. Ode To *NSYNC

My FAVE chriS Stuff


Born October 17, 1971 in Clarion, Pennsylvania

Where do I start with Chris? He is hella funny! Hilarious! I wasn't very fond of his braids but his personality and wise-crack remarks more than made up for those...ugh...braids. Okay, I admit it...I am one of those fans who is glad...no ecstatic that he cut those braids off! I'm glad he decided to be different and cut his hair normal (LOL)! The first thing I remember about Chris was from a chat transcript I read. The question being asked was, "Are you a virgin?" and his response (which I soon learned was a classic "Chris" response) was, "NO! I'm 27." OMFG! Hilarious! Classic Chris! Ever since then Chris has occupied that special place...my funny bone! :oP My friends tease me that Chris is my "FAVE" because...and yes I'm finally admiting this...he's the only member of the group that is older than myself. YES! I'm that old! I am loving the photo of him above with his new do (hairdo) and the red shirt looks great on him! Scroll down for more of my fave chriS photos...ya know you wanna!

Isn't he the cutest? LOL! Okay so maybe not the cutest but he sure looks cute in this photo. And it's the photo for my birthday month!

I really like the early pix of Chris (pre-braid)...LOL..big surprise. He looks sweet in this pic, but I dunno what he's thinking with those huge glasses he's always got on his head...hahaha!

He looks super cute in this photo. I love the shape of his eyes.

I absolutely LOVE-LOVE this pic of him! Can you tell how much I adore this pic? Post-braids, FumanSkeeto t-shirt (which I want by the way!), and he's looking so HOTT! My fave Chris photo by far!

I love Chris with his glasses on! He definitely looks sexay! I dunno why he doesn't want people to know he's smart...genius becomes him!

Those eyes! AMAZING!

How cute is he? I like his early pix...nice hair, nice eyes, nice smile...nice...oh wait, you can't see that in the pic (lmao)! j/k!

He looks gooood in black leather! I like this pic of him too (duh! That's why I chose it). I think he's got sexy eyes...and I like his nose...LOL!

This is my favorite Chris pic during his "braid phase" LOL! Like I said, I love him in his glasses! SEXAY!

The eyes again! The serious look is very sexy on Chris.

"Serious Chris" with those piercing eyes!

Awww, now that is sweet! Don't we all wish we had an older brother like Chris? He looks so adorable with Taylor!

Pre-braid Chris lookin' HOT. I really like his hair like that...it's kinda that skater look.

Oh-mah-goodness! This is my new favorite Chris pic...he looks hella hot! I can't even begin to express how glad I am that he cut off those braids! Whoo hoo!

Too bad I can't put his personality up on the web for you all to see. Well, like Carson Daly said, "Getting a straight answer out of Chris is damn near impossible." But that's what we love about him!

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