they had food and drinks. So we waited for another 30 minutes or so, then they finally let us up and of course we were in the lawn area so it is a "free-for-all" and everyone was running like mad to get the good lawn seats (again, talk about a contradiction). We were lucky and we got center seats next to the fence (as close to the stage as possible-which isn't that close). So I was getting a major headache and all I had was water. The crowd was NSane so there was absolutely no chance of getting any food to eat...man, old age sucks! The girls that were sitting next to us had parents' who worked at the venue and they were able to watch the guys rehearse so they were kinda telling us about that, and one of the girls had binoculars so we were trying to look in the back of the stage where we saw Joey and JC eating...hehehe! The opening acts came on, Third Storee, Shanice and Jordan Knight (they were okay, but of course I was waiting since 7:30 am to see NSYNC). Finally, the show started, and it was their Mission Impossible theme. Johnny Wright came on stage and said his thing and the lights went out. I finally saw my first NSYNC Concert...YIPEE! Amazingly, my headache went away as soon as the show started...hahaha...go figure! They had an actual helicopter fly around the venue which they did not have at all the shows (at least not at the San Bernadino show in Devore, which I went to the next night). Their show was AMAZING! Lance sounded sooo good live, and the guys looked awesome! Okay, I mentioned Lance and not the others only because you could actually hear him without having to strain. I usually have to strain to hear him on the CDs because his voice is so low he blends right into the synthesized bass. The show ended at about 11:30 pm and we were all "corraled" outta there like cattle. It took us over an hour to get out of the venue once we reached our car. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, one of the crew told us the guys were staying at the Bel Age Hotel on Sunset. So once we got out of the venue parking lot and onto the freeway we headed straight for Sunset Strip, Bel Age Hotel. We went inside and there were a few people standing outside the hotel that kinda looked like they were part of the NSYNC crew, but we didnt' go up to them. We went to the restroom where we met a couple of girls and they said NSYNC left already and we missed them. So we were like, "Okay, we'll just go get something to eat." As we walked out of the bathroom, Lisa saw JC all the way across the hotel lobby. We were in the back of the hotel and JC was still outside and she was like, "OMG! I think that's JC." Of course in my old age, I didn't see anyone and I was like, "Okay, I'm not going blind am I?" Finally JC walked into the hotel and Lisa started walking up to him really quickly so I tried to keep up with her and she quickly asked JC if he would take a photo with her (btw, that's the big hint...ask the guys personally before the bodyguard can say NO). JC looked so tired when we saw him...poor guy. So I think JC's a sweetie no matter what he does in the future 'cuz that boy looked super tired and he was still nice enough to take pictures. Anyways, I was looking through my bag frantically for my camera (as soon as he said "yes" to the pic, all I could think was "where's my camera?"). I finally took the picture, which stressed me out because the first time I tried taking the picture, my camera wouldn't work so I thought it was broken. Meanwhile, Lisa said something about the show being great and asked if he was sleepy and he said yes...uhmmm, it's JC-duh! LOL j/k! Well, I didn't get a picture with JC (my one regret), but I have the picture I took of JC and Lisa (LOL)!

AAAHHH!!! I took this picture! Okay, so I wasn't standing right next to him, but I was pretty darn close!

So as we walked out of the hotel, Lisa was stunned she met JC (btw, this all happened at around 1:30 am), and I was amazed I saw him in person, like 2 feet away from me! We decided to go get something to eat at Mel's Diner on Sunset. As we were leaving, guess who Lisa spotted at the front waiting to be seated (mind you, we were seated way in the back of the restaurant)...JUSTIN! So we went to the front to pay for the bill and Lisa kinda asked Lonnie if she could take a picture with Justin, and Lonnie said, "Justin doesn't do photos after midnight." I swear he said those exact words. Anyways, Lisa waved to Justin and he smiled and waved back, but we didnt' get a picture. He was with two girls whom I have no idea who they were and someone who I think was Ryan Gosling, but Lisa says it might have been someone else...who knows? They were seated while we were still trying to pay the bill, and as Justin passed us he said, in a really cute voice, "We're goin' to get some food," and he makes this adorable face. So we paid the bill and as we were walking out we noticed they were seated right across from where we were sitting. We thought to ourselves..."Damn! We should have stayed a little longer." By the time we are outside, we noticed Lance was standing by their table talking to them! AAAHHH!!! Where did Lance come from? We didn't see him pass us...hmmm? Okay, so we missed our chance to see Lance up close and personal, but I was amazed I got to see any of them. It was my first time meeting a cyberbuddy in person, seeing an NSYNC concert, meeting JC and Justin...it was a pretty NCREDIBLE night. So we left Mel's at around 3:30 am and I took Lisa home and I went home to sleep. We'd been up for almost 24 hours, and although it was an amazing 24 hours, one I'd never forget...I think it was also one I'd never re-live. Of course, for NSYNC I'd do almost anything, but almost anything twice? Hmmm, I'll have to reconsider that one...LOL!

A day at the beach

December 29, 1999
This is my sorta, half NCounter. NSYNC spent the New Year's in Hawaii for those of you living under a rock for the past couple months. Anyways, a lot of my cyberbuddies are from Hawaii (a very odd coincidence), so we all decided to meet for lunch at Hard Rock Cafe. This was everyone's first time meeting each other. One of my cyberbuddies, JC-Kelly, convinced me to take everyone to NSYNC's hotel after lunch to see if we could meet them. So after lunch we went to their hotel (Hilton Hawaiian Village), and we went to their tower and there was a bunch of bodyguards standing right in front of the lobby entrance. JC-Kelly wanted to go over...I admit, I got cold feet and told them I couldn't do this, but they could do whatever they wanted. Okay, let me just say, I'm hella older than them, and uhmmm, NSYNC themselves would probably "dawg mah ass" for stalking them at their hotel (hehehe). So I went to the restroom with another friend (Em) and they went off looking for the guys. When we got back to the lobby area the rest of the girls were gone and we had no idea where to look. So we started walking to the beach, and guess who was walking to the beach right next to us? STEVE (as in Joey's brother)! He was walking with some other guy. They went to the beach for a little while then walked back to the hotel lobby. It was a little surreal seeing Steve up close in person. We finally met up with the other girls and there was a huge crowd by this wall so we decided to check it out. Everyone was looking at Justin, Lance, Danielle (Topanga from "Boy Meets World"), and Britney (YES, as in Britney Spears) sunbathing on the beach. All I have to say about this whole experience is that it was very, very weird and I would never, never do it again! So we all sort of casually walked onto the sand (btw, we were all wearing jeans and shoes...a little too conspicuous for a day at the beach). There were a lot of people just sitting around in "non-beach going" attire, so it was pretty obvious that they had an audience. Lonnie and another bodyguard were standing around them drinking some tropical "fu-fu" drink with an umbrella in it (LOL). I took a couple of pictures of them on the beach (you can see it under "Miscellaneous Hawaii Photos"). Also, my friend Em got to meet Lance (her fave) and she gave him a gift and took a picture with him. Click on her Lance Experience if you wanna read her story. That's it for this NSYNC NCounter. Now I can imagine what a goldfish feels like...poor NSYNC.

NSYNC in Hawaii

January 1, 2000
What a way to start off the new millennium! This was a pretty amazing day for me. I won a Meet & Greet pass from the Official NSYNC Fan Club (YES! I'm in the club so no comments please). I still couldn't believe I actually got a M&G pass and I was going to meet all five guys from NSYNC. Well, when I was waiting to get into the M&G, I met this girl I was in band with in college and we were both waiting to get into the M&G (okay...I know I make a lot of comments about my age and although I haven't really mentioned my actual age yet...yes, I'm a college graduate). The M&G started really late, apparently the guys were late rehearsing, so we didn't get into the venue until after 6:00pm. So my friend and I were talking about NSYNC and how much we just adore them eventhough we are...uhmmm, 20-something years-old...ahem! :oP Before we went inside, NSYNC's bodyguards told everyone the dos and don'ts of the M&G...no touching, no kissing (damn it!), no flash photography, keep the line moving, etc. So we were kinda in the back of the line, but standing behind us was this local group called "Dis Guyz," rumored to be managed by FreeLance Entertainment, waiting to get into the M&G too. Steve was standing near the entrance and as we got closer to the front, Steve walked over to the guys from "Dis Guyz" and introduced himself and they all started chatting. Of course, I was eaves-dropping...yeah, I'm really "ni'ele" li' dat. I was trying to act all casual, like I didn't really know who he was (my friend didn't know who he was), but I was also trying to listen to what he was saying. They didn't talk very long and he was just telling them about what they did for New Years. After the show they all went to a friend's condo and had a little party. Steve said it was "okay" but he was waiting for midnight so he could wish everyone a Happy New Year and leave. *Yeah, we all know where you wanted to go!* Anyways, he said he had to go and said bye to them. After Steve left, the guys from "Dis Guyz" were talking and they were kinda asking themselves if that was Joey's older or younger brother and one of them said they thought he was Joey's younger brother. So of course, being the NSYNC Encyclopedia that I am (okay, this is a total joke 'cuz I'm usually the last to know anything about NSYNC), I casually told them, "Oh, I think he's Joey's older brother...I think Joey is the youngest." So they knew I was listening in on their conversation...did I care at this point? HELL NO! As we were standing in line to go into the tent area, my friend and I exchanged addys so we could send each other our photos of the M&G (little did I know I was only going to have one photo). We finally got to the front of the tent and Lonnie was standing at the front. He stopped right at me, so I was standing right next to him. He is a very large man. I asked him what the order of the guys were because I made leis for them and I wanted to put them in order so I didn't have to waste my time finding the lei for each guy. Lonnie's response was, "You have to stand in a straight line." Uhmmm, okay, maybe he didn't hear what I asked, or maybe he just misunderstood my question. So I asked him again what the order of the guys were and he finally told me: Justin, Chris, Lance, Joey and JC. So I ordered my leis and waited my turn. As a side not, this is just what I've been told, but I heard they have Justin first because he's the least friendliest and they'll usually just rush the fans right past him, and JC is the last because he's the most friendliest and spends a lot of time talking to the fans (I guess he usually holds up the line...not that I'm complaining). So Lonnie had finally let us in and I was standing in line with my Christmas CD jacket opened to Justin's picture, ready to be signed. I took a picture of the guys before I got up to them (the one M&G photo in "Miscellaneous Hawaii Photos") and there was a flash so the bodyguard at the beginning of the line told me I had to turn my flash off. I told him I couldn't but could I please take pictures anyways (dumb question). He said, not really, but he was really nice about it, so I put my camera away. It was okay cuz I would have been too busy giving them their leis and trying to think of casual conversation. I was finally in front of Justin and I gave him my CD jacket to sign, and I gave him his lei (it was a candy lei with sprees, runts, caramello, etc. with baby blue ribbon). After I put it on him, he said, "It's heavy." I told him, "Yeah, you can take it off if you want to." So he took the lei off. I didn't really care...I heard that he didn't let this one girl put her lei on him, so now I think he was really sweet to let me put my lei on him. I gave Chris his lei (which had a bunch of stuff including a little book of jokes). I asked Chris how his New Years was and he said "Great!" AAAHHH!!! Chris spoke to me! hehehe! Anyways, I said something like, that's great...I'm such a CB! I was about to give Lance his lei (which was made of teeny beanies) and Joey saw the lei and said "Beanie Babies," then Lance saw the lei and he yelled, "BEANIE BABIES!" He was so cute! Anyways, right at that moment the bodyguard asked me if the poster Lance was about to sign was mine and I said no. There went my three seconds of "Lance-time." So, I didn't really get to talk to Lance, but he was so cute looking at the beanie babie lei I made for him. Some lady in the back of them asked me if I made the leis myself and I told her I did. Joey was next in line and I gave him his lei (which had a bunch of stuff including a Superman antenna ball, packet of jell-o, twinkies, and some other stuff). Then I gave JC his lei (which had a bunch of stuff including a little book of Shakespearean sonnets, a Hawaiian tape of IZ (a local artist) and some other stuff). I kinda hung out at the end with Joey and JC since the line was backed up. I thanked Joey and JC for coming to Hawaii to perform for the New Years and they both said, at the same time, "Thank you for coming to the show!" Awww, they're so sweet! Anyways, the line started moving again, so I said bye and left the tent. I waited outside for my new "best friend" and we walked out of the venue together. OMG! I still can't believe I met them, and they were really sweet...at least for the 5 seconds I got to talk to them. So that was my NSYNC NCOUNTER and it was pretty amazing. The show that night was NCredible. It was their last show for their "Ain't No Stoppin' Us" tour and they pulled out all the stops. They were having a great time on stage with their family and crew and it was a really fun show to watch. I also got Chris' yellow guitar pick that says "NSYNC" on it from "That Thing You Do." Chris usually throws out his guitar pick at the end of the set, and it hit me right on my leg...it left a bruise (OUCH)! No complaints here! You can see my autographed Christmas CD photos here. I can't wait for their new tour and maybe I'll get to meet them again!

Grammy Night out with the guys

February 23, 2000
OH-MAH-GOODNESS!!! NSYNC…Grammy night…Hot Lance…Whoo hoo!!! I told y’all I was hoping for an NCounter at the Grammys…well that didn’t exactly happen…but I did get an NCounter that was even better! So here’s my story and yes, it’s gonna be long! :oP So my friend, Lisa, and I decided we’d head down to the Staples Center early Wednesday morning for good seats…since these events tend to have bleachers available for public viewing. I woke up at around 4:50 am(50 minutes after my alarm went off) with just over 3 hours of sleep. I got dressed in a hurry and picked up Lisa. We got to the Staples Center around 6:00 am and every frickin’ parking lot was closed or only letting Staples employees park. Anyways, I finally got some parking. They had bleachers set up and there were already people waiting on the bleachers. We were both in the first row of the bleachers. We were sooo close to the red carpet it would have been damn near impossible not to get a good look at the guys passing by. Notice how I said, “it would have been.” YUPS! We didn’t get to see them. We were waiting in the very cold, wet rain for about 3 hours before some guy came up to all of us and said the bleachers were reserved for VIP, and we weren’t allowed to stay. Awww man! Okay, to be honest…I was a little glad because it was sooo cold and I was soaked, I really wasn’t sure if I’d make it to 3:00 pm for the red carpet arrivals. It was miserable…if you read my Irvine experience…that was a day at the beach compared to the 3 hours I spent waiting in the cold rain that morning. So we left and decided to go to Mel’s Diner on Sunset for breakfast. Ya know…just in case a certain five guys wanted to get some breakfast before heading to the Staples Center. Needless to say, we didn’t see them there. After Mel’s we went back to Lisa’s place and hung out for a while…watched TRL (which was filmed the night before). We were sooo pissed that we weren’t there at that “secret location” for the photo shoot! The guys were hilarious on TRL…and what was up with Carson? Dissin’ Gloria like that…and JC was sooo cute…”I love you…Gloria.” So after TRL, I was gonna go to school, but didn’t and went back home to get some ZZZs before we went out again that night. So I actually got a couple of hours of sleep before I picked up Lisa again. This next part has nothing to do with NSYNC, but I thought I’d put it in anyways ‘cuz I’m so long-winded like dat. I got up at about 7:00 pm and I was planning to pick up Lisa at 8:30 pm so we could go to the Cat Club (a club on Sunset where Tony Lucca among others were scheduled to perform). I was all ready to leave, and I went outside my bedroom and my kitchen sink was overflowing! Water was everywhere! I ran upstairs to tell everyone else to please stop using the water, called maintenance, etc, etc. It was a domestic disaster. I thought I was going to be late picking up Lisa, but I got everything under control and I picked Lisa up on time. So we got to the Cat Club and there was a line outside. Okay, I know I don’t get out much, but Sunset Strip has got the scariest weirdos I’ve ever had the mischance of meeting. The club was 21 and over and the security was pretty strict, and let’s just say one of us didn’t have an ID but was gonna see if they’d let us in anyways. The show was scheduled to start at 10:00 pm and they didn’t start letting people in until a little after 10:00. When we were standing in line some girl said that JC had just gone in…dayum…we missed him…but that was okay ‘cuz we knew he was there! The first celebrity Lisa and I did see though…too funny…was the guy who played Mickey on the MTV movie “2GE+THER.” hehehe! It was pretty funny. So we were finally up front and Lisa did her thing, but they were pretty strict. We almost got in…I mean, the bouncer up front was sooo gonna let us in, but this other lady with the guest list (she must be the manager) was too strict and said no ID, no entry. I’m actually glad we didn’t get in…we prolly wouldn’t have seen the people we did see otherwise. So we went off to the side and there were people standing around the front of the club…and we basically hung outside the club the whole night…but lemme tell you…it was hella worth it! Lisa and I were kinda standing off to the side and away from the entrance to the club. We saw Joey walking up the street towards us with three girls and NO bodyguard. Lisa was like, “I think that’s Joey.” So I was like, “OMG!” This kinda went back and forth…Lisa saying, “It’s Joey” and me saying, “OMG!” Anyways, as soon as he gets close to us I looked away. I know...I’m such a chicken…it was pretty weird. Lisa just looked at him and smiled and Joey smiled back. Lisa had a gift for him and she totally forgot about it…but we were going to have our chance again…I mean, he had to come out sometime right? hahaha! So we were still hanging out and a whole bunch of other celebrities arrived…many I vaguely recognized and didn’t know their names. The whole time we were waiting for Justin to walk up the street so we had our eyes open for him ‘cuz we knew as soon as the crowd saw him they were going to charge. So we were hoping to get to him before the crowd noticed he was there. We’d heard that he called the club asking for directions and that he was on his way. I’ll just tell you now…he never showed up. Rumors were saying that he got sick on his way over. I don’t know what that means but my guess would be that he had a little too much to drink at the BMG afterparty (LOL). Some time later Lisa said, “OMG, I think that’s Lance with Beverly Mitchell.” He was walking up the street towards us again with some female walking a little ways behind him and NO bodyguard. It wasn’t Beverly…it was Diane (his mom-LOL). He looked sooo HOT! So Lisa and I walked up to him really quickly and asked if he’d take a picture with us…of course he said yes. So Lisa and I both got individual photos of us with Lance. All I have to say is that Lance is hella HOTT! When I took the picture with him he had his arm around my waist and I had mine around his…but I guess ‘cuz I’m kinda tall it felt awkward so I moved my hand and put it around his shoulder…he was sooo sweet! So we both thanked him and he walked to the door where more fans asked for photos. Anyways, after that we noticed that not only was Lance’s mom there but so was Justin’s. They all finally got into the club and we were talking to this other girl who was there to see Ryan Gosling (MMC). He performed at the Cat Club the week before and they said the only people there to see him was his mom, Justin’s mom, Lynn, and them. Wasn’t that so sweet of Justin’s mom to go support Ryan at his performance? Anyways, I still couldn’t believe I had just touched Lance and took a photo with him. HE WAS SOOO SEXAY! So we were both so excited with our Lance NCounter…I couldn’t help but gush about how good he looked. A little while later Joey came out of the club with the three girls (he was holding hands with one of them) and fans mobbed him, but before he left, we were both able to get pix with him. Lisa gave him his gift and told him that she had a gift for JC in there too. Taking the picture was a little chaotic. I had Lisa’s camera and I took the picture of him and Lisa, and Lisa had mine, but Mike (I think that’s his name), the bodyguard grabbed my camera out of Lisa’s hand and was going to take a picture of Lisa and Joey. So Lisa was trying to tell him that it was my camera so I just slid between Lisa and Joey before he could take the picture. Mike is my favorite bodyguard…I love Mike! He was the same bodyguard that was with JC at the Bel Age Hotel. I thanked Joey for the picture. Mike gave me back my camera and Joey left with the three girls. Okay, so now we saw Lance and Joey-we kinda felt obligated to wait for JC…oh alright…I wanted to wait for JC to come out. Which he finally did a little after 1:00 am. I dunno what happened in there but he looked kinda upset. As soon as I saw him come out I told Lisa, “There’s JC.” Then I saw him walking really quickly with his head down shaking his head…and Lisa said that as he passed her he was mumbling to himself, “I’m sorry but I’m just so tired.” Awww, poor JC! That boy needs to get more sleep! For the record…he was with Bobbi. Some girl that was taking photos with every celebrity there that night followed JC down the street a little and as she was walking back up she said, “Aww, he’s so mean.” Eventhough JC didn’t take pix with anyone that night, HE IS NOT MEAN! He was so sweet the first time Lisa and I saw him. He will always remain a sweetie! We waited a little while ‘cuz now all the celebrities were coming out. Finally Lance came out and he was talking with a bunch of people standing outside the club (I think they were other celebrities). He was sooo sweet and looking sooo sexy! Finally he left with his mom and Lynn. So that is the end of my NSYNC NCounter, but other things happened and there were other celebrities there. I mean, it was Grammy night on Sunset Strip…it was pretty crazy.

We also saw, Sean Patrick Flannery (“Powder”), Alfonso from “Fresh Prince of Bel Air” (Carlton), Jack from “Zoe, Duncan, Jack and Jane.” There were several people from the cast of “Popular” including Bryce (I think that’s his real name), and the two lead girls (the brunette and the blonde). Sorry, I don’t know their names (I don’t really watch Popular). The girl who played the foreign exchange student from American Pie was there. That guy from “American Pie” who had the girlfriend that wouldn’t sleep with him…don’t know his name either was there too. Ruthie from “Real World Hawaii” and a couple other guys from other “Real World” shows were there…I don’t really watch RW either. Some little guy I don’t know but a lot of people kept asking for his picture was hanging outside the club a really long time. Nick Stahl was there (boy from “Man Without a Face” and uhmm, he’s not a little boy anymore). There were also a bunch of people from MMC I didn’t know. There were probably more I just don’t remember or I didn’t know who they were. It was pretty "surreal…nice but surreal" (LOL). Oh yeah, I might as well mention Tony Lucca. Okay, I was never into MMC (but it was prolly ‘cuz I was already in college when that show was airing…LMAO). He was outside smoking and talking to a friend. Lisa went up to him and asked for a photo…so I took their picture. I didn’t ask for one…I didn’t want to bother him, but I wonder if they feel bad when you don’t ask for a photo or if they are glad you don’t ask for a photo. I felt bad asking for one since I didn’t really know who he was and I only saw him on the recent MMC marathon. Lisa told him that she saw him perform at LMU and asked when he would be returning. He said he wasn’t sure but he’d love to go back. He’s pretty cute. So that’s about it…we went back to our car and I took Lisa home. So you wanna see my pix? I know ya do! Click here

Okay, so that's it for my NSYNC NCOUNTERS, but ya know I'm always trying to add more stories.

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