. Ode To *NSYNC
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This review is going to include footage of the guys during TRL as well as the NSYNC@mtv thing…if you missed it, you really missed out! They were awesome…so cute, so funny, so talented! So here’s my review.

I’m so glad MTV did @mtv with NSYNC! I LOVE MTV! They showed the guys on the computer during the chat before @mtv. I didn’t go in the chat, but I heard it was “Teeny Hell.” During TRL they first showed JC and Lance talking to Dave about going on-line. Apparently the guys go on-line a lot to check e-mail but usually go into the chatrooms when they’re home (at least JC anyways). Hmmm, okay everyone…go into the chatrooms when the guys are suppose to be at home ‘cuz that’s when they go in there. Lance said he has his own fan chatroom because no one ever believes he is really himself. Well, I feel for Lance. I mean, if I ever met someone on-line that said they were one of the guys, I’d be nice to that person, but if I was honest with myself, I really wouldn’t think it was one of the guys. I mean, what are the chances that you would really be on-line with one of the guys from NSYNC? Anyways, I just have one thing to say about Lance. He needs to enunciate his words! Lmao! Seriously though, I have the darndest time understanding what he says. I guess it’s that low voice…the frequency is too low for my poor, old ears to hear. LOL! Or it could be the fact that he MUMBLES! I know I can’t be the only person out there who has the hardest time understanding Lance. In fact, I have my own personal Lance interpreter now…hahaha! I do! Hmmm, does anyone know where this Lance fan chatroom is? I’m a fan and I dunno where it is…Lance you didn’t tell me! LOL!

They also showed the guys looking at the TRL Class of 2000 poster. The guys were funny telling MTV to put the photo back up. They showed the guys looking into the TV with them still on the TV and JC said something like, "Oh infinity." Lance said it was during the end of the shoot so they were all getting a little crazy by then. And Justin said something like, "I wonder if Tyrese can really play the guitar" (Tyrese was holding a guitar in the photo). Lance was like, I’m going to buy me a poster right now. Hmmm, that reminds me, I have to go mtv.com and get me one of those posters…I wonder what pose they finally decided to use?

After the premiere of “The Thong Song” they showed the guys again and Joey was too funny saying, “I don’t care what anyone says, I’m voting for the thong song.” Hahaha! Big surprise Joey! Then Chris said he wanted to introduce their video and Carson was like, "Okay, I don’t care it’s your video." Then Chris was like, "Nevermind." Then Justin started announcing their video, and Chris cut in and finished announcing the video. It was kinda funny. Justin said, “I thought you didn’t want to introduce the video.” And Chris said, “I changed my mind…I got up some courage.” And Justin chuckled and shook his head and gave Chris the funniest look. It was cute. Carson told them if they were on the countdown for 3 more days they would break their own record for most consecutive days (26 for “IDMC”). I heard BSB was #1 on Monday so now “BBB” has tied “IDMC” for #1. Oh well, at least it’s two NSYNC videos! But “BBB” is such an awesome video.

So the NSYNC@mtv started right after TRL and the guys did “roll call” and it was on the jumbo-tron. At the end of the show MTV gave away Justin’s silver glitter suit from the Rollingstone photoshoot. Carson asked them about the shoot and Chris said, “The suit rubbed my nipples raw.” OMG! Chris was too funny! Freakin’ hilarious! And Carson was like, “I knew I’d get a good response out of one of you.” And JC was so cute when he said, “Ya know, sometimes you just don’t wanna know.” Hehehe! Too cute! They took questions from the audience and Justin looked absolutely adorable saying, “Watchu wanna know?”

They also showed some home video footage of the guys. You can see more home video clips at mtv.com. Lance’s stupid knock, knock joke was dorky. They showed the guys singing “Livin’ la vida loca” and Lance was too funny doing that skirt shaking thing…hahaha! He had it up by his chest so it looked super funny! What a dork! They also showed the crowd singing JC “Happy Birthday” at the softball game, and at the very end you hear JC say “23.” I guess the person asked him how old he was. Dang! Even JC is younger than me. They also showed the guys rehearsing “This I Promise You.” I love-love that song! When I see JC perform it, he literally makes me teary-eyed. But I think in general, Justin sounds better on that song. They also showed Justin playing the piano. What was that song he was playing? LOL! It must be some new avant-garde piece. They showed Chris modeling, which was hilarious and finally they showed the guys singing…they were so cute! I wish they would show more home video clips. Actually, they should show home video clips during their concert. Like, instead of showing the video or clips of fans, they should show clips of the guys…hahaha! That’s my creative contribution for their next tour.

The guys performed “This I Promise You,” which had the most votes. They sounded sooo good too! It was like an unplugged-esque version. They only had the piano and guitar and the guys singing…it was awesome! JC was sooo passionate. Man, he makes me all teary when I watch him sing that song! They are gonna flood the venue when they sing that song on tour! Bring your umbrella!

They gave away the suit. Dave was like, whatever you do I would advise you not to put it on…damn, and I was gonna wear it to bed! Lmfao! But seriously, what do you do with something like that? It’s kinda cool to say you won it, but I’d rather have 10 minutes with the guys than some silver glitter suit Justin wore for a photoshoot. Carson was funny when he said it’s time to give away that hideous suit, and Justin was like, "Watch it," and Carson was like, "You have to admit it’s a bit out-of-control," then Justin said, “I just wore it for the photoshoot and that’s all.” We know you secretly wore it in your hotel room. Hahaha!

The second song they sang was “I Thought She Knew.” It was sung a capella and they sounded really good. Much better than the demo version I’ve heard before. I love when they sing a capella ‘cuz you can hear all of them…even Lance! Highlight of the performance…JOEY’S SOLO! Man that boy can sing! I think we all forgot how well Joey can sing…he definitely needs more solos! And at the end on the last note, you can tell they harmonize so well because if you really listen you can hear chord vibrate. It rings and it has so much power behind it…I love it!

The guys were so sweet, they also sang “I Drive Myself Crazy” for the audience. That’s just like them…going beyond what is expected and giving their fans a little extra! They sounded really good singing that too. Only criticism is that MTV could have waited the extra minute to let them finish their song before cutting them off. After Justin’s solo they did this harmonizing thing that sounded amazing! Like gravy! Hahaha. I dunt really get that saying but whatever. So that’s my review and I really wish I was in NYC!

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