. Ode To *NSYNC

My FAVE joeY Stuff


Born January 28, 1977 in Brooklyn, New York

Joey...Joey...Joey. What can I say about him that hasn't already been said? So we all know he's a "playa" and probably the worst at everything imaginable...LOL! Poor Joey! But we still love him...right? I guess it's that charisma. I must admit...of the five...he's my least favorite. Okay, I am saying it for the record right now...They are ALL my FAVES (but Joey a little bit less). Sorry Joey fans out there...but he's such a pimp daddy 'ho! How can anyone respect that? But I gotta give him credit for being such a good sport, so I will overlook some of his vices (Where do I begin? Heck! I'm not even going to go there). So what if he's contracted every STD imaginable and impregnated over half the NSYNC following? He is always cheerful... he's all about having fun...and to be serious now (I know that's hard for some of you to believe)...he is the glue that holds NSYNC together. And I respect him for that. Now, for the photo above...what the hell was he thinking? Or for that matter, what the hell was his wardrobe person thinking? I guess you can see I don't like that photo...he looks like "The Riddler" with that red hair and green shirt. Hey Joey! I thought your idol was superman...LOL! Ya know I can't leave without saying a Joey-ism...so I hopefully hope you like the photos I've chosen to put on my site...I think they're Phat. Scroll down for my FAVE joeY photos (they were few and far between...hahaha)...he ain't gonna bite you, he just wants your twinkie!

It's Joey the film-maker. He has a cute smile in this pic and I kinda like his hair like that.

He looks sweet...he really does have a cute smile.

This is one of my favorite Joey pix...I think he actually looks cute in this one. Could be 'cuz he was so young too LOL.

Facial hair definitely becomes Joey. His eyes really stand out in this photo.

Only Joey can make facial hair look cute...LOL. He looks pretty sexy in this one. And although his hair is kinda long...I think it works for him (unlike another un-named member...LOL).

He kinda looks like someone is taking him off to jail in handcuffs...LOL...I guess he's practicing for when they file that statutory rape case...I'm j/k!

This is my favorite Joey pic...he's got the facial hair going for him, the sweet smile and the touseled, NATURAL colored hair...work it baby!

Joey's got "deep thoughts." He looks very sexy.

Uhmmm, okay...not one of my favorite Joey pic, but it was for the NSYNC tongues thing I was going to do. I wonder if anything has ever accidentally fallen on their tongue 'cuz they stick it out so often LOL!

Joey at his best...working the audience! He looks so sweet with that little girl...so why does he always bring up skanks and 'hos on stage when they sing "For the Girl?"

This is a nice photo of Joey in yellow. His teeth are very white...at least we all know he has good dental hygiene if nothing else.

Whoo hoo! Joey and JC are looking HOT! Hmmm, maybe JC should dye his hair blue and him and Joey can be "Fire and Ice."

Joey looks pretty darn sexy in this pic...and I actually like his magenta tips.

So what have we learned? Au naturel is better than fire engine red, if in doubt go with facial hair, and finally, smile!

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