. Ode To *NSYNC

And the Award Goes To...

WHOO HOO! See through shirt! And they're all looking at the same camera...amazing! hahaha.

1998 Billboard Music Awards: I know a lot of peeps teased Justin about looking like KD Lang but I liked his threads...Joey and Chris on the other hand...ugh! I'm kinda ambivalent about Chris' cap...I don't really like it, but it's covering his braids (which I don't really like either).

1999 American Music Awards: Expecting much rain boys? LOL But they look good.

1999 Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards: This is such a cute pic of them! I think they're hiding from me.

1999 Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards: They're all looking good...as usual!

1999 Blockbuster Movie and Music Awards: This was the first Award show I saw post-NSYNC. They all look good but I don't like Lance's coat.

1999 Teen Choice Awards: "Everybody's going surfin..." I don't know what to think of Chris' outfit...I like it, but it seems a little too casual.

I think this was from the Country Music Awards 1999: They look great in suits...very professional!

1999 MTV Video Music Awards: I don't really like Lance's outfit (especially the glasses), dunt like Joey's red hair, dunt like Chris' jacket...other than that, they all look supa hot! hahaha!

1999 Billboard Music Awards: Man I wish I was in Vegas for this awards show! I really hate their outfits though...I like NSYNC in black leather, but what's up with the reflecting strips? I guess they want to make sure they are seen when they go out at night.

2000 American Music Awards: Wow! They're all looking at the camera again. Their outfits are okay...dunt like Justin's glasses though. But no matter what they wear, they're hot!

Whoo hoo Grammy Night! I didn't really like Lance's jacket, but it's okay 'cuz he was lookin' hella hot that night (hehehe). I liked Chris' outfit and of course JC and Justin are just GQ hot in those suits. Uhmmm, Joey looks like he's wrapped in foil (LOL)...but again...it's NSYNC, so it's all good...especially on Grammy Night!

Billboards in December baby! I'm there...Vegas Baby Vegas!

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