. Ode To *NSYNC

My FAVE justiN Stuff


Born January 31, 1981 (EEEKKK!!!) in Memphis, Tennessee

If you've been reading the rest of my site then y'all should know I'm...uhmmm, well, let's just say a wee-bit older than Mr. Timberlake (ahem!). What the heck! Who am I trying to kid? I'm hella older than that boy and it just ain't fair! Criminal I tell ya! hehehe! Can we say "jailbait?" Okay, I know, life ain't fair but that's just the way it is. I know and I understand, but I refuse to accept it! Where was I? Oh yeah, back to Justin..."God Must Have Spent a Little More Time" on Justin 'cuz that boy is HOTT, HOTT, HOTT! This page has all my favorite Justin photos I've seen while perusing the web and I must say, it was so hard to choose! He looks good in almost every photo and even if he doesn't look "drop dead gorgeous" in it, he still looks mighty fine! Let's take the new Teen People photo above...OMG! I never knew orange turtlenecks could look so sexay! And I think I am in agreement with most people when I say that his "crunk" jTr chain is...uhmmm...very large and very shiny, but it needs to go! So maybe he's tempermental, and egocentric, and maybe even a bit rude...he's an artist...get over it! I did! With eyes and lips like those he can be an "ass" every once in a while and get away with it! Uhmmm, thanks to Juju I can no longer look at the color baby blue the same way. He has permanently ruined that color for me...every time I see that color I will forever think of him (I guess that could be a good thing...LOL). I know he's gotten a lot of flack about his hair and I must agree with most on this one...he should cut it, but it's Justin, so big 'fro or not, he's hella cute and that's all I have to say! Oh wait, no it isn't...hehehe...here are my fave Justin photos in no particular order and what I have to say about each photo. Scroll down...I dare you!

This is my all time favorite Justin photo! This was the first photo of Justin I saw and said to myself..."Goddamn that boy is HOTT!" Although some of my friends think he looks a little too perfect in this pic...those eyes and those lips...AAAHHH!!! Perfection!

Awww Baby Justin...how cute!

Happy Birthday to Justin! Happy Birthday to Justin! Happy Birthday Dear Justin! Happy Birthday to Justin!

OMG! Criminal I tell ya! How come I don't remember them lookin' that good when I was his age? hahaha!

My new favorite fashion statement...white wifebeater on Justin...hahaha!

I think I need some of that water 'cuz I'm burning up! hehehe! Whew...is he HOT or is it just me? LOL.

Are you noticing the trend? Justin in a wifebeater=SEXAY! MMM HMMM!

I think he looks really sweet here.

Uhmmm, I think he looks really sweet here too...LOL!

Sweet again! What can I say? That boy is pure sugar! :oP

CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! Those eyes! Those lips!

Again with the eyes!

I love him in his baby blue glasses. Did you see 'N the Mix? HOTTAY!

I think he kinda looks like Reese Witherspoon in this pic...hahaha! If their baby (Ryan & Reese) looks like Justin...lucky baby!

H-O-T-T! HOTT! That boy cannot look bad even if he tried!

OMG! I think it is illegal to look this hot, and if it's not, it should be! Dayum he's so sexy!

This is a pretty recent photo of him and even with that hair he still looks awesome! The boy can do no wrong! And I like his t-shirt.


"I want YOU!" Look it's "Uncle Justin" hehehe! He can recruit me for anything!

Awww Justin...why the pouting face? Guess he didn't get his way this time...LOL.

What lovely tongues you have...hahaha!

I adore this photo...there's just something very spiritual about it. He's almost, dare I say it?
Wasn't there an angel named Justin? LOL.

Apollo reincarnated!

Dayum it! It's not fair I tell ya! Justin's such a hottie and he's only 19!

I hope you enjoyed looking at them as much as I did! :oP

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