. Ode To *NSYNC

My FAVE lansteN Stuff


Born May 4, 1979 (Another young'un) in Laurel, Mississippi

Let me first say...I know his name is LANCE and not lansteN! I called him that for the NSYNC effect. So please don't email me telling me his name is really Lance and not Lansten...I KNOW! Lance is probably the sweetest of the bunch! And that voice! Sultry, Seductive and ohhh sooo SEXY! Well Chris was right about one thing, "Lance has a sexy voice..." I have absolutely nothing bad to say about Lance! He is a sweetheart, and I hope someday to meet him in a Vegas casino where he will teach me how to play craps while drinking "Jack & Coke." Major props to the gals from "Babes in Boyland." :oP I don't really care if he looks slightly feminine...he's still a major HOTTIE...plucked eyebrows and all! hahaha! I personally think his turning point was the MOMH video...I love that fitted gray shirt...whooo! He wins my "Most Improved Looking" award...he knows how to age gracefully-hahaha! But honestly, I think we all have to agree that he looks so much better now than he did four years ago. And, OMG...he looks like a great kisser! Did you see his "Billboard kiss" he gave to Kathy Griffin, or those very long kissing scenes with Beverly Mitchell (lucky girl)? Okay, I know I must be breaking at least a dozen laws thinking that, but what I wouldn't give for kiss from Lance...HOTTAY! He looks great in the Teen People photo above, but that's prolly because he's from Mississippi! hehehe! Scroll down to see the rest of my FAVE lansteN photos...I know the anticipation is killing you!

ADORABLE! He looks so warm and cozy...doncha wanna just snuggle up with him?

::Sigh:: Sooo sexay!

It's kinda funny what people notice first...me, I saw this pic and said, "Whoa...those eyes." My mom saw this pic and goes, "Whoa...he needs to clean under his fingernails!" lmfao! Total truth!

What a cutie! He kinda has that look from the first photo. He's sooo pretty! Uhmmm, and I mean that in the most testosterone-driven way! hahaha!

I dunno why I like this photo...I guess it reminds me of home. Lance looks really good with a little tan.

His eyes are incredible.

Hmmm, I was looking at this photo of him again and I dunno why I picked it. He looks cute holding that lolipop...LOL!

Okay, I know every "teeny" Lance fan out there hates this photo, but I really like it. It's definitely "a moment" pic and I think they look sooo cute together.

He looks sweet in this photo...kinda like a Mississippi bumpkin.

It's the fitted gray shirt...AAAHHH!!! HOTT!

I really like this photo of him...I think it's because he looks like he was laying on the beach all day. A little tan definitely looks good on him! Or it could be those eyes!

Enough with the eyes...it could make a girl NSane. What was that song? "I get lost...in your eyes..." hahaha! Okay, I'm dating myself-I'll stop.

Awww how cute! It's Lance in his "Dukes of Hazzard" pajamas...hehehe! How could Santa say no to a face like that?

"Pineapple Lance," I'm j/k Em! He looks great in yellow...I dunno why they didn't have him in yellow for the cover of Teen People. I'm leaving my calendar on January for the rest of the year just so I can see this pic every day! hahaha!

Shhh! Lance is sleeping. How cute is that?

I'm going to go pluck my eyebrows now! lmfao!

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